Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 441: The conditions were broken again and aga

Chapter 441 The conditions are broken again and again!

The Immortals of the Wizarding World Chapter 441 Conditions, defenses have been broken again and again! Negotiations went well!

After half an hour of talking, Giovanni personally agreed to Eli's terms!

There are two in total.

One is to agree to cooperate with Eli in all subsequent experiments and other experiments that Eli needs to cooperate with!

The second is to agree to Eli's enslavement, and then the dragon clan becomes Eli's vassal, and the deadline is a thousand years!

At this moment, Giovanni sighed, allowing Eli to brand his soul imprint in his blood!

Eli branded it while comforting him.

Giovanni just couldn't stop sighing!

Millennium is fine for a giant dragon, but no one wants to be enslaved!

As for those who know the truth, there are only a small number of people after all, so it's no big deal.

Just when the dragon leaves!

The body of the giant dragon Giovanni also flew out of the green land and came to the sky above the city of blood!

Now that he broke the defense and scolded directly in front of him, and didn't pretend to be pretending, Anna really has a kind of magical power!

Nicholas also came over quickly and agreed to the task given by Cao Gui!

All the warlocks in the City of Blood opened their mouths wide when they saw the out-of-control dragon.

Giovanni said.

From the corner of his eye, Nicholas hid secretly between Giovanni's scales, then flew towards the sky, and disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye.

But will anyone really believe it?

Looking at the news in front of him, Nilo couldn't help frowning, and his face was also ugly.

Lily Eli thinks!

The shrill scream hovered over the green land, causing all the creatures here to look sideways.

But it's too late!

Feeling the untied shackles, Bernie Cao bowed his head respectfully to Anna, but his eyes turned to Police Orsti not far away, and said:

Hearing this voice, nameless flames suddenly burned in Giovanni's eyes, and then he looked at this unlucky son fiercely!

As for when Lily Cao Gui asked why they did that, Anna replied: "We are professionals, and people still trust us. If the price is so expensive, many people will doubt it. These suspicions are bought with money. , and others are also suspicious.

Anna nodded, and then called out to Nicholas not far away!

Half an hour later, Orsti was paralyzed on the ground, lying flat on the ground, staring at the sky with empty eyes.

Nilo pursed his lips and said: "When the limelight passes, don't move for now!

I regret.

So on the same day, Cao Gui found Lili Yilai, and asked him to change the news that the dragon is a dragon at the peak of the sun, and after Anna fought hard with him, he successfully reached a settlement with the dragon. As for the reason, Unknown, finally sold at a low price!


Anna smiled, turned and walked towards the wizard tower ahead, and Ortiz's voice came from behind.

Hearing Nile's words, Tumen was taken aback for a moment, but a trace of bloodthirsty flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile:

What about capturing a dragon with one person fights hundreds of dragons...Anna has advanced to the seventh ring...the dragon surrenders immediately when the dragon arrives.

Moreover, this giant dragon is not a giant dragon at the peak of the sun, but it is a huge dragon.

It’s just a big dragon!”

All kinds of messy, true and false news spread quickly, and as the distance spread, it became more and more outrageous!

Nilo cursed and chattered endlessly!

At this moment, the door opened, and a warlock walked in, and said to Qigu Mark: "My lord, the Bloodline Tower has released a new list today, saying that it wants to strengthen its connection with the eastern part of the Western Regions. Among them, the Holy Tower and the Kraken The family is in it too, but we seem to be left out!

A few seconds later, he leaned back on the high-back chair behind him expressionlessly, his eyes were empty!

"Damn it, the trash dragon clan...the race that stayed in the wizarding world back then, has it declined like this...Damn it, there's nothing wrong with this faction!

Hearing this, Chigu Mark's face became even uglier. Just as he was about to say something, another Shutu ran in in a panic and said, "My lord, something is wrong. The Bloodline Tower cut off our connection, and Seeing this, many forces cut off contact with us in a hurry!

"The giant dragon at the peak of the day is actually the peak of the day." He gritted his teeth, looked at Tumen not far away, and said, "Is this news accurate?"

At this time Ortiz said aside.


It would be fine if I were alone, but I also brought a large number of people with me. If they were all here, I would be the sinner of the dragon family. On the contrary, a thousand years is an acceptable time!

The mighty dragons cut through the sky again, but this time they are menacing, not as if they are fleeing!

Anyway, they have never fought this dragon.

Nilo showed a happy smile, bent over as if joking and said:

After scolding for more than ten minutes, Nilo raised his head again and looked at Simon behind him. The original angry expression was gradually replaced by clarity, and he said loudly:

Dawn City!

Seeing Nile's appearance, Tumen couldn't help but lower his head.

More news of this war has also begun to spread around the Tower of Blood!

Orsti blinked her eyelids lightly Crystal tears flowed out, shining with unique colors!

The giant dragons were also surprised and happy, and quickly followed. As for the war at this time, it doesn't matter anymore. They just want to leave this terrible place and stay away from this powerful warlock!

"O giant dragon at the peak of the sun, regret it!

Anna smiled, then waved her hand, and a little bit of starlight escaped from her body, and at the same time, the shadow surrounding her also suddenly dispersed.

Accurate estimates allowed him to make accurate decisions, and this decision at least would not cost them dearly.

After all, he flapped his wings and flew to the north!

Chigu Mark's expression froze instantly.

the other side.

Tumen took a deep breath.

The warlocks talked a lot, but Giovanni didn't intend to listen at all, he just looked at the dragons who were still standing there, and shouted loudly: "All the dragons, follow me and return to the green field!

Lili Caogui had a strange expression on her face, it seemed that there was some truth in it!

If it weren't for the presence of adults, I think I would definitely feel the power of fatherly love!

Seeing his father's eyes, Giovanni lowered his head, not daring to speak anymore.


In this way, at least a considerable number of people will be confused, and many people will believe this version!

After all, Tumen was about to leave, but was stopped by Nilo again!

In the Twilight Monitor Lizard Warlock family, Patriarch Chigu, Mark looked displeased and ugly!

But there is no way, either choose to accept the conditions, or die with the ethnic groups inside. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page