Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 898: Who remembers

Chapter 898 Who Remembers

Ru Xuan said proudly: "Tell you, not only Brother Nangong, but my sister Hanyan and I also entered the ancient battlefield and finally arrived in Vientiane City, witnessing the world war of the vision battle!"

This experience is indeed rare and a capital worth showing off.

After all, there are only a few Jindan real people on the entire continent who are eligible to enter the ancient battlefield.

It is even rarer to eventually reach Vientiane City.

Su Zimo sighed in his heart.

It is a pity that in the last vision battle, for Tianjiao who arrived in Vientiane City, it was not glory, but a catastrophe!

Ru Xuan continued: "This time the vision list is extremely powerful! Create an unprecedented vision of Jin Dan, sweeping the same level, powerful! It is an unprecedented eternal evil!"

"That's right! He left his inscription on the ancient vision monument!"

The sea is flowing, the waves are rushing into the sand, and the century-old scene will inevitably have countless days of rise and shine.

Su Zimo's expression was calm, his eyes flashed.

A hundred years have passed, I don't know how many people still remember him!

"Although Ye Tiancheng is powerful, it may not be called unprecedented."

Liu Hanyan shook his head and said, "I heard that both the last vision list and the second vision list created a new vision!"

"And there are many legends about the top of the last vision list, it seems stronger than Ye Tiancheng ..."


Ru Xuan was very disdainful, and said with a lip: "Sister, you also said that the top of the last vision list was legend. What is a legend? It is a fake puppet.

Nangong Ling also nodded and said, "We haven't seen what the last vision list was like. We don't know how many false components are in it."

"But Ye Tiancheng's combat power, which we have seen with our own eyes, can indeed be called ancient and modern."

"We have all stepped into Yuan Ying, presumably he has also entered Yuan Ying early."

"With his fighting power, stepping into the Yuanying Realm will surely sweep all true kings, Yuanying is invincible!"

Looking at the three people of Nangong Ling, it is obvious that they knew nothing about what happened in Vientiane City a hundred years ago.

In other words, even if I knew it, I knew it was limited and thought it was some legend.

There was a hint of mockery in Su Zimo's eyes.

This he could understand.

After all, a hundred years ago, in Vientiane City, the forces of various major gates were brutally washed down by foreigners, Tianjiao suffered numerous deaths and injuries, and almost annihilated the entire army.

In the end, it was still his shot that could turn the tide and save everyone.

Moreover, he Su Zimo is another alien in the eyes of everyone!

This matter is very disgraceful.

It can even be said that in the presence of the Rakshas and the Protoss, the powers of the various major gates lost their faces.

After they returned to the continent, it was common sense to keep tabs on the matter.

The truth was thus concealed.

It's only been a hundred years.

If it was five hundred years later, one thousand years later, who would still remember that in the original Vientiane City, there was a figure fighting in the blood to protect the last dignity of the human race, and it was half a step back!

Who would have remembered that there was a person who, almost by himself, turned the tide into the downturn and helped the building fall.

Does anyone still remember that there was such a figure standing on the body of an alien race, with courage and arrogance, and sending out a mighty cry-the emperors are not here, I am still!

As the years go by, it will eventually bury it all, until there is no trace of erosion.

Su Zimo took a deep breath, seemingly inadvertently asked, "You seem to be disdainful of the last vision list?"

"it's common."

Ruxuan shrugged and said, "In a century, that person has no news at all, only two possibilities."

"First, he's dead. And the silence is silent, and not visible."

Tianjiao, who died in advance, will eventually be forgotten, without exception.

Su Zimo asked, "What about the second possibility?"

Ruxuan said: "Second, he is as timid as a mouse, and has been hiding."

Su Zimo frowned, didn't understand the sentence too much.

Just listening to Ruxuan continued: "Eight years ago, the second emperor in the last vision came out of the mountain, threatening to have a life-and-death battle with this person, and this person did not respond at all."

"Later, the Emperor shot and heard that he almost killed his best friend. This person did not show up. You said he was not as timid as a mouse ..."

Ru Xuan was talking and suddenly shuddered and couldn't go on.

She looked up subconsciously, and saw Su Zimo's face was cold, his eyes clear, the whole person exhaled a heart-breaking breath, terrible indescribable!

You know, Su Zimo's hands are covered with the blood of Tianjiao evil!

He came all the way, and his feet were full of bones, not a fluke!

He even dared to fight a hegemon!

When he became angry, how could he withstand such a force of repair as Xuan!

Killing power, upside down!


Ru Xuan exclaimed, frightened, and stepped back.

Nangong Ling and Liu Hanyan also changed their looks, only to feel shocked, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

Nangong Ling took the palm of his hand on the storage bag, and when Cangjie heard it, he took out a long knife and waited.

Su Zimo reacted, knowing that he was dysfunctional, and put away his murderous heart, and the trembling atmosphere disappeared.

The three of Ru Xuan froze and blinked, and the man in the blue shirt was back to normal again.

The palpitations of the genius just seemed to be an illusion.

Ru Xuan's heart was full of grievances. When she came to Su Zimo, she said loudly, "What do you stare at me! What fierce you are with me!"

Su Zimo was a little silent before he said, "I'm sorry, I just thought of some other things, and I was a bit disoriented."


Ru Xuan rolled her eyes and didn't seem to appreciate it.

Su Zimo also did not continue to comfort, and asked, "Dare to ask my friends, who is the Emperor's injury?"

"do not know!"

Ru Xuan said angrily, don't go too far.

Seeing that the scene was a bit stiff, Liu Hanyan quickly took the conversation and said, "I heard that the tomb ancestor was injured, as well as a friend named Ji from Dayangmen."

Liu Hanyan took a peek at him and saw Su Zi's expressionless expression, so he continued: "The Ji surnamed Dao You had Danyangmen's elixir to continue his life and was saved. The Daoist of the Tomb Sect, listen He also said that he fled, but his whereabouts are unknown and his life and death are unknown. "

Liu Hanyan thought about it and asked tentatively, "Taoyou ... do you know them?"

Su Zimo did not answer.

The voice of Jiujiaodao resounded in his mind: "You can rest assured that if your friend gets the true story of the tomb sect, it will never be so easy to die."

"Moreover, after these two things happen, other people will definitely be locked up by the Zongmen. Emperor Qiang is no longer afraid to run to the sites of these Zongmen to kill."

Seeing that Su Zimo did not answer, Liu Hanyan continued and said, "I heard that this emperor had originally killed several people. Later, these people were restrained by the ancestral gate, and the emperor had no chance."

Su Zimo's mind finally relaxed.

As long as these old friends are unharmed, it won't be too late for him to return!

(End of this chapter)