Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

v2 Chapter 109: Praying Ethan

  Ethan, who returned to Earth, the first thing was to ‘take’ part of the knowledge from the Book of Inheritance, and then hand it over to Tony Stark.

  With the relatively advanced knowledge in these universes, Tony Stark was able to upgrade all the technologies he mastered to several levels.

   Apart from anything else, at least nanotechnology, which will not appear until many years later, is very likely to be tinkered with by Tony within a year or two, and the later models of the armor will also be born ahead of schedule.

   Because of Ethan's intervention, Tony Stark's steel armor has already deviated from its original development path.

  According to the original plot, Tony at this time should have just developed the Mark 7 type, which is the one used during the New York war.

   has a miniature missile launcher, a propeller installed on the back, etc. The Mark VII can only be regarded as an optimized version of the previous generations of armor, and there is no substantial improvement.

Since Ethan gave Tony various magic stone technologies, and gave more magic theories, Tony’s steel armor has long deviated from the original development track, except for the original creation of a set of magic warfare. Outside of Armor, Tony has been combining these magic techniques into his armor.

Now that he has mastered some magic stone technology and Asgard's more complete energy use technology, Tony can now create a powerful armor that combines science and magic, and integrates some nanotechnology, so the problem of carrying is also solved. Solved.

  Iron Man, is no longer the Iron Man Ison was familiar with in his previous life.

  Ethan doesn't care about these. What he cares about is whether Tony can better apply these technologies to his new boat. After giving him enough knowledge for him to digest slowly, Ethan also left the Universe Rubik's Cube for Tony to study.

   This is the tacit understanding they had reached before. After Ethan brought back the Cube of the Universe, Tony could study it for a while.

   He used to worry about S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra people. Stealing things from Tony would be difficult to deal with. Now Ethan is not worried about this happening at all.

Not to mention the defensive strength of Tony’s laboratory today (magic stone technology, various black technologies, full monitoring by Jarvis, and various magic alarms arranged by Ethan.) Even if the Hydra’s people really stole it, Yi Sen can also retrieve the Rubik's Cube within a few seconds.

   "I study these things, what are you going to do?"

   Tony was very satisfied after he got the toy he wanted, but he was a bit unhappy about Ethan's refusal to assist him in research for the next period of time. In his opinion, don't the mages are a group of research madmen? How is this guy running around recently?

   "I'm going to do something important."

   "Don't tell me that you suddenly believe in God."

During this time, Ethan not only “transferred” some of Asgard’s knowledge to Tony, he also did some of his own things, and also borrowed Harpy Hogan from Tony, which is Tony Stark’s. That funny driver and bodyguard, so Tony knows where Ethan is going.

   "Don't tell me that you are looking for churches everywhere you actually want to get married." When Tony said this, he suddenly felt that he had guessed the truth: "Aren't you really going to get married? With that Zeus's daughter?"

   Ethan never had a chance to interject from beginning to end. He could only wave his hand with a black line on his face to indicate that it was not what you thought: "I just need to make some props to collect something."

"What will there be in the church?" Tony thought about it, but couldn't think of anything worthy of the mage Ethan's mind. He simply flicked the tool on his hand, picked up his coat and prepared to go with Ethan: "I will also go and see. , I'm very curious about what you are going to do."

   "Okay!" Ethan spread his hands, he didn't care about Tony being with him, as long as Tony didn't make trouble: "But I want to remind you that this journey is very boring and boring."

   Tony didn't believe it, he followed Ethan firmly and left the Stark Mansion, and then led the way by Harpy, and came to the most popular church nearby.

   As for whether it was a Catholic church or a Protestant church, Ethan didn't care at all. He asked Hapy to help him collect all the locations of the churches with a lot of people nearby, and then drew up a route based on the distance. This one in front will be the first stop.

   After entering the church, Ethan did not run around, he would not do any strange things in such a place.

   He just quietly found a not-so-obtrusive position to sit down, and then took a cross from his pocket.

   Tony has been following Ethan, watching him sit quietly, take out a cross and hold it with both hands, and then begin to close his eyes and pray—at least it looks like this.

   "You didn't really come here to pray, did you?"

Tony’s voice was a little louder, but he soon realized that this is not a place to speak loudly at will, even he dared not offend believers and servants of God, so he apologized to several other people in the church The gesture lowered his own voice and asked Ethan.

   "What the **** are you here for? If you don't tell me, I will tell the priest here aloud that you will come to the Catholic church to pray with the Protestant cross..."


   Ethan believed that this product was absolutely dry, so he lowered his voice and simply explained some of his actions.

   "Churches, where there are often a large number of believers praying, often gather the beliefs of many people. These beliefs are not illusory, and even for some gods, these beliefs are the basis of their existence."

   Tony was a little dazed. Although he didn't understand the theory very well, he also understood what Ethan was making.

   "Do you want to collect these beliefs? What are you going to do? Are you going to make yourself a god?"

Ethan glanced at Tony and remembered that this guy is not a mage who has received a formal education in magic. He doesn't know how much this kind of power containing the desires and beliefs of the believers can kill the mage, even if it is crazy. The mage didn't dare to use this kind of power as his own magic power.

   "No, just collect it. After all, faith is also a kind of energy."

In layman's terms, it is to collect the power of faith or the power of aspiration. This power has many problems in his eyes. For example, too much impurities will affect the spirit of people. Even after the gods have long accepted the aspiration power of believers, Will also unknowingly be affected by this power to their own character.

   But no matter how many shortcomings there are, one cannot ignore that this kind of energy almost exists in all civilized worlds. As long as you have the right means, it is almost the easiest energy to get.

Ethan obtained relevant knowledge from Colibso, combined with some knowledge in Merlin’s Book of Inheritance, and finally relied on some of the knowledge he saw from Asgard to finally have the ability to collect this This kind of energy can be used for oneself.

   The cross in his hand was made by Tony during this time. The material is not special, it can even be said to be very ordinary, but the technology contained in it can be said to be the crystallization of knowledge currently mastered by Ethan.

  Through this humble cross, Ethan can absorb the illusory power of faith, and remove the impurities as much as possible to reduce the negative impact of its existence, and finally transform it into a kind of energy that can be used by him.

  Considering that this energy will inevitably be affected by the huge aspiration power, and the transformed energy also needs to fit these beliefs itself, otherwise it will cause a lot of aspiration power to be wasted. After experimenting several times, Ethan found that Holy Light Energy was the best choice.

   It is a pity that Ethan has not been exposed to the real light, and he does not know how to transform the real light. If he mastered the true light, those impurities would not become a problem, and those messy beliefs would be completely purified or assimilated by the light.

   Ethan can only choose to push back based on the energy of the death magic stone, plus the energy similar to the holy light created by his own understanding.

In the final experiment, he was surprised to find that after incorporating a certain amount of willingness, this energy has become closer to the holy light in his impression. The energy is full of life, heat, purity, etc. The restraint effect is also better than before It can even be said that this newly born energy is more worthy of being called the Holy Light than before.

   The cross he made this time has also been named the Holy Light Cross.

   "So you asked Hapy to find out about the churches with a lot of people in the vicinity, just to collect these powers of faith one by one, and then convert them into the holy light and store them in this cross?"

   After hearing Ethan’s explanation, Tony finally understood what Ethan was doing. He was very amazed by it. He didn’t expect magic to operate like this?

"That's it……"

   "Is this kind of collection work particularly time-consuming?" Tony found himself talking to Ethan for a while, Ethan never changed his movements, and still maintained a ‘prayer’ posture.

   "Collecting aspiration power is not so easy. I have to constantly coordinate my mental power and avoid any abnormalities during the transformation."

Ethan can only maintain this posture when collecting aspiration. He found that when this posture and spiritual fluctuations like praying, the aspiration in the church is more likely to be attracted to him, but even so, the speed of collecting still makes him want to To shed tears, he guessed that if the church he delineated didn't have a few months, it would be impossible to finish all of them.

   Affirming that Ethan can only stay in this position for a long time now, Tony decisively lost interest, smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and then asked Harpy to send himself back to the Stark Mansion.

Compared to sitting in the church like a fool with Ethan, he is still more willing to go back to his laboratory and toss around. Even if he builds a madman robot that attempts to destroy the world, it is more interesting than watching Ethan in a daze here. .

   Killing Tony would never believe that Ethan would really pray to God.