Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 302: To kill a half-step real spirit in secon

The sun was shining and there was no cloud in the sky.

The day after Eli heard the news, Alice sent all the high-level information about the Wandering Alliance, but Eli just glanced at it.


Although he was very cautious, there was no need to take a close look at everything.

"Then when is Master going to make a move!" Alice asked.

"The weather is good today. It's a good weather for killing people." Eli just glanced at the sky, stretched his body, and looked relaxed.

Alice looked surprised.

"Then master, do you need us to send someone to help?" Alice asked.


Eli shook his head and said, "You let my people leave the enemy area, I don't know who our people are!"

But it is foreseeable that that name will be known to the world again.

Even these weak magicians with eight rings can only scurry around, trying to let the shadows contaminate us. As for flying, it is suspected that Fang Yi is a terrible person, and someone wants to face me.

Fang Yi let out a heavy laugh, his body was entwined with blood, and he moved towards the established direction.

The next step is to test Fang Art Body or Bloodline Body.

We didn't expect that a half-step Eli was easily killed by him, as if he didn't use any special force.

I looked down, and the boots I was wearing actually started to melt, as if they were corroded. Seeing this scene, I immediately moved forward, but in just a few seconds, I still couldn't see my feet.

The wind blade in Fang Yi's hand flew towards the male warlock, getting bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, it became nearly a hundred feet in size, as if cutting the world apart.

But the wind blade has not arrived yet. On this wind blade of hundreds of meters, your storm is as strong as a baby. With a heavy stroke, you can disappear in an instant, while you are turned into powder in the wind blade .

Eight figures rose from the front and flew towards the true spirit in the sky.

I also really understand the difference.

But there was an eight-ring warlock who punched Shadow Gaoqiang, but the shadow only squirmed twice, and the shadow spread out like ripples, and then there was no more movement.

Some people were puzzled, but no one was going to touch it to have a look.

As for the thousands of warlocks and half-step Elis of the Wandering Alliance, they have not disappeared, without a trace.

Everyone looked towards the sky, and under the sky, **** spots appeared and flew towards us.

The warlocks who were still alive were stunned, feeling the harsh storm, and frantically dodged around.

The warlocks panicked, but some also panicked.

"The source of the blood is below, what happened there!"

"That's it."

"I must know that my lord is the Tower of Bloodlines, it is impossible for you to do it!"

A warlock trembled.

Looking at the wind blade, the two warlocks were in despair, their blood was aroused, and the blood around them was like a giant, trying to block the two attacks.

In the sky, True Spirit didn't hide his position and looked towards the ground.

The surrounding high shadow walls collapsed outward in an instant.

Some people directly chose to give up resistance and let the shadows swallow us up. Others did not resist, but there was no point. I saw the true spirit stretching out its hand.

The other warlock also turned his head, and the two looked at each other. At the same time, the two made kneeling postures in the air.

The true spirit doesn't care about Tao, and the spiritual power is like the waves of the sea.

It depends on the master.

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!" Alice also understood.

In just ten minutes, I came to the backline of the two sides.

A wave of shadows hundreds of meters high swept towards the interior, and countless warlocks struggled.

Some warlocks loyal to the Bloodline Tower are even more unhappy. Some of us have witnessed the glory of the Bloodline Tower in the past, and are very dissatisfied with the current retreat.

We pushed through the sparse shrubs and out of the jungle.

Trapped in the shadows, some of us stretched out our hands, some whispered for help, and some clung to things around us like straws.

"Master, all have been evacuated!" Alice Hui reported.



A few seconds later, the shadows gradually disappeared, but all the warlocks hadn't disappeared, and even the houses and tents were corroded in the shadows, leaving only the ground riddled with holes and a huge crack.


"Isn't it a lie? How could there be Fang Yi there?"

Others also settled down a little.

half a day later.

We understand that that is the only hope of survival.

And watching everything disappear, the true spirit is still very intense.

Seeing the death of the male sorcerer, the other two sorcerers were also horrified.

Totally heaven and earth.

"This is too scary."

We're waiting for half-step Eli's grown-ups to deal with that warlock that popped up.

There is also a wandering alliance headquarters, let's use this as a testing place.

"He said what Master Alice was thinking, was he crazy to ask you to evacuate at that time?"

"Hey, what is this?" Suddenly, someone pointed to the sky and asked.

Everyone fell silent.

On the ground, the warlocks showed joyful expressions and looked at the sky.

Seeing this shadow like running water, many warlocks looked confused, and their first reaction was to run first!

"Not there anymore."



Everyone's eyes were instantly focused.

But in the next second, everyone's eyes were blank.

In a forest not close to the frontline battlefield, hundreds of people lined up to form a dragon, and the sound of tranquility was mixed together, moving towards the direction of the Bloodline Tower.

Everyone frowned. The **** direction is exactly where our front line is.

While dodging the shadows, the warlocks looked at Fang Yi in the sky with fear in their eyes.

At this time, the people in the center tent obviously noticed the change.

The shock made the warlock's mouth shut, but then I realized another problem.

I want to ring up and beat the dog!

Even above the sky, the surrounding high shadow walls continued to extend, and shadow threads appeared, covering the high sky. For a while, the area with a radius of several kilometers instantly turned into a birdcage.

Fang Yi's eyes were fierce, and he raised his hand heavily, and a wind blade between his fingers condensed into strands.

But the wind blade passed by, like a breeze smoothing everything, the blood gas blinked, and the two were instantly torn into countless flesh and blood by the storm, and disappeared with the wind.

The other two also became **** in an instant, because we couldn't see through the person in front of us, and couldn't see through my power at all.

Eight half-step Fang Yi adults have not survived a minute, how can this be played.

"What happened!"

When the smoke dissipated, everyone looked at the cracks on the ground.

When I got close to the male warlock, the male warlock was wrapped in a storm, looking at the huge wind blade of a hundred meters in front of him, as if it was about to destroy the world, I fell silent!

Among the Tower of Bloodlines, the one who has this method should be the teacher of the next tower master, Vivica, Herman, and the next time he shows up, it seems to be two hundred years later!"

He made a sound and approached Fang Yi, the storm condensed around him, and it expanded to a range of tens of meters in the blink of an eye, tearing everything around him brutally, like a natural disaster.

Really strong.

Among them, a one-ring warlock was accidentally swallowed by the shadow in an instant.

That's science!

"I finally got it, **** it, that damned shadow!"

The ground warlocks panicked, and what made us even more frightened was that as the shadows on the ground were completed, more shadows began to spread towards the interior.

And this sudden change was also noticed by many people, a

shouted loudly.

That word seems to have some special magic.

On the battlefield in front of me, there are no people anywhere, some are just a mess, and the ground is scorched white, as if something special has happened there.

The warlocks talked a lot, with dissatisfaction on their faces.

Above the ground, countless shadows began to drill out. Starting from the edge of the battlefield, a huge shadow quickly rose like a high wall, like a high wall separating the world.

"That is!"

"My lord has made a move, he is dead!"

"I almost have an intuitive feeling!" Zhenling calculated

I don't understand at the moment, I'm afraid these people are not gone, but dead.

"Hey, the more I think about it, the more angry I get, how can I give up!"


And as it got closer, the blood became bigger and bigger, like a shooting star, and finally passed us, so fast that we didn't even see what was outside!

Can I get out of there alive?

"Hey, advancing at that time, it is no different from sending resources out directly. Isn't that a betrayal of the Bloodline Tower?"

Finally, the wind blade still fell, and directly carved a crack tens of meters to hundreds of meters high on the ground, and the flying heavy soil covered the entire area, and during that process, hundreds of people only came into contact with the aftermath, There is death!

For me, it is not difficult to measure and test other powers based on that witchcraft, so I just made one move, and then deduced the specific strength based on the power of that move and the mental power used .

A warlock walked into that land.

Alice silently closed the window and left.


What are you panicking about? You still have eight half-step Elis adults?" An eight-ring warlock shouted loudly.

And a few seconds after Fang Yi left.

But Fang Yi didn't seem to answer what we meant, but just looked at the ground. On the ground, shadows flowed, like waves rolling up layer after layer, constantly devouring warlocks one after another.

Many warlocks fell silent, and some warlocks of the new generation had never heard of that name at all.

Complicated observation, even the true spirits have to deny that the average level of those people is lower than that of the Bloodline Tower, and they are indeed wanderers from the Central Continent.

"What the **** is that?"

at this time.

The warlock is not wearing special boots, but a first-grade witchcraft, but just what is left on the ground can damage a witchcraft.


It's not good!

"do not know!"

After speaking, Alice immediately left the room.

The wind blade didn't stop after passing me, but flew straight towards the ground.

But when we saw the picture in front of us, we were shocked in place.

The window opened with the sound of the wind, and in Alice's sight, Eli turned into a streak of blood, and instantly got up and left from the window. At that speed, Alice hadn't seen Eli's figure clearly, and he had already disappeared from her sight. middle.

You understand that you are not an opponent.

We're not completely hopeless yet.

"Okay." Eli got up from the couch and nodded.

Eli took out a recliner and basked in the sun, relaxing and comfortable.

The corner of my mouth twitched, the Bloodline Tower actually has Fang Yi, no wonder the strength is actually on the west coast!

What is it?

Seeing this powerful wind element, both the warlock and the other two half-step Elis laughed. Compared to the warlock's massive attack, it was undoubtedly too powerful.

Those shadows are too strong, and special warlocks can't resist them at all.

Two women and one man, one of the women is wearing a white sorcerer's robe, the other is wearing a gray sorcerer's robe, the man is wearing hot clothes, with patterns all over his body, and the aura of eight of them has reached the level of half-step Eli!

"Ah this!"

After advancing to the Seventh Ring, besides the fact that True Spirit's own speed has increased, I can't burn more power with the Blood Burning Secret Technique, which makes his speed even more terrifying.

"Who is he?" The man spoke first, with a serious face.

The sorcerer's eyes widened, and he was about to turn around and leave immediately.


"The way the blood light moves, I seem to have seen it in the records of the previous Bloodline Tower War!" Suddenly a warlock exclaimed.

Everyday life is on the road.

"Who is in this **** light?" A warlock's throat moved and he made a sound.

Seeing Fang Yi completely ignoring him, the male sorcerer's face was stained with anger, the blood in his hands was gradually activated, and a man with a human body and snake tail appeared in the sky.

There is a plain, and at this time, there are thousands of warlocks stationed on the plain. Behind us are dozens of tents. It should be the lower level of the Wandering Alliance. There are several half-step Fangyi outside!

"Hiss, is that eight rings?"

I waved it casually, and the two wind blades condensed again.

But there are only members of the Wandering Alliance here at the moment, and the safety factor is full.


"No way!"

But without exception, despair was written on everyone's face.

Looking at that scene, the throats of the warlocks on the ground moved slightly.

The only proof that I was out the window was that the open window was swinging fast.

It's just that we're early all are not dead yet.

Not long after, thousands of warlocks were awakened, and we also saw Fang Yi in the sky. Some people knew who I was, but the shadowy walls around me were even more frightening.

The movement of the true spirit's attack must be very loud. If it is within the range, it may be killed by the aftermath. If the death is unclear, that would be too bad luck!

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with you, you are much worse than Master Vivica!"

Warlock pursed his lips and said, "I'm sure you remember correctly.

Thinking of this, Zhenling looked further away, as if he hadn't really seen this place through the space.

The warlock from the Tower of Bloodlines who came to check it later also finally came there.

The other warlock also froze.

"My God, the eight rings can't be broken, so at least half a step of Eli."

"Next time." But Zhenling shook his head. Although this time is a test of strength, I plan to hold back.

One of the sorcerers even opened his mouth wide, pointed at the real spirit, trembling all over his body, and said, "True really...Fang Yi!!!"

"My lord, please forgive me, we really didn't mean it!"

"Set off!"

It took a few seconds before someone said, "What the **** is this?"

Everyone else was shocked too.