Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 355: Feast of Bloodlines, Conversations with

Falling in love with you, the immortal of the wizarding world

The Immortals of the Wizarding World, Chapter 355, Feast of Bloodlines, two months of conversations with all parties flew by in a flash.

The restoration work of the City of Bloodlines has also been basically completed, and the time for the feast has also been determined, just a week later.

a week later.

The entire city of blood became noisy in an instant. Countless warlocks walked out of the houses, and the city was decorated with lights and festoons. Ribbons of various colors were wrapped around every corner of the city. Everyone was very happy.

And at the top of the city, in a spacious hall, the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower have gathered.

At this time, Goring had already changed into a layer of gorgeous clothes and was standing outside the hall, but his complexion was not very good at this time.

Alida came to Goring and said.

Goering sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Although he is very helpless about this, he fully understands the actions of these forces.

The manticore family is not completely extinct yet.

Goring said to Alida.

You must know that although the Charming Mansion is located in various cities, there are not many people who have established contact with it. Each of them is at least a seventh-level force. It seems that the Charming Mansion is really optimistic about the Tower of Blood or Han You.

But he found that Han You's eyes seemed to be a little confused, and Goring didn't quite understand. After thinking about it carefully, the only connection between him and Charming Mansion was Liliana.

Han You also nodded helplessly.

He was wearing a scarlet warlock robe, and his appearance didn't look too special, but his aura had reached the level of a seven-ringed true spirit and a morning star.

who am i where am i

"Understood." Goring nodded. It seems that Im passed the information on in the city of Holmes before.

How do you know so many forces!

Göring was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the owner of the tower of honor would actually get a witch weapon with seven rings.

The Charming Mansion is the largest information organization. Once contact is established, it will be great news for the Bloodline Tower, and there is no fear of manticores at all.

And Han You stood at the front of the hall, watching.

Interesting! Everyone fell silent instantly and looked towards the door.

At this time, these people were also whispering.

Another big force, a big force stronger than the manticore.

At this time, no sorcerer had started to rearrange the hall to prepare for the next banquet.

At this time, Alida shrugged her shoulders helplessly, saying that he had become the only force that came.

Amanda lowered her head, took out a space ring and said respectfully.

As if seeing Goering's confusion, Alida explained:

When did the Bloodline Tower have relations with this power all over the Central Continent, and it was also a Huiyue Warlock who came to visit.

The warlocks of other powerful forces also fell silent, with only one thought in mind.

The Charm Mansion, the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, the Holy Tower, and Amanda, the lord of Holmes City.

I saw a resolute woman walking in, wearing a gorgeous golden-spotted wizard robe, the aura she exuded surprised Alida even more, she had reached the realm of Huiyue, and he would never admit that she was mistaken for that dress .

Goring pursed his lips.

Han Youxinya looked over and didn't recognize her, but her aura was the peak of Xingyun, one step away from Huiyue.

He didn't expect that his arrival would attract the attention of so many old friends, but it's okay, his current identity seems to be Herman's student.

As soon as he came in at this time, he looked at the quiet hall here,

It seemed that he was a little confused, and his eyes widened when he saw the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce and the Charming Mansion, as if he didn't expect to meet people from these forces.

Goering replied.

Goering nodded.

Everyone looked over curiously, only to see a man slowly walking in through the door.

Alida blinked.

Next is the banquet, especially the friendly conversation between the Bloodline Tower and other forces, but since none of these forces with true spirits has arrived, there will be nothing for Goring next.

At this time, a pleasant voice came from the hall.

Not only him, but other warlocks opened their mouths again when they saw this scene.

Han You walked over, took the ring and put it on directly under the gaze of everyone.

At this moment, Han You on the side was about to burst into laughter.

And amidst this silence, a warlock walked into the gate again.

Why did the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce come here? This is a large chamber of commerce all over the Central Continent.

Göring blinked again, seeing this warlock robe, he already understood who it was.

Jinji is already a big shot now!

Seeing Han You coming in, those who had spoken ill before did not dare to speak up. Although they were not optimistic about the future of the Bloodline Tower, this person in front of him was a strong person at the level of Huiyue.

Alida said something amazing again, and many warlocks were stunned.

This is the top figure in the Western Regions, which is equivalent to the curator of the Western Regions in the Charm Mansion. How could Goring get involved with this kind of person, and he sent so many supplies? The news that Lin is a loner is also completely different!

As soon as the woman walked in, she asked directly:

Han You nodded and understood.

The man came to the hall, smiled and said:

At this point people are numb.

He still hasn't forgotten Eli's answer.

And this person came here as soon as he came in, and walked directly towards Han You.


He looked sideways at Goring, his big eyes seemed to ask if you invited me

Alida nodded and walked outside.

But suddenly, Alida only heard a voice coming from the door, and Alida turned her head to look.

Eli on the other side narrowed his eyes at this moment, with a dazed expression on his face.

The ceremony is not so simple, and Han You is also very satisfied with it.

In the next second, everyone started to applaud, celebrating that Goring became the tower owner of the Bloodline Tower.

Even Han You was stunned, they didn't have much connection with this force.

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared, everyone was stunned and opened their mouths wide.

He moved his throat slightly, and then asked cautiously:

The purple sorcerer's robe highlighted the uneven figure, like a ripe peach, with a faint smile on his face, he walked in slowly, exuding a faint pleasant smell.

Han You said to Eli.

That's it!

In the main hall, there are already many warlocks at this time. Most of these forces are within the range of the Bloodline Tower and belong to the Bloodline Tower.

Goering also asked at that time.

And Eli took out a box from the side. The box was opened, and there was a red gold ring outside, which was the identity proof of the owner of the Tower of Honor.

If you don't come, don't come, just take advantage of the opportunity as a celebration inside the Tower of Blood.

On the side, Mo Luo seemed a little surprised, the investigation before coming here was not like this!

And because Master Jinji went to

Zhongyu, so let me pass a message on behalf of the Lord, he is also very sad about the death of Lord Herman. "Mo Shao's tone was sonorous and forceful.

The Charming Mansion may have some connection, but the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce does not have any branch in the distance.


Eli said to Han You.

"Hello, my lord. I am Shao Mo. This time I came to visit under the order of Lord Jinji from the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce. This time I brought millions of magic stone including the Kongming Stone, Essence of bloodline... and more than ten resources, and a new branch will be established here.

At this time, except for Goering, the others were once again surrounded.

Suddenly, a warlock shouted at the door.

The warlock said humbly.

Is Alida still alive at this time? The promised one is from the west coast?

Alida nodded, and then entered the banquet.

Goring walked towards the hall.

Definitely no Manticore business, it should have been a busy day.

The other old man also sighed.

Goring nodded and walked towards Eli.

In fact, Goering saw that ring yesterday, and knew that it was a high-level wizard ring. It was passed down from the wizarding age. Power, which can be used by wizards at any time.

A strong warlock shook his head and said.

Are we in the Tower of Blood?


It's quieter today than I thought.

The arrival of the Charming Mansion directly detonated the audience, shocking many people.

The knock on the door of the main hall sounded again, and another warlock poked his head in.

There are people who are so interested in the Tower of Blood, we think that the Tower of Blood allows us to take unknown risks.

At this time, Eli took out the ring.


Lobeli came in first, followed by Göring, dressed in a white warlock robe, with nothing in his hands, looking very easy-going, always with a faint smile on his face.