Eternal Reverence

Chapter 636: Blood crested mountain

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As long as there is a place where the fire is full of energy, as long as the fire can be covered by the true meaning, Li float can arrive in a flash.

This led to the movement of Li Fu dust every time, there are hundreds of miles away.

Although there will be a slight interval between them, it will be ten times stronger than the hard work.


Zixia Wudi face ugly.

The highest state of martial arts is teleportation.

Once it can be teleported, the meaning is completely different.

At the level of law and law, the high-level emperors of the law are better than the lower emperors of the law. They can beat or even kill the latter within a few strokes, but if the latter grasps the teleport, then the former How can he not help him, let alone the gap between him and Li Fuchen, far from being so big.

There are only a few ways to deal with people who can teleport.

For example, arrange the array in advance and trap each other.

Or the rules of understanding reach a very high level, so that the other party can not perform martial arts.

Seeing that Li Fuchen has reached a few hundred miles away, Zixia Wudi screamed, "killing empty hands."

I saw a palm of my hand, a transparent palm with a hint of purple, flew toward the dust.

The closer the palm of the transparent palm is to the dust, the larger the volume.

When I got to the back, I was overwhelmed and crowded.

The most terrible thing is that this palm seems to contain a hint of void rules and has the effect of imprisonment.

A method of emperor, using the martial arts containing the rules of the void to deal with the king of the Yuanhai, is simply killing the chicken with a knife, but the Zixia Wudi used it.

Empty the empty hand - the middle level of the palm.

Hundreds of miles away, relying on the low-level martial arts of the heavens, Zixia Wudi can not be Li Fuchen.

Therefore, Wu Xia Wu Di can only display the ultimate home of the Wang family - to kill empty hands.

A few hundred miles apart, he is not afraid to kill Li floating dust, and at most he will be seriously injured.

Of course, the premise is that you can hit Li Fu.


Originally, Li Fushi was a teleportation forward, and when the empty-handed attack came, Li Fuchen changed direction.


In the original direction of escape, the earth collapsed like a black hole, and the horrible atmosphere made the rules of the heavens and the earth chaotic. Li Fuchen can be sure that if he is in that area, he will never be able to cast away teleports.

Whenever Zixia Wudi casts an empty hand, Li Fuchen will change direction. As a result, the distance between the two sides has not changed dramatically, but it has changed from a few hundred miles to thousands of miles.

A thousand miles away, there is no power to display empty hands.

Of course, this is only relative. If Li Fuchen is replaced by a common war emperor, thousands of miles away, Zixia Wudi can also shoot each other.

Zixia Wudi no longer pursues, although his spiritual knowledge can cover tens of thousands of miles, but can not catch up, can not hit, sooner or later will let the other side escape, vainly issued several spiritual attacks, see the sinking sea, no Static and quiet, Zixia Wudi sullenly stopped his face.

He regretted it and knew that he would go all out when he came up. He still had a lot of means to show his power, such as controlling one's natural power.

Only where can he think that Li Fuchen is so difficult to escape from his own dual law emperor.

"I hope your luck has been so good."

Zixia Wudi turned and left.


The ancient wilderness, the largest mountain range of the Soul Empire, is also one of the top ten mountains of the Emperor.

The mountain was too dangerous and was not occupied by a certain force.

It is said that in the depths of the core of the ancient wilderness, there are several demons and demons.

The ancient wilderness mountains are large, tens of millions of miles in length.

On the fringe, Li floats a little gasping and stops.

Shifting teleports is too expensive, and it also consumes the mind, with his ability, and can not cast teleports for a long time.

"First shut down some days here!"

Li Fuchen looked around and found a mountain that was suitable for retreat.

Li Fu's refining of the body has not yet reached the bottleneck, and he is no longer elevated. He has a hunch, and in a few days, his refining will be able to reach the realm of Yuanhai.



A mountain peak collapsed, and a petite white fox fell violently on the ground, with blood on his body.

The white fox is also the size of a domestic dog. There are two tails behind it. One tail is filled with the rules of the wind, and one tail is filled with the rules of the ice.

"The White Fox King, I have to resist again. To be the dim room of my great king is the blessing that you have cultivated for ten generations. Why not toast and not to eat fine wine."

The demon wind is raging, and a huge figure rises and falls in the clouds.

This is a rhinoceros monster, from the point of view of its demon intensity, at least the level of the quasi-demon.

"Hey! Let me be the king of the White Fox to be the chamber of your king, let me die."

The white fox snorted and snarled.

"I can't let you die, or the king must have licked my skin."

The rhinoceros demon king descended from the sky and stood on a hill. Because his body was more than a dozen miles away, the hill under his feet was almost the same as a small mound.

"Rhino King, I am fighting with you."

The two tails behind the white fox turned, and the layers of the whirlwind caught the ice shuttle to the rhinoceros king.


The rhinoceros king's skin is thick and fleshy, and the whirlwind blows up. Like the breeze blowing, the ice shuttle is hit, and there are no marks left.

"White Fox King, although I can't kill you, it can still be done if you suffer a bit."

The front of the rhinoceros king slammed on the hill.


The ground around the white fox suddenly rises, and a thick and sharp rock thorn breaks out and instantly slams into the white fox.

The white fox waved his claws and grabbed a rock thorn.

But the rock thorns are too much, and they are very hard, and they are filled with the rules of the earth.


The white fox spit out blood and was swept away by a rock thorn. The blood on his body was a little more.

"Sorry, I started to pay more."

The rhinoceros king smiled.

The White Fox King is only the top demon king. It is not a little bit worse than him. If it is not for him, the White Fox King has already died more than ten times.

"I want to escape!"

The rhinoceros king squint, seeing the white fox turned into a white light, spurting out in the distance.

"French heaven!"

The rhinoceros king violently screamed, and there were dozens of sized bodies, which suddenly enlarged to hundreds of miles and became larger than the black scorpion who was seen on the seven-color continent.

When the body reaches hundreds of miles, the Rhinoceros King just took a step forward and caught up with the white fox. The mouth blew and the hurricane blew the white fox to the ground. A few kilometers high in front of the white fox was directly blown. Dropped the hill and exposed the inside.

"Hey, anyone?"

The rhinoceros king sounds like a thunder.

Li Fuqing opened his eyes and saw a huge monster appear in front of his eyes.

This behemoth, one eye is as big as a lake, and the sharp corner on the bridge of the nose is several times larger than the mountain where he is.

"The king of mankind, you dare to come to the ancient wilderness mountains, don't you know, is the ancient wilderness mountain a forbidden land? Or for a long time, I have never eaten the human king, just open the scorpion." The rhinoceros eyes showed greed.

"I am disturbing my repairs, and I am not rude."

Li Fuchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other side, and his left hand explored. A huge blood hand became bigger and bigger, and finally became hundreds of miles in size, and the rhinoceros king was shot on the ground.

"Adults are forgiving, my king is a **** king, killing me, there is no benefit to you."

The rhinoceros king is rapidly becoming smaller, and the huge blood hand is getting smaller, but it is always a little bigger than the rhinoceros king.

Li Fuchen was indifferent, and his left hand was empty. The rhinoceros king became a pool of blood mud. His blood was transmitted directly to Li Fu's body through a huge blood hand, which made Li Fu's refining body repair and rose a lot.

"The hand of blood can directly absorb the blood of the killing spirit, and strengthen the hand of the blood. It is no wonder that the hand of God is called the hand of the devil."

Li Fuchen can feel that the blood sucked by the blood hand is very pure, not sullen and sullen, unlike the past, swallowing blood and great sequelae.

The white fox at the foot of the mountain has already seen it.

In her view, the Rhinoceros King is undoubtedly an extremely powerful existence. It can be ranked in the top ten, at least in the top ten. It is the master of the **** throne, and the result is killed by Li Fuchen.

"The little girl thanked the son for helping me."

The white fox made a fuss against Li Fu.

Li Fuchen saw the other side's appearance and smiled. "Let's go, I will continue to practice."

The white fox is gone, and there are a bunch of sub-families in her family who can't let the **** king scourge.

The blood of the rhinoceros king is very strong. After the pure hand-picked blood, it has helped the cultivation of Li Fu's dust. In a few days, Li Fuchen finally reached the realm of Yuanhai.

For a time, the horrible life magnetic field made the surrounding geomagnetic chaos, numerous stones suspended in midair, and even some low peaks rose up.

"It’s really a terrible way to practice."

Li floats the dust into the micro, you can see that the hand of blood is composed of a blood hand rune, and each blood rune is composed of countless small blood hands, each blood hand, It consists of countless blood-colored particles, one ring and one ring, touching the mystery of the ultimate refining body.

"The hand of God, the hand of blood is the foundation, the hand of power is the essence, and the latter is the advanced use, just like the difference between infuriating and martial arts."

Li floats the dark road.

"The son, please save my people."

On this day, the white fox came again and fell to the ground.

"Why should I save your people?"

Li Fu asked.

"The little woman is willing to offer a thousand years of rootless flowers."

The white fox holds a transparent flower in both hands, not a rootless flower.

"Okay, take the lead!"

Li Fuchen collected thousands of rootless flowers.

A millennium rootless flower, worth millions of precious stones outside, is undoubtedly very precious.

On the way, Li Fuchen learned that the people of the White Fox were all captured by the **** king and went to the **** mountain.

The **** king, the body has the blood of the demon emperor, and even a trace of the demon blood, the strength is very strong.

In just a little half a day, one person and one fox came to the vicinity of the **** mountain.

Bloody Mountain is a blood-colored mountain peak of more than 100,000 meters. The peaks are covered with strange power and vast expanse of breath, which makes Li float a heart.

If he guessed it well, this **** mountain should be a strange mountain.

Qishan illegally borders the emperor and cannot be destroyed.