Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

v4 Chapter 104: It's better to be simple and neat

Ethan lightly tapped one of the arcane springs in front of him, and the magic wand flew towards the huge energy Igo in front of him like a missile.

In the blink of an eye, the Arcane Fountain had hit the huge energy Igo, and then caused a huge arcane explosion.

Arcane energy is a stable and highly malleable energy, but also has amazing power, especially when the arcane energy explodes, it can shred a planet.

Although a large amount of arcane energy is stored in the Arcane Spring created by Ethan, it is not yet large enough to blow a planet into pieces.

But what he has to deal with right now is not the "whole planet". What he has to do is just to stun the energy Igo in front of him-so he didn't even look at the opposite Igo in his own place. What was the state of the attack? He directly released the remaining arcane fountains, and the target chose all the high-aggregation energy reactions that he could sense.

But all the energy aggregates around Ethan can't escape Ethan's arcane bombardment.

Although the successive explosions did not hurt Yigo's core, the controlled energy was hit and shook with strong energy, and Yigo, as the controller, was uncomfortable.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that Ethan's continuous bombing not only blasted the energy he had just mobilized and gathered, but also spread a large amount of energy outside his control-arcane energy inside his body.

If it was in normal circumstances and suddenly got so much energy, Igo would only feel happy. He has a nearly endless life span, and there is nothing to do in his long life. He can slowly'enjoy' the energy that suddenly ran to his mouth.

But now he is fighting Ethan's life and death, and the sudden appearance of so much energy out of his control is simply creating trouble for him.

These energies have seriously interfered with his control and mobilization of his power. If he accidentally mixes these strange energies when condensing the energy tentacles, it will even weaken his control over the energy tentacles.

Igor's control of the energy tentacles has now been affected, and the pressure on Yongdu and the others has been significantly reduced. The Rocket Raccoon has even left the fighter plane, flying in the air with the ejector behind it, and then throwing something on the ground from time to time. thing.

Ethan had already slowed down his shooting of Arcane Springs, and there were only the last two Arcane Springs in front of him. While Ego was confused by the bombing, he took a look at the situation on Rocket Raccoon's side. .

This little guy with the appearance of a raccoon, strong intelligence and hands-on ability, dropped all the powerful bombs he made.

Perhaps seeing Ethan’s continuous bombing caused enough trouble for Ego, this guy couldn’t help but want to show his ‘talent’-he could combine a lot of ordinary parts into a powerful weapon.

Although the bomb made by Rocket Raccoon does not have the interference effect of arcane energy, the vibration and damage caused by the explosion is real. This is the inside of Yigo's body. Even if the damage can't really hurt him, it will make him feel uncomfortable. ——Especially the location so close to the core was hit by the explosion.

So after Rocket Raccoon joined, Igo no longer had the mind to pay attention to Xing Jue's side, and just dealing with Ethan has involved most of his energy.

What's more, Ethan wouldn't let him have the energy to focus on other places. After all the Arcane Springs were used up and there was no suitable ‘explosive’ on hand, Ethan chose to ‘make it on site’.

Space gems provide him with almost endless energy. These energies have stable space attributes, but just like a terrifying space storm when a stable space barrier is destroyed, energy stability does not mean poor power. , Even some stable energies become violent, which is more destructive than a lot of chaotic and muddy energies.

This is true of arcane energy, and the same is true of space energy.

The huge space energy was "extracted" and "smashed" by Ethan to become violent, and Ethan created a layer of space outside to "contain" the violent space energy in it, and continuously Injecting more space energy into it, while still being continuously compressed.

The original blue-and-white space energy was finally compressed into a basketball-sized light ball by Ethan. In addition to the blue-and-white light unique to space gems, this energy is also mixed with patches of black shadows, those black Shadows move in chaos and chaotically, looking like pieces of black cloth tumbling in the chaotic water.

But it is these inconspicuous blacks that exude an astonishing breath, as if they can erase everything from this world.

Feeling that the energy in his hand gradually became a little uncontrollable, Ethan immediately ‘pushed’ the blue ball of light that didn’t seem to rise very much.

The flight of the light group did not seem to be very fast, but it flew in front of Yigo who had condensed again in an instant, and the sudden explosion of space energy storm directly submerged the smaller half of the giant Yigo.

When this energy storm exploded, it was not like the previous arcane energy exploding in all directions. Instead, after it suddenly expanded into a huge sphere, it released an amazing suction force that would remove all matter within a certain range. Inhaled into the chaotic energy storm torn apart and annihilated.

Ego, who had been swallowed by half of his energy body, couldn't get rid of this suction, and most of his body was sucked into this space energy storm and was completely destroyed.

Even more frightening is that this attack not only wiped out an energy clone of Yigo, but also injured Yigo's own spiritual core.

"This is a surprise."

"What kind of surprise?"

Just when Ethan was bombarding with arcane energy, Xingjue found Ego's body and decisively crushed the amulet given to him by Ethan.

After receiving Xingjue's call, Ethan took a part of his attention, released a mirror image clone and came to Xingjue's side.

If you just send a mirror clone, you won't be able to use the amulet for positioning. After all, Xingjue is not far away, and Ethan can easily lock his position.

The real function of the amulet is actually to facilitate Ethan's positioning to open up a temporary energy channel for long-distance spellcasting.

He wants Xingjue to seize the ownership of the energy of this planet. It is difficult for Xingjue to learn such complicated things in a short period of time, so he can only choose a stupid way: use the control of the energy of the star to transfer these energy .

The specific operation does not need to be done by Xingjue, but Ethan is responsible.

To put it bluntly, Xingjue serves as a key, because it is impossible to do this without this key.

The initial plan was to directly kill Eagle’s mental body, keeping his ‘body’ and his ‘property’, making it more convenient to take over.

Unexpectedly, Igo decisively blew himself out of the maze and returned to his body, so he chose this method.

It's just that there are so many accidents today, and this time it is an accident in Ethan's favor.

If Yigo's spirit can be severely damaged, or Yigo's soul can be destroyed directly, then the plan needs to be adjusted again.

"Now there is an opportunity to destroy Eagle and at the same time allow you to inherit all of Eagle’s ‘legacy’ perfectly. It’s just that you may have to take some risks, so I want to be sure of your thoughts?"

This plan still needs Star Lord, if he is not willing to take risks, then Ethan will not force him, but choose a simpler and more rude way: directly destroy Ego's core.

As for the huge energy that Yigo has collected for so many years... it will definitely collapse and slowly dissipate after his death. Xingjue definitely has no chance to take over these energy, but it will not have much impact on Yisen.

It’s not for such a huge energy to dissipate overnight. He can stay here to gather as much energy as possible. As for whether the energy will be transformed into his own magic power or used to make some magic props, that’s something for the future. Up.

Xingjue is not lacking in courage, and he can make correct decisions at critical moments. Although he doesn't care about his inheritance, he has the opportunity to avenge his mother personally. He is very willing to choose to do it himself.

"Then it will be easier."

Ethan's plan is complicated and complicated because it involves some complicated spells. It's also very simple to say, because it is not difficult to operate:

Use this planet as a special material and make it into someone's exclusive props.

Due to the current situation, both Yigo and Xingjue are qualified to be the owners of this special item. Under normal circumstances, the two people will fight for the ownership of this item on the spiritual level. Similar to the core part of the brain) and the energy collected by Yigo, they are all separated into separate'items', so Yigo's strength will be greatly weakened.

But even so, the mental power of Yi Ge, who has survived for an unknown number of years, is not something that Star Jue can contend. Under normal circumstances, when two people engage in a spiritual battle, Star Jue will only be defeated or even eliminated by Yi Ge in an instant.

Spiritual destruction, even if the body is not harmed, it means that the person is completely dead. Ethan will still make such a suggestion because he now can provide assistance to the Star Lord from the ‘outside’.

In other words, as long as Xingjue can sustain, Ethan, who continues to weaken Yigo's mental power outside, can help Xingjue defeat Yigo and gain ownership of the entire planet and even the huge energy.

At that time, only Yi Ge, who was the core of the fragile spirit, was dead or alive but a matter of Xing Jue's thought.

"This plan sounds terrible."

"Or let's just blow up this thing!" Rocket raccoon, who also ran here at no time, took out the bomb again, ready to ‘stick’ directly on the huge brain in front of him.

Seeing that the two people didn't seem to agree with his approach, Ethan also gave up this seemingly troublesome plan.

"Then blow it up, simply and neatly." 9


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