Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 3752: lost heavily

Boom boom boom!

It was deafening, like a loud rumbling sound that would destroy the world.

Has completely exploded!

That powerful energy fluctuation.

Even at an altitude of one hundred thousand meters.

Still let the entire boundless mountain range vibrate violently.

That strong vibration.

Even the mountains began to crack.

All the soldiers could not stand their own footsteps.

Even the barriers condensed by the many martial arts and martial sages present were cracked.


It was only a moment.

The enchantment burst instantly.

Everyone was shaken out.


The enchantment still resisted the jade nuclear bomb, the most violent energy at the beginning.

Even so!

In the sky.

The aftermath of the explosion of the jade nuclear bomb.

Like a meteor in the sky.

The energy clusters turned into roads, like a downpour, blasting on the boundless mountain range.

at this moment.

Dense explosion sound.

Sounded from every corner of the boundless mountain range.

More than a million soldiers died for it.

As a mushroom cloud spread out in the sky.

Everyone was shocked before it was too late.

Lin Yun's figure has appeared in everyone's eyes.


Lin Yun's form is different from just now.

Its upper body is on the skeleton body.

In addition to the blue and white flames and lightning, it was also accompanied by a large amount of black gas.

On the bones, dense, mysterious black runes also appeared.

Two black horns grew on the skull!

This is based on the sixth form of Demon God's Core Crystal.

The "Sura Form" was opened again.

In this form, the defensive power of the upper body skeleton body will become more powerful.

"Too bad!"

"A jade nuclear bomb can't destroy his ghost thing!"

"What energy structure is this made of?"

Everyone in the Devil Bureau looked at each other.

Although they knew that Lin Yun's defensive power was very strong.

But it can be physically.

Forcibly carried down a "Jade Nuclear Bomb" of the Sovereign Demon Slayer.

And being hit from the front is really enchanting.

The expression of the Lord of Demon Slayer was extremely low.

A jade nuclear bomb consumed a lot of immortal energy in his body.

Generally speaking.

Casting two jade nuclear bombs in a row will consume more of oneself.

But now!

Seeing Lin Yun unscathed.

The Sovereign Demon Slayer held his hands high again, and wanted to continue to use the "Jade Nuclear Bomb."

"Is this guy crazy!? Isn't he afraid of running out of immortal energy in his body?"

General Evil Tiger was stunned. It was the first time he had seen this battle in his life.

The words of General Evil Tiger just fell.

Lin Yun has left!

He was not worried about the threat to himself caused by the "Jade Nuclear Bomb" of the Demon Slayer.

It is this "Jade Nuclear Bomb" that will cause harm to Sun Jun and others.


If the Demon Exterminator is allowed to continuously cast the "Jade Nuclear Bomb", the entire boundless mountain range will be destroyed.

By the time!

Even if he won the battle.

The boundless mountain range has been destroyed, what is the role?

The effect of "Slow Magic Light" has been lost.

Lin Yun suddenly waved his right hand.

The four black jade pieces behind him immediately turned into flying swords, and they hit the demon-killing saint directly.

The Lord of Exterminator gritted his teeth.

No matter how arrogant he was, he didn't dare to fight against the black yuan jade.

Immediately he gave up and continued to use the "Jade Nuclear Bomb", turning into a ray of light and fleeing away.

same time.

Lin Yun turned into a touch of thunder, flashed through the void, and instantly caught up with the Lord of Demon Slayer.

Bang bang bang!

The offensive of the two has become even more lingering.

Even the Wu Zun who was present could only see the light and thunder, flashing incessantly.

Mo said it is the place where Lin Yun and the Sovereign of Demons will appear.

They couldn't even see the figure of the two of them clearly.


same time.

The battlefield on the boundless mountain range was also completely plunged into chaos.

The two armies have fought so far.

Tu Shenzong suffered heavy losses.

The number of soldiers killed has reached more than two million.

On the other hand, look at the Celestial Alliance.

Even the soldiers who were killed by Lin Yun and Yu Wei, the demon-killing sage, were counted among them.

The number of people killed in battle was nothing more than just over 500,000.

To know!

The reason why the Exterminating Bureau lost so many people.

There is another reason.

It was because the dozen or so martial sages of the Exterminating Bureau had all left this battlefield to pursue the Nangong Prince.

If not so.

With just a group of martial sages, many soldiers of the Tu Shenzong can be killed.

Both armies have completely smashed their eyes.

The corpses were everywhere.

Fragmented limbs.

All over the boundless mountain range.

Above the top of the boundless mountain range.

Gu Lingyan Beast roared loudly, and the roar was intriguing.

It opened its mouth in the blood basin, and instantly ejected a pillar of flames.

The target is the weakest evil tiger general.


The evil tiger general who displays "black gold".

On its body, light flickered.

The defense is also amazing.

Facing the blazing pillar of the ancient spirit flame beast.

It is not dodge or dodge, let it spray it directly.


Raging fire.

Gushing up instantly.

Swallow the body of the evil tiger general into it.


Only in the blink of an eye.

The evil tiger general flew out of the flames, his body was actually unscathed.

To know!

After turning on "Black Gold", the body strength of the evil tiger general.

Enough to resist the attack of the second-level Wu Zun.

Don't say it is an ancient spirit flame beast of the half-step martial arts level.

The speed of General Evil Tiger is not slow, breaking through hundreds of times the speed of sound.

"Take me a punch!"

General Evil Tiger didn't have any fancy, he just blasted out a punch.

The air shook.

Gu Lingyan Beast did not dare to show weakness, raised his own blazing claws, and directly confronted the evil tiger general.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

All of the ground with a radius of several thousand meters was cracked.

The body of the ancient spirit flame beast even flew out directly.

Its blazing claws were all covered by metal.

This is one of the spirit abilities of General Evil Tiger.

Any target touched by him.

Will be transformed into metal.

At the moment when General Evil Tiger was proud, his gaze suddenly fell on the face of a woman in the distance.

It was Yu Jiaqing, the wife of the Exterminator.

I saw Yu Jiaqing's hands forming a seal, and the magic light group behind.

Suddenly a ray of light shot out, acting on General Evil Tiger's body.

General Evil Tiger still did not react.

The shadow under its feet violently violently.

A fist hit the evil tiger general in the back.

This is exactly one of Yu Jiaqing's martial arts abilities-"Rebel Ray".


General Evil Tiger was shocked, and it was too late to turn around to resist.

It's too late to say, then soon!

Just as the shadow of General Evil Tiger was about to blast on his back.

A wind hole invisible to the naked eye accurately blocked the punch.

"The wind and sand are everywhere!"

Rijun stepped forward.

Waving his arm.

The wind was violent.

The dust on the ground was swept up, forming a sandstorm.

Toward Yu Jiaqing rolling away.

Yu Jiaqing could only give up and hurriedly retreated.