Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 842: Get close

Chapter 842

The barren center is the most powerful.

As the range expands, it decays in turn.

When the gray ripples spread to the old apes and others, the reduction of Shou Yuan was minimal.

May be a breath that only decays for a few years.

But the spell that can deprive the soul of life, even the high-end monsters can't resist, is really a bit scary!

Especially old apes.

Although his combat strength is strong and his blood is strong, there is really not much Shouyuan left, and he is extremely sensitive to the decay of Shouyuan!

The old ape was about to rush forward and kill the four defenders, but suddenly his expression changed dramatically, and he leapt forward, escaping from the gray ripples.

The old ape stared at Su Zimo's side, his expression was complicated, and his eyes showed endless shock.

This one really surprised him!

He lived for thousands of years, as a hegemon of a party, what scenes have he never seen?

Even if the four defenders around him were betrayed, he was still in shock.

But this little low-level demon in front of him shocked his mind!

If Su Zimo had chosen to help him for the first time, he would have thought that Su Zimo had come to him against Da Hufa!

This spell, though, does not pose a deadly threat to high-level demon.

But being able to cross two great realms, affecting high-level demons, and forcibly and unreasonably reducing Shou Yuan, this is shocking in itself!

This is beyond the scope of ordinary spells!

Su Zimo saw the gaze of the old ape, his spirit was shocked, and he calmed down.


With the thought of Su Zimo, the gray ripples had disappeared.

As soon as he put away the barrenness, he noticed some dizziness, a feeling of exhaustion in his heart, and a lot of faintness in the red hair.

Although the power of this spell is terrifying, the consumption of Primordial Spirit is too amazing!

His cultivation is not enough.

This situation will be much better if he waits for him to cultivate into the realm of the sun god.

This weird gray ripple had disappeared, the old ape breathed a sigh of relief, leaped forward, reached out his palm, and grasped the law in midair.

Da Hufa has just slowed down and quickly turned to flee.


The old ape opened his mouth, and a roar broke out.

His eyebrows flickered, and a golden light burst out, piercing the back of Da Hu Fa.

Meta mystery!

The big protection method is also very good, but also the first time to condense the Yuanshen, the frown sent out an extremely sharp wave of consciousness, condensed into a green feather in the air!


Green feather broke.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Guang and Qing Yu collided together.


With only a short pause, Green Feather turned into nothingness, and the golden light was scattered in the void, turning into golden spots of light in the sky.

Among them, there are still dozens of golden light dots, submerged in the back of the big protection law, rushing into the sea of ​​knowledge, setting off a stormy sea!


The Great Guardian Yuanshen was shocked, he groaned, his body was shaking, and he almost fell from the air.

The breath of death made him calm down, endure the pain, and continue to escape.

But it was only a momentary delay that the old ape had caught up!


The huge palms were suppressed, and the sound was appalling, like a falling meteor, and there was a burst of gas around.

Da Hu's palm was patted on a storage bag, and a magic weapon was again sacrificed.

"Get up!"

Da Hu Bite broke the tip of his tongue, spewing a stream of blood, and landed on this weapon.

The weapon swelled quickly, looking like a monster's bone piece, hard and unmatched, against his head.


The palm fell and slammed into the bone.


Bone fragments burst!

If Dafa was struck by lightning, he spit out a lot of blood.

The old ape hurried forward, and once again pulled out the big hand covering the sky, directly covering the head of Da Hu Fa, and squeezed hard!


Da Hufa's head is like a watermelon being pinched and bloody.

Yuan Shen is gone!

High-level demon falls!

The old ape turned and hunted down the remaining three!

too fast!

It is also a high-level demon, but Da Hu Fa has little fighting power in front of an old ape that seems to be late.

Between the three fists, he was pinched and exploded!

At the time of the Great Guardian's death, one of the remaining three Guardians had just gotten up with a serious injury and one was dragged by a white-faced man.

The last one was caught up by the old ape without escaping far.

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo knew that the battle had ended.

The group demon also realized this, some stopped, some fled, and some began to help Su Zimo's side.

The situation has been completely reversed!

Su Zimo has stopped.

Everything here has nothing to do with him. He stood in place and kept thinking about the feeling of releasing the barren moment.

Carefully comprehend and keep deducing.

I don't know how long, the shouting and killing around has gradually subsided.

"Lord Xiaoyue Mountain, what's your name?"

There was a sound in his ear, and Su Zimo Yan had not heard it.

Gu Yun pushed him gently before he woke up and looked around.

This battle has ended.

On the flat ground around, the bones were everywhere, blood dripping, looking extremely terrible.

There are many demons in the battlefield.

The old ape stood not far from the front, with several corpses piled at his feet. Looking at his figure, it was the several guardians who fell.

The questioner was the white-faced man beside the old ape.

"My name is Mo."

Su Zimo replied.

"What is your body, why can't I see it?" The white-faced man looked at Su Zimo's body with impunity, and asked again.

Su Zimo was silent.

He couldn't answer this question.

Seeing that Su Zimo didn't make a noise, the white-faced man raised his eyebrows and became angry, the old ape beside him suddenly coughed.

"Linger, don't ask."

The old ape waved his hand and looked at Su Zimo with a deep meaning, and said, "I believe that a ferocious and willing surrender can be followed, and your body is definitely not anything ordinary!"

Su Zimo smiled and did not answer.

The lingering tiger looked at the big-faced man, rolled his eyes, and secretly said, "It looks like this, the five big and the three are thick, and they are also called Linger. It's disgusting!"

"You come up."

The old ape beckons.

Everyone Su Zimo went over.

The old ape glanced at Su Zimo and finally fell on the monkey's shoulder, and said, "Can you let me have a look at the stick on your shoulder?"

The spirit of Linghu and others suddenly became tense.

Could it be that this old man has fancyed Monkey King's great stick?

The monkey didn't even think about it and passed it directly.

Don't look at him unruly, but there are also principles. When others respect him by three points, he respects others.

The old ape, as a party overlord, was still discussing with the monkey in his just tone, and this made the monkey feel good.

The old ape took the cudgel and looked up and down for a long time. During this period, I occasionally looked at the monkey, nodded from time to time, and said in his mouth, "Very good."

The crowd was confused.

I don't know if the old ape says that Qianjun is good, or that the monkey is good.

Somehow, the monkey was a little hairy with the eyes of the old ape.

Other people may not feel it, but the monkey always feels that the old ape's eyes seem to reveal other meanings!

"This baguette is good."

The old ape handed Qianjun back to the monkey, looking kind-hearted and smiling, and said with a smile: "You and Linger are the same race. If you have any doubts about your practice, you can always ask and get closer.

Hearing this sentence, Su Zimo's look suddenly became extremely strange.

(End of this chapter)