Eternal Reverence

Chapter 220: Consciousness reorganization

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"Interestingly, it is estimated that occupying your body will consume half of my true spirit, but this is what you care about. Your body is the real priceless treasure." The humanoid virtual image blasted a huge fist.

This fist is like filling the whole mind.


The long sword broke and Li floated back.

"Good power."

Li floats and gasps vigorously.

The long sword is his illusion, the long sword is broken, and his consciousness is invisibly scattered.


The body of the human form is inflated, and the sky is standing on the ground, and immediately, the fist and the fist are smashing toward Li Fuchen, and the momentum is horrible.

Li Fuchen seems to be a cockroach ant. He is shot and flew away. There is no resistance at all.

"I experienced the loss of my soul and I will not give up when I die."

If you switch to someone else, you have already given up on resistance.

Once the resistance is abandoned, the will of the soul will weaken.

However, Li Fuchen has a obsession in his heart. This obsession has condensed a sword of chilly forest.


Li Fu and a sword pierced a hole in the fist of the human figure.

"It hurts me."

The human form snarls.

The real spirit is consumed, and it can be slowly recovered, but the real spirit is injured, it will be very difficult to recover, and there are disadvantages for future practice.

Although it was only a minor injury, it also made him very angry.

"You have a sword, and I have a sword."

In the hands of the human form, there is a giant sword in the hand, and a sword slams into the dust.


Li Fuchen felt that his mind had to be cut open. This sword was condensed to the extreme.


The sword of the obedience was broken, and the shadow of Li Fu was blurred, and a trace of mist was scattered.

This is a sign that consciousness is about to collapse.

"Not willing!"

"Not willing!"

Li floated his voice in a low voice.

"My strength is not strong enough, but why the spiritual will is so weak."

"Even if it is beyond the spirit of the spirit level, I will not admit defeat, and I will not admit defeat."

The consciousness of Li Fuchen was re-consolidated.

But this time, consciousness is no longer the figure of Li Fuchen, but a sword, a sword with a sword.

In the sword, there is Li Fu's spiritual will, consciousness, and obsession.

This sword is a sword of Li Fuchen's entire strength. He has forgotten himself and forgot everything. The only thought is that he will fight in the end and swear by himself.


The sword is united, and Li Fuchen spurs the human form.

The human form is a shadow block.


Under the state of the sword, Li Fu's movements are extremely sensitive, and he easily avoids the sword of the human form and shadow, and immediately penetrates the body of the human form.

The human form snarls and roars in the sky. On his chest, there is a huge hole, and the true spirit in the hole is completely destroyed.

The injury suffered this time is ten times ten times that of the previous one.

What makes him even more angry is that his true spirit beyond the level of the spirit of the spirit is actually hurt by a little devil, which is simply hitting his face, incomparably shame.

"You completely angered me."

The human form is shrinking, and a horrible real spirit is released, covering the sword of Li Fuchen.

The power of the true spirit, the power of the spirit must be burned before it can be released, and only the true spirit beyond the level of the spirit of the spirit can do this.

The power of the real spirit has the effect of freezing the void, and it contains a hint of heaven and earth.

Under the cover of the real spirits, the swords that Li Fuchenized could not move.


A sword is thrown out, and the sword of Li Fuchen is crushed. This means that the consciousness of Li Fuchen is also shattered.

"Hey, the little devils, dare to put aside in front of me, don't blame me for completely annihilating your consciousness." The human form sneer, in front of him, he just tied their consciousness, after all, he still intends to search them slowly. The memory, but the consciousness of this person has been completely annihilated by him, and God can't save him.

Looking at the light blue soul, the human form can not help but admire.

Such a powerful soul, if absorbed by him, will make his understanding reach an unimaginable level, and no one can destroy him at that time.

The figure is flashing, and the human form is flying to the light blue soul.

From beginning to end, he did not see the existence of the golden charm.

The golden little character, only Li Fuchen can see it.


I was about to stay in the light blue soul. Suddenly, a golden light was released, and the human form was shot and flew out.

The light blue soul gradually becomes transparent, and the golden little character blooms with infinite golden light. Under this golden light, the consciousness of Li floating dust smashes and annihilates, there are signs of re-agglomeration. At the same time, the human form phantom can not move.

"Golden note, what is this?"

The human form is horrified.

He is the true spirit that goes beyond the level of fighting spirits. He is actually suppressed, and nothing can move.

"I am waiting for the ants to dare to touch the soul of the person I chose, and I don't know how to live and die."

The golden little character, the first time I spoke.

"who are you?"

The human form trembles.

This feeling is more fearful than facing the world.

Heaven and Earth Avenue, high above, can only feel, can not see.

The golden little character gives him a feeling of being above the avenue of heaven and earth.

"I am waiting for an ant, not qualified to know my existence, destroy!"

The golden light is rich and melts the human form.

"I am not willing!"

Blinking, the human form vain melts into a drop of liquid that emits a faint glow.

This drop of liquid is incomparably pure, even if it is magnified hundreds of millions of times, it can not see a trace of impurities.

At the moment when the human form vain melts, Li Wuchen’s consciousness is restored again.

"Is not consciousness dissipated?"

At the moment when consciousness was destroyed, Li Fuchen only felt that everything was in darkness, and immediately, there was no consciousness.

Looking at the body of consciousness, Li Fuchen found his consciousness, ten times more concise than before. This kind of conciseness is not caused by the will of the soul, but is itself.

Spiritual will and consciousness are not absolute connections.

It is true that the mind is strong and the consciousness is strong.

But the strong consciousness does not mean that the will of the soul is strong together.

Just like before, Li Wuchen’s consciousness may not be inferior to the Scorpio Warrior, but the spiritual will is actually inferior to the Scorpio.

"This drop of liquid?"

His eyes were removed from the body of consciousness, and Li Fu looked at the drop of liquid in his mind.

The drop was pure and infinitely attractive, so he couldn't help but devour him.

Step by step closer to the past.

Just when Li Fuchen is only one position away from the liquid, the liquid is automatically put into the conscious body of Li Fuchen.

The next moment, Li Fuchen's consciousness collapsed, then reorganized, collapsed, and reorganized.

Time has long been meaningless, because Li Fuchen has not felt the passage of time.

I don't know how long the past, Li Wuchen's consciousness body, finally no longer collapses and reorganizes.

A faint brilliance bloomed from the conscious body of Li Fuchen.

"My consciousness has been condensed more than a hundred times."

Li Fuchen was shocked.

His conscious body is like cultivating a very sophisticated sculpt to a perfection. It is sturdy and unimaginable. At this moment, he has an intuition. His consciousness is far more than that of the Scorpio. Even if it is a demobilized warrior, it may not be comparable to him.