Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 990: Into the nest!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Wu Gu!

After leaving the body of the purple-haired blood witch, the flame on the red cloak soon faded out. Its energy source is obviously the energy of the owner.

"Is this the cloak, will you be burned?" Shang Guan Xia Yan walked to the red cloak and turned to look at Nangong Prince.

"Perhaps you are right for that cloak. Put it on." Prince Nangong said with a weak face. He had already been seriously injured. He just insisted on releasing a thunderbolt just now, so he is now almost in a state of collapse.

Shangguan Xia Yan immediately picked up the red cloak and put it on his own body. Then I saw the red cape, and it started to ignite a red flame, and the ground within 100 meters was roasted with hot air.

However, the breath of Shangguan Xia Yan began to weaken rapidly and weakened to Wuzong level soon.

"What's going on with this boy? His breath has weakened again?" Beastmaster Baru asked curiously.

Shangguan Xia Yan didn't know why he looked at his hands, only to see that his red skin was gradually fading, and the spurs on his body were slowly retracting into his body.

The Nanhai Demon King analyzed and said, "He only has the cultivation of the Wuwang realm, so the strength that suddenly burst out just now should be temporary and not eternal."

"It is because he absorbs the enemy's fire attack that his strength will be temporarily increased. Therefore, this temporarily increased strength will gradually decline with the loss of heat."

"So, if he wants to maintain his current strength for a longer time, he must avoid heat loss?" Prince Nangong asked curiously.

The Nanhai Demon King nodded and said, "It should be like this."

Prince Nangong immediately turned his head to Shangguan Xia Yan and said, "Take off that cloak."

Shangguan Xia Yan immediately took off the red cloak, and the flame on the cloak soon extinguished by himself, and the speed at which his breath weakened became slower.

"Sure enough." Beastmaster Baru said in astonishment, this time being told by the Nanhai Demon King again.

"That's right!" The Nanhai Demon King suddenly remembered something, and then he got into the mountain-like ruins.

After half a ring, she brought a blue cape out of the ruins, which was the witch cape that red-haired Loli had just worn.

The Nanhai Demon King wore the Witch's cloak on himself, but the transparent shield did not appear as a result. Obviously because the shield has just been broken, it will soon re-form.

"Goed to study these armors, let's go quickly, it is important to prevent the enemy leader from resurrecting." Yu Wang Xiang Yu saw the prince of Nangong slightly relieved and immediately urged everyone.

"Okay, let's go quickly." The Nanhai Demon King nodded, and then retracted the witch cape into his storage space.

The crowd set off again and proceeded at full speed. This time, no enemies came forward to stop it. After a long time, the crowd finally reached the enemy's nest.

The enemy's old nest is a huge underground palace, about the size of a medium-sized city. According to information previously detected by the Nanhai Demon King, the enemy's sacrifice ceremony was performed there.

Because most of the enemy's strength has already been sent out to intercept the crowd, there is no force left in the palace.

After entering the palace, everyone rushed towards the most central building of the palace, and all the obstacles they encountered along the way were eliminated.

In just two minutes, they cleared all the miscellaneous soldiers in the palace and came to the most central building.

The Beastmaster Baru blasted down with one punch, smashed the wall of the building directly, and rushed in with everyone.

Inside is a circular hall with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers. At the center of this circular hall, a six-horned star array shining with light is arranged.

In the center of this six-man star array, a transparent crystal coffin is placed. And there was a sleeping man lying in the transparent crystal.

The man's face was as pale as paper, but his lips were black, and there was a striking vertical mark on his brows, giving a feeling of going into a demon.

Most people have never seen the evil emperor. From the image of the man in the crystal coffin, he can be sure that he is the leader of the enemy.

There are also three people sitting cross-legged on three of the six-horned star formations. One of them was a blue-haired young man, a masked man in a cloak, and the last was a white-haired old man who had previously played against everyone.

"I didn't expect that the three elders and the four elders would be defeated in your hands." Seeing the arrival of the crowd, the white-haired old man said incredulously.

"Their sacrifice is not over yet, let's hurry up!" The demon king of the South China Sea did not answer, but gathered the demon's gas and sprayed out a high-pressure water column with the thickness of his finger.

The high-pressure water column shot only halfway, but was directly blocked by a transparent barrier.

"Are there any enchantments?" Yu Wang Xiang Yu immediately condensed the light of the Holy Light, and shot at the man in the crystal coffin, but was still resisted by the transparent barrier.

The Beastmaster Baru burst into a drink and rushed directly to the transparent barrier, trembling the entire transparent barrier.

"What a skill to hide in the barrier, come out and fight with me!" Beastmaster Baru said brutally.

"Hiding inside the barrier?"

The blue-haired youth sneered, and then said to the crowd in a disdainful tone: "Do you look at the surroundings clearly? Is it because I am hiding in the barrier or are you trapped in my chessboard?"

After hearing the words of the blue-haired youth, the crowd looked around, and then the sight was jumped.

Because they were shocked to find out, the transparent barrier formed a geometric space, which trapped them inside.

Then the ground under their feet followed crisscross lines. There are also many staggered positions, and black and white chess pieces the size of a rice bowl appear, which is obviously a giant chessboard.

"What the **** is this?" Beastmaster Baru asked puzzled.

"It should be the ability of the enemy. In short, we are trapped now, we must find a way out of the trap!" Nanhai Demon King said with a grim expression.

As soon as the Nanhai Demon King's words were finished, all the pieces on the ground began to tremble, and then the black and white pieces attracted and gathered together.

When Black and White collided, a violent explosion formed immediately, and the shock wave sent everyone flying.

Then, more blacks collided with white, and then a series of violent explosions formed.

Boom boom boom boom!

After a series of violent explosions, everyone fell to the ground with blood.

Fortunately, they all used the vitality of the body in advance. Although they still exploded, they were not life-threatening.