Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 914: Extermination of the Excalibur VS Jiu Da

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Wu Gu!

Judging from the fighting just now, Lin Yun and Yasuo are almost equally divided.

However, after the battle just now, Yasuo was already scarred, but Lin Yun was still intact.

The attack and speed of the two are indeed comparable. But the defense and resilience of the two were completely unequal.

Yasuo does not have Lin Yun's perverted body, nor does he have strong blood power to recover the injury, so the longer he fought with Lin Yun, the more his disadvantages will be reflected.

"I didn't expect you to have such strength. It seems that I will take you down without some real effort."

Yasuo said to Lin Yun accidentally. After finishing speaking, he took out the other two swords around his waist, holding one in each hand, and one in his mouth, biting it tightly with his teeth.

After driving three swords at the same time, Yasuo ’s momentum suddenly soared, as if he had completely changed his personality.

These three precious knives are not ordinary knives, but monster knives with instrumental spirits. They all contain powerful power.

When Yasuo used them, he could borrow their power. Borrowing the power of one sword is different from borrowing the power of three swords.

Yasuo in the state of three swords is at least three times more powerful than before! In this picture, he is completely capable of fighting even the strongest in the fifth-level Wuhuang Realm.

Yasuo stared straight at Lin Yun and said in a weird voice: "Next, I'll let you see and see.

Lin Yun was still expressionless, but he silently compressed the energy of the demon core crystal into the demon sword.

Yasuo raised the demon knife with his hands above his head, and a terrifying energy of horrible destruction brewed on the three demon swords.

When that energy was brewing to the limit, Yasuo turned and stabbed at 720 degrees in situ.

Three swords flow upright meaning-split sky cut!

The energy of the three demon knives was released instantly, forming three slashing sword airs, which were chopped towards Lin Yun with the tendency of destruction.

Extermination of the Sword-Fourth Form!

Lin Yun also swept out with a sword at the same time, releasing a crescent sword with a width of 200 meters, colliding with the three swords head-on.

Although the power of the Moon-Cleaving Blade is strong, it cannot resist the three swords at the same time.

Lin Yun immediately rose into the air, appearing at a height of hundreds of meters in an instant. The three blades of gas swept under him, tearing the ground below him directly into three kilometers-long abyss.

Yasuo's figure also followed the sky, and appeared in front of Lin Yun in an instant, carrying three demon swords to chop Lin Yun, the overwhelming knife, crushed towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun hurriedly lifted the Sword of Demons and used the incomplete blade to collide with the three demon swords.

The energy contained in the three demon knives was absorbed by half of the demon sword in a blink of an eye. However, the remaining part of the energy still retreated to Lin Yunzhen.

After Lin Yun flew thousands of kilometers backwards, he stabilized his body in mid-air, then directly condensed the sword of the demon god, and blessed the power of the devil sword on the demon sword.

"Did you finally take out Wuhun?" Seeing Lin Yun opening Wuhun, Yasuo finally showed a satisfied smile.

Regardless of whether it is in the Divine Land or the Tianwu continent, the Wuhun has always been the last card of the warrior. As long as the warrior takes out the Wuhun in battle, it means that he has exhausted his cards.

Lin Yun didn't say anything, he just held up the sword of the evil spirit to the sky. The extremely dense energy overflowed from the gap of the Sword of the Demon Sword, automatically filled the incomplete part, and instantly turned into a blade.

"This is ..." Yasuo's pupils shrank sharply inward, and they immediately felt a strong crisis.

He didn't hesitate any more, and immediately broke out a powerful fairy, condensing behind him into a virtual image with three heads and six arms.

This virtual image with three heads and six arms, with a golden light on the surface, is obviously also a heavenly martial spirit.

After this three-headed, six-armed virtual image appeared, Yasuo also grew extra heads and arms, turning into a three-headed, six-armed monster.

Not only his head and arms, but also the demon sword in his mouth and hands were perfectly copied. There were only three monster knives, and they became nine true and false.

Yasuo stretched his three heads and six arms to both sides, and nine demon knives also spread to the sides, as gorgeous as a peacock.

The distance between the nine demon swords just happens to have a certain law. The energy on the nine demon knives is also virtually connected in series, forming an extremely powerful force field.

Extermination of the Excalibur-Seventh Form!

Lin Yun has been unable to study Yasuo's Wuhun ability, he hurriedly launched the seventh style of the extinction sword.

As Lin Yun's thoughts moved, the energy-shaped blade instantly turned into countless fragments scattered around the sky, surrounded Yasuo from all directions, formed a blockade of 360 degrees without dead ends, and then at a very fast speed , Densely surrounded him.

Nine Swords Flow Uprising-Stormrage Dancing!

Yasuo spearheaded the nine demon knives and spun in place at a very fast speed. The sword air released by the nine demon knives twisted together in a spiral shape during the rotation, forming a storm of knife air with a diameter of dozens of meters.

When those shards of energy-shaped sword blades approached the devastating sword-air storm, they were bounced off without reservation.

The seventh form of the invincible extermination sword skill was completely invalidated by Yasuo's move.

After blasting off Lin Yun's sword gas fragments, the devastating sword gas storm swept over Lin Yun with the force of mountains and rivers, and everything in the place was crushed into powder.

Lin Yun once again condensed his strength and chopped out a vertical sword qi with a height of 100 meters, which was directly chopped on the sword qi storm.

And this vertical sword gas up to 100 meters was also easily bounced off by the sword gas storm.

After all, NA is not an ordinary tornado storm, but a storm formed by the high-speed rotation of nine knife air, which is naturally not easy to be destroyed.

However, even if the sword air storm is more severe, in front of Lin Yun's Shenlongquan, it is equally fragile.

However, Shenlongquan is Lin Yun's last hole card, but it can't be used casually.

After all, Lin Yun's current enemies are not only Yasuo in front of him, but also Ouyang Xiu, who is hiding in the dark and despising Lin Yunhu.

The consumption of Shenlongquan is too horrible. Even if it is used only once, it will let Lin Yun overdraw the power of the demon core crystal.

Therefore, once Lin Yun uses Shenlongquan, he can no longer use the power of the demon core crystal. At that time, Ouyang Xiu took the opportunity to sneak attack, Lin Yun's situation was at stake.

So before removing Ouyang Xiu, Lin Yun couldn't use Shenlongquan at all.

Although Shenlongquan could not be used, Lin Yun was still calm. In addition to Shenlongquan, he clearly has some hole cards. "It seems that I can only use that trick ..." Lin Yun said lightly, and then he lifted his sword to the sky.