Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1213: Into the twilight

Chapter 1213 Stepping into the twilight

Land of inheritance, in the stone cemetery.

Qing Lian really felt a movement in her body and mind, she seemed to be awake from her cultivation consciousness, and she received the message from the dragon body.

The two true figures are Su Zimo, and they share the same minds.

Feeling the joy of the dragon real body, Qinglian real body smiled slightly.

The practice of the Dragon's true body has been successfully practiced, and he has gained the opportunity to become the young master in the Dragon family. The five veins have the same respect, which can be regarded as a firm foothold, so that Qinglian's true body has no worries.

Qinglian Zhenshen did not rush into the state of France.

In other words, what he did when he came to this preaching place was not to cultivate for improvement, but to defer martial arts!

In fact, from the moment he came to this preaching place, Qinglian Zhenshen had already planned for the worst.

That is deduction failure!

How difficult is it to create a avenue that is different from immortals and demons so that mortals without spiritual roots can also practice?

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many sages have spent all their lives, but still nothing.

In ancient battlefields, that is the power of the tomb sect.

Su Zimo is just a prince of law.

He knew that this was a no return.

Already stepped on, you can only go down until the body disappears!

But he still did not regret it.

Su Zimo's arrival here has even made a psychological preparation, that is, the deduction failed, and Qing Lian's life is exhausted, and she is here!

This is the worst possible and most likely ending!

Su Zimo cut off the connection with the real body of the Dragon tribe, and immersed himself in the exercises inherited by the instantaneous half-ancestors, constantly comprehending, understanding, and confirming.

Even if he practises the three methods of immortal Buddha and magic, but wants to develop martial arts immediately, he still has no clue.

What he has to do is to comprehend the more than thirty passages in the cemetery, memorize it in his chest, fuse the essence of the three methods of immortal Buddha and magic, and find a possible way!

Find a chance to change your life!

There are no years of practice.

Spring goes to autumn, day after day.

On the continent, it was only over the past three years and more than a thousand days.

But in the stone stele cemetery, Su Zimo has spent more than a thousand years under the influence of the stone statue of the half-ancestor at the foot of time!

Before that, Su Zimo was just over a hundred years old.

For returning to Taoism, more than one hundred years of age is equivalent to a teenager.

Now, more than a thousand years have passed, Su Zimo has become a youth returning to the virtual world.

He has never practiced for so long.

After all, these thousands of years have not gone to waste.

In the stone cemetery, there are various ancient traditions of more than thirty immortals and deities, such as "Tianjun's Burial Sea Secret Volume", "The Real Devil's Secret Tips" and "Dawei Tianlong Bodhisattva True Scriptures".

The place of mission is self-made.

Here, repair is impossible to make progress.

More than a thousand years have passed, although Su Zimo's cultivation is inadequate, but after comprehending more than 30 traditions, his combat power has reached an extremely terrible height!

These more than thirty stone statues have been passed down since ancient times.

No one has ever entered this place.

These inheritances, one of them, is enough to win the world!

And Su Zimo fully understood the heritage here, becoming the first person from ancient times to the present!

Normally, after getting a lineage, other stone statues will no longer use this person as their own lineage.

For more than thirty stone statues, Su Zimo was selected.

Not only because he only passed through the Three Robberies, but also because, ten years ago, he set his heart here, Bu Wu Cang Sheng!

Among the more than thirty stone statues, there are still some remnants of ancient power.

These conscious disillusionments also want to do everything to help Su Zimo!

After leaving the legacy, these thoughts have not disappeared, and they also want to see the final result!

But years are relentless.

Not to mention some disillusionment, even real life can't bear the passage of time.

After more than a thousand years, those who are still with Su Zimo have only a few remnants left.

It is relatively simple to understand these inheritances, and the real difficulty lies in the subsequent deduction!

Su Zimo sat on her knees with her eyes closed, reviewing the practice of this life in her mind, trying to find the opportunity.

Time is like an arrow, and time is like a shuttle.

In a blink of an eye, in the stone statue cemetery, another thousand years passed!

It ’s only been more than six years since the continent was overwhelmed, but Su Zimo has spent more than two thousand years here!

More than two thousand years have passed, Su Zimo is equivalent to returning to the middle age of the virtual world, his face has matured a lot, and his eyes have a touch of vicissitudes.

In the cemetery, even the last few thoughts that accompany him at last were dissatisfied with dissatisfaction.

They failed to survive after all.

Su Zimo's eyes were reddish, and he deeply worshipped at more than thirty stone statues. He said, "Everyone, rest assured, even if Su Zimo exhausted his life, he will certainly perform martial arts and change his life for the lives of the people! "

No one answered.

In the cemetery, he was the only one left.

As if it meant that on this avenue, he would always walk alone!

Su Zimo took a deep breath, reorganized his mind, and continued his deduction.

For a thousand years, he has made a lot of gains and has found a clue.

In fact, it is impossible to create a complete martial art.

His cultivation of the realm is nothing but returning to the realm.

But it is relatively easy for mortals without spiritual roots in the world to practice.

Su Zimo had no spiritual roots and was initially a demon.

Xiu Yao and Xiu Xian have a very important realm, Dan Dao!

It's like a avenue of millions, with the same goal.

Dan Road is an insurmountable state!

And after Dan Dao, Xiu Yao can gather Yin God.

Cultivation of immortals can condense the primitive gods, which are similar.

In other words, if you can create a practice method to let mortals without spiritual roots step into Dan Dao without demonizing, it is tantamount to solving the most critical point in deducing martial arts!

Because after Dan Tao, he will cultivate the Yuanshen.

The Yuanshen practice has got rid of the shackles of the spiritual roots, but has realized the world with the Yuanshen!

Along this line, Su Zimo continued his deduction.

Time goes by bit by bit.

In a flash, it was another thousand years.

At the foot of the stone statue, Su Zimo was motionless, his body was covered with dust, and he could hardly see the color of his original blue shirt.

The outside world is just over the past nine years.

And Su Zimo is over three thousand years old!

Over the years, he has never stopped, and has been constantly deducing and comprehending.

Countless failures, but never gave up.

Time continues to flow.

In a blink of an eye it was another thousand years!

Su Zimo is over four thousand years old!

You know, Shou Yuan returned to the realm is only five thousand years.

More than four thousand years old means that he is already in his old age, his blood is beginning to decline, and he is gradually entering the twilight!

At this point, Su Zimo's hair had turned gray and scattered on her shoulders.

There were also a few wrinkles on his face.

No one can resist the cruel years!

(End of this chapter)