Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2693: Layout people

"Not bad."

The master of the academy nodded slightly, and a look of satisfaction flashed across his eyes, and said: "If you don't have the blood of Qinglian, you are indeed suitable to inherit my mantle."

The Master Killing Curse was planted on that teleportation jade card.

In the pan-tao feast of Yuxiao Immortal Territory, Su Zimo, in the chaos, used the teleportation jade card to escape with Tao Yao and return to Qiankun Academy.

The transmitted jade card was shattered, and the power of the Master Killing Curse also acted on Su Zimo's body.

The master of the academy has calculated everything.

Sending jade cards is the last means of life-saving.

When Su Zimo smashed the transmission jade card, he was bound to face a huge life and death crisis.

At this juncture, Su Zimo's attention would never be placed on the transmission jade card.

Therefore, the Master Killing Curse could conceal Su Zimo's perception and plant it on him silently!

"So, with this curse, you can perceive my position?"

Su Zimo asked.

"of course."

The master of the academy said: "You are under my watch anytime, except for the time you went to the great **** of Abi."

"However, I know that you have a prison guard, even in the great **** of Abi, there is no danger."

"So, you already knew that it was not my true Qinglian who returned to Qiankun Academy?" Su Zimo asked again.

Mentioning this, the master of the academy smiled, a little disdainful, and shook his head: "In my opinion, your trick with Linglong is too weak."

At this time, Su Zimo had gradually calmed down.

He suddenly thought of something, and said: "My clone was destroyed, and King Yunyou and others were also watching. You run over to chase me, so you are not afraid of the praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind?

"Want to be a oriole, they are a little bit too good."

The master of the academy smiled slightly and said: "At this moment, they are joining forces to attack the Warring States, fighting against Lin Zhan and Linglong Immortal King, and there is no time to clone."


Su Zimo's expression changed.

He chose to leave the Warring States period because he didn't want to involve the Emperor and the Immortal King Linglong, but he did not expect to involve them.

The master of the academy seemed to see Su Zimo's concern, waved his hand slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Lin Zhan's injury has suddenly recovered more than half of it. King Yun You and the others can't suppress Lin Zhan for a while."

Su Zimo felt a little at ease, but he still couldn't accept it for a while, and said, "King Yunyou will be at your mercy and attack the Warring States Period without any doubt?"

"of course."

The master of the academy smiled and said, "Because, on the Warring States side, I am with them."

Su Zimo was stunned.

In the words of the master of the academy, it seemed to reveal a major message, and he couldn't respond for a while.

The master of the academy looked at Su Zimo, shook his head slightly, and said: "You, Immortal King Linglong, King Yunyou, you group are playing games with me, but in my eyes, you are not qualified at all."

"Because, from the beginning to the end, the entire chess game was laid out by me, and you are all chess pieces!"

"As a chess piece, you must have the consciousness of the chess piece. How can the chess piece play with the layout person?"

The tone of the master of the academy revealed strong self-confidence.

This is a feeling of being in control of the overall situation and being superior.

The master of the academy has this ability and enjoys this feeling.

He was aloft, watching the chess game he set, one by one chess pieces, under his control, came out with a seemingly subtle footwork, but just smiled knowingly.

"Let's start from the beginning."

The master of the academy said with a faint smile: "King Yunyou approached me and let me deduce the time and location of your ascension, and then King Yunyou made an interception, and Immortal King Linglong appeared."

"You have already met Linglong Immortal King. You should know that she has received a letter."

Su Zimo nodded and said, "You should have written that letter."

"Not bad."

The master of the academy said: "The good fortune of Qinglian is a matter of great importance. It involves ancient cipher texts such as the "Yin and Yang Talisman". There are not many people in the upper world who know the potential of good fortune of Qinglian. I am the second of them.

"Naturally, I will not allow King Yunyou to refine it into a pill when you have just grown to the ninth rank. That would be too violent."

"Moreover, I don't want to share the good fortune Qinglian with others."

Su Zimo knew it clearly.

Therefore, the master of the academy would send a secret letter to Immortal King Linglong to let Immortal King Linglong act.

The master of the academy said: "There should be some confusion in your heart, why the person who went with King Yunyou to intercept you is the eighth elder of the academy."

Su Zimo was silent.

This incident is indeed one of his puzzles.

Since the master of the academy didn't want to share the good fortune of Qinglian with others, why did he send the eight elders of the academy and the king Yunyou?

Unless the eight elders of the college and the master of the college...

Su Zimo suddenly thought of a possibility, and the many confusions that lingered in his heart had an explanation!

"The Eighth Elder of the Academy is your clone!"

Su Zimo blurted out.

"You are really smart."

The master of the academy once again applauded and added: "Accurately speaking, the real eight elders of the academy have passed away, and the eight elders of the academy now are my clone."

Su Zimo thought of another thing and said: "At that time, the Yuqing Jade Book had not yet been born, and the Taiqing Jade Book was in the hands of the emperor Qin Ce, and it is always a secret who got the Shangqing Jade Book."

"Now it seems that the Shangqing Jade Book is in your hands!"

The master of the academy approves and motions Su Zimo to continue.

Su Zimo said: "You get the inheritance of "Shu Zang" Qimen Dunjia, and with the help of the clones condensed from the Shangqing jade album, you can naturally also cross the sea."

"The eight elders of the academy are in charge of the magic weapon of the academy, and the clone of the Shangqing jade book is the body of the spirit treasure, and it is most suitable to replace it."


Hearing this, the master of the academy stroked his palms and smiled and exclaimed.

In this way, another matter is also instantly clear.

At that time, in the election of his Xianzong, the painting fairy Moqing was entrusted by the eight elders of the academy and arrived in time. He still wondered what role the eight elders of the academy played in this.

From the beginning to the end, it seems that the master of the academy is only behind it!

With the help of this clone of the eighth elder of the Academy, he perfectly hides himself!


Su Zimo remembered another thing, staring at the master of the academy not far away, and slowly asked: "At the Nine Heavens Conference, Qin Ce was beheaded by the Demon Realm Huangwu, and his Taiqing Jade Book fell in the hands of the Immortal King Chang Ye. ."

"And when the long night fairy king tore through the void, when he wanted to escape, he was suddenly assassinated, and he didn't know where he ended up."

"If I'm not wrong, you are the one who assassinated the Immortal King of the Night. Taiqing Jade Book should be in your hands now!"


The master of the academy looked calm and did not intend to conceal anything.

On the contrary, there is still some pride in his heart.

Everything was under his control. Soon after, Su Zimo was a dead man.

Faced with the dead, he didn't need to hide.