Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 95: 12 years

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Everything went smoothly on the way away, Yin Lai did not encounter any obstacles, and left King's Landing all the way.

This time out, it may be a long time, and I don't know how many old friends will die when he returns.

As for the destination, Yin Lai had no idea.

Wherever you go, it counts as a journey!

In this way, Yin Lai began a wandering wizard life.

The coachman was sent away by him at a place similar to a transfer station, put on a young horse, and then Yin Lai left with the carriage.

Along the way, about half of each day is on the road, and half of the time is in research and study.

This is a trip, not a tour. Naturally, he still has to learn, so Yin Lai's journey is very slow. He often stops suddenly while walking, and then finds a place to experiment.

Stop and go, of course, I met a lot of people on the road, but Yin Lai never walks with him, and occasionally encounters beasts passing by, but he will leave as long as he emits a little mental fluctuation.

Yin Lai has also encountered enemies who block the road and rob.

Thanks for the gift of nature.

The material for human experiments is available again.

In this way, Yin Lai stopped and walked for half a year before he finally left King's Landing and came to another country next to him.

After traveling for a while, the capital there settled down.

The special local materials also surprised Yin Lai, and the new local products made Yin Lai feel amazed and gained a new understanding of potions.

The essence of the potion's configuration is the fusion of extraordinary elements.

After staying here for a year.

Yin Lai left here in his carriage and started a nomadic life again.

This kind of life lasted for about ten years.

Yin Laijiang has also traveled around the country.

Many places on the map left by Severo Mesa have also been visited, and a lot of materials have been collected, as well as extraordinary bloodlines. Although it is low, it is still extraordinary.

His own knowledge has also further precipitated, and it is much stronger than ten years ago.

Naturally, the same is true of strength. Spiritual strength has also reached 22.0, which is stronger than before, but the improvement is not great, as long as it is because of studying while traveling.

However, he also had some ideas about the potion to improve his spiritual power.

In the Kingdom of Carlos, which is a place separated by three countries from Byrne, Yin Lai found an interesting magic plant, which can absorb and improve his power by sucking blood.

This shocked Yin Lai greatly.

He lived directly there for three years. At present, this plant called blood bamboo flower has become the main content of his research, and Yin Lai's extraordinary potion depends on him.

Even if this is just the beginning, Yin Lai feels that there is still a place for this plant to dig deeper.

Great potential.

Yin Lai was a little fortunate that he had gone out, otherwise he would not have encountered such precious plants.

When it comes to plants, Yin Lai has to mention that seed, germination is germination, and it grows slowly. For ten years, it only has a sharp point. Yin Lai is also very helpless.

However, its quality is really high, and the level of feeling is very high, so Yin Lai has always carried it with him.

The only regret is that there seems to be no news of the wizard camp, it seems to be further away.

one year later.

Yin Si Kingdom!

in the city.

Holding a strange plant, Craven flew through the shabby slums on both sides, came to the civilian area, glanced at the surrounding environment, and then quickly entered a remote store.

The store is not big, and there are some strange things on both sides, and some commonly used drugs are also sold.

Everyone in the civilian area of ​​the capital knows that there is such a shop, which sells all kinds of strange things for a long time. As long as it is interesting, you can get money, and most of the items sold here are also bizarre. Only one of them is a golden sore. Medicine is liked by many mercenaries.

It even attracted the attention of the noble, but the next day, the noble disappeared, and no one wanted to forcibly take it after that.

"Grandpa Yin Lai, Grandpa Yin Lai, I found a strange plant, can you see it?" Kelaiwen shouted loudly towards the inside.


The door at the back of the store opened, and an old man came out.

The old man looked very old, with all white hair and beard, and a pair of glasses, like a Frankenstein.

"It's Xiao Kelaiwen!" Yin Lai smiled, walked over and took the things in his hand, then shook his head and said:

"It's a pity, it's just a very ordinary plant."

"That's it!" The boy shook his head in frustration.

The boy Yin Lai knew, a boy in the slum, who once found a precious item for him.

"Haha, I won't let you run around in vain, so what do I need to do here?" Yin Lai smiled and said.

"Really?" Craven's eyes lit up.

He just thinks that this old man is very unusual, and he has long wanted to work here.

"Of course." Yin Lai smiled.

He estimates that he will live here for a few years, and the shops here also need a chorus.

Speaking of which, he came here last year, and he suddenly had an idea for the study of potions, so he settled here for research.

"Is there anything new recently?" Yin Lai asked with a smile.

"Yes, it seems that the kingdom of Lorraine next door and the country next door are fighting, and it seems that Byrne has also participated in the war." The boy said a piece of news that Yin Lai was interested in.

"Is the war coming?" Yin Lai smiled, then motioned for the boy to stay for dinner.

It's not yet time for him to go back.

The changes in the war were unexpected.

The scope of the war gradually expanded, and the Bain Empire fought with another home.

In fact, the size of the two returning home is similar, but due to the various measures of Bairn VII over the years, Bairn's national strength has weakened a lot, and the battlefield is also one-sided.

one year later.

The war is over.

Not victory, but defeat.

The Byrne Empire cut a lot of land to each other and compensated a lot of money, and the war finally ended.

In the same year, Byrne VII announced his abdication.

"Grandpa Yin Do you really want to leave?" Kelaiwen looked at Yin Lai who was about to leave with a reluctant expression.

"Yes, under the sun, there is no banquet that will not go away." Yin Lai smiled and patted the boy's head.

Twelve years later, it's time to go back.

Time to get back the Sarin Metatlin stuff.

"Okay, thank you Grandpa Yin Lai for teaching me writing." Kelaiwen looked grateful.

In the past year or so, when he was idle, he learned writing from Yin Lai.

"That's just the result of your hard work, you don't need to thank me." Yin Lai nodded and stepped into the carriage next to him.

"The coachman, go."

The carriage moved towards the city gate.

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