Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 46: Herman's love

Returning against the flow of people, Eli soon arrived at the city gate.

At this time, the city gate also seemed to be alerted by the sound of the explosion. The soldiers who were originally guarding the city put down the card bar and needed to be checked before entering.

Eli didn't plan to do anything, and queued up along the flow of people.

"Mr. Eli!" When Eli arrived, a familiar soldier greeted Eli.

"Yeah!" Eli nodded. Because he often went out, some soldiers even knew him, and he might even help a little.

After a simple search, Eli passed through the city gate.

After Eli left, another soldier next to the previous soldier asked curiously, "Do you know the gentleman just now?"

"Yes, Mr. Eli, he's a scholar, he goes out a lot, and he's always polite, even as a homeless man, a respectable gentleman, who helped me get my son's name. ' the soldier replied with a smile.

"Wow! My wife is about to give birth. If I can meet this gentleman again, I will ask." Another soldier exclaimed and looked forward.

They are just the soldiers at the bottom of this King's Landing City, and people with identities don't bother to talk to or even chat with them, let alone ask scholars to help them come up with a name.

"Of course, it is very rare for a gentleman like Mr. Eli to distinguish between rich and poor." The soldier smiled and said proudly.

"Hurry up, can you guys hurry up, a bunch of shit!"

Suddenly, beside the city wall, a man who seemed to be a noble directly cut in the queue, dissatisfied.

The soldier's face immediately put away his previous expression, and said humbly, "Sir, I'm really sorry!"

The soldier explained it humbly, and the noble looked at it proudly, like a painting.

Naturally, Eli did not see the picture of the soldier apologizing.

Even if he sees it, he will not pay attention, because this is the current status of the empire, and it cannot be changed.

When Eli returned to the city, instead of going home, he went straight back to the library and started today's work.

Everything seems to be back to before.

To be promoted to the second-class apprentice, it seems that there is no substantial change for Eli.

Of course, Eli knew that this was an illusion, because as he advanced, he could do more things, and he was more free in many things, and his ability to survive in danger was greatly increased.

But change is change, and for him, it will still maintain the rhythm of life before.

He hopes this life can last a long, long time.

A quiet life is always quick.

In the blink of an eye, a year and a half has passed.

Byrne 313 years.

This year, Eli is 24 years old, and it has been almost seven years since he came to this world.

In the past year, Eli has been familiar with the difference brought about by the promotion, and has also learned a lot of new witchcraft. He couldn't learn witchcraft before starting to learn other types.

For example, soul branding, magic spells such as enchanting outspoken words, and some magic spells that he may need in the future.

Also, with the reform of Byrne VI, the empire has not only not become stronger, but has become weaker. This is because the king has removed a lot of redundant parts and simplified the empire to a certain extent.

This is conducive to the long-term development of the empire, but the strength of the short-term empire is indeed weakened a lot, and many nobles have great opinions on the king.

Of course, as I said before, these and Eli have little impact.

His life was always peaceful, without any turbulence, but Herman's life seemed to be a little turbulent recently.

Since Herman's father died two years ago, Herman has also worked harder than ever to learn all kinds of knowledge, but after a long time, it is inevitable that he will feel bored and even lonely.

And Herman is also 24 years old. In this world, most of this age are married and even have children. Herman seems to realize this.

Some time ago, it seemed that I met a girl and quickly fell in love.

"Eli, you said that Windsor and I have known each other for about a month. What gift should I give her!"

In the library, Eli was working with Herman, and he asked with some confusion.

"You can give it away!" Eli replied by putting a book back on the shelf.

"Well, she told me that I like perfume very much, and my favorite is the tulip perfume from the Tulip Chamber of Commerce, but that one bottle costs three quintals, which is really expensive, but if she likes it, I will buy it for him. "As if thinking of something sweet, Herman said firmly.

"Yeah!" Eli then responded.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to care about Herman, the main reason is that this kid has been describing his sweet love in Eli's ear every day since half a month ago.

The girl named Windsor was so beautiful, so gentle, and so kind to him. At first, he was still a little interested in hearing about it, but after half a month, he only felt a pain in his head.

"Eli, lend me some money." Suddenly, Herman turned his head and said.


Eli turned to look over.

Compared with three years ago, Herman at this time is obviously more mature, and he has an extra gold wire glasses. It seems that he has not jumped out of the past, and has matured a lot.

Of course, Eli is similar. At this time, his appearance also looks a lot more But that is what he changed through the mask of the Faceless. In fact, his real face is still what he looked like when he was 18 years old.

"Borrowing money?" Eli asked in confusion, frowning.

If he remembered correctly, although Herman's father died, in addition to dividing the family property, he actually had some money. Although not many were distributed to Herman, there were always twenty or thirty jintars.

In the past three years, Herman didn't spend much. He usually studied and worked in the library. Even if he occasionally went to relax, he would often treat guests. It shouldn't cost much, so why did he need to borrow money.

"Yeah, Eli, I know you have money, lend me a little, and I promise to pay you back." Herman stretched out his right hand and promised.

"What about the money your father left you? It's gone?" Eli asked back.

"Yes!" Herman nodded.

"What's the matter, where did your money go?" Eli's eyes became serious. With Herman's spending power, and he didn't buy any real estate, how could he spend so much in three years.

"Uh..." Eli's sudden question seemed to catch Herman by surprise, and he hesitated to answer.

"If you don't tell me, I won't be able to lend you a loan today, or you can borrow money from the teacher, as long as you're not afraid of being interrupted by the teacher," Eli said.

"Don't, okay, I tell you, don't tell anyone else!" Seemingly thinking of the perfume worth three Jintars, Herman hesitated to tell his story.

Eli listened.

It's just that his expression became more and more strange as Herman spoke.

After Herman finished speaking, Eli looked at Herman, the corners of his mouth twitched.

What a sweet love story.