Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 123: Invincible riding skills, kill Li Qian

  The Mustang under Du Bian's crotch is really crazy and usually wants to catch up with the hard-earned BMW in front.

It is indeed very superb and powerful, but after all, it is still a little bit worse than the sweaty BMW.

At the beginning of the Broken Soul track, there was a section of flat ground over 700 meters, and the speed of the sweaty BMW reached an astonishing 20 meters per second.

Du Bian's wild horse under his hips, even if he ran desperately, was only 17 meters per second.

Therefore, instead of narrowing the distance between it and the sweaty BMW, it is getting farther and farther and farther away.

At this time, Li Qianqian was also very surprised. She really didn't expect Du Bian to be able to tame this wild horse and chase it so fast.

However, Li Qianqian on the horseback has no distractions. The whole body is completely bowed on the horseback, and the buttocks are slightly raised. The whole body forms an extremely hot curve, and the overly mature body is almost squeezed. The tight-fitting crocodile leather riding outfit makes people spit blood.

Of course, Du Bian could no longer take care of the beauty at this time.

His spirit has been completely integrated with the Mustang King, otherwise he would be slightly hard to show respect when he saw this scene.

This sweaty BMW is really like black lightning, 700 meters of flat ground, just over half a minute to finish, and then went straight into the mountain in front and disappeared.

Broken Soul Circuit entered the first stage, a mountain at an altitude of 900 meters.

This is not the one-hundred-meter-high hillside in the wolf army barracks, but 900-meter-high, and there is no obvious mountain road. Not only is the vegetation dense, but also very steep and complex, which is a huge test for the horses.

Although it is only 900 meters above sea level, the distance up the mountain is definitely more than 3,000 meters.

The physical strength of an ordinary horse can't even run to the top of the mountain.

However, Li Qianqian rode a sweaty BMW but was familiar with the road, and immediately chose the fastest and best road.

Because of the uphill, of course the speed slowed down, but it didn't slow down too much, and it was extremely agile to avoid the dense trees. Not only that, but those mountains that looked very steep, this sweaty BMW jumped up.

A real dragon in a horse, a real **** horse, even if it goes up the mountain, it turns out to be faster than a normal war horse on flat ground.

This is the sweaty BMW, and this is the reason why Li Qianqian has won hundreds of battles in the riding competition.

She and her horse are already the closest partners, and they are almost spiritually connected.


However, Du Bian and his Mustang are one man and horse.

After rushing into the mountains, he entered the home field of the Mustang instead.

This wild horse was free before it was captured, the sky is big and the earth is big, let it swim, it will not stop running every day.

It likes the vastness of the grassland, but prefers to conquer the mountains.

So most of the time, it is climbing all kinds of mountains and fighting the beasts on the mountains. Some of the scars on its body were scratched by wild animals, some were cut by tree trunks, and some were wounded by falling.

In short, it was scarred, and the scars all over the body were its battle medals.

It is precisely because of this, because of the blood, its speed is indeed not as good as the sweaty BMW. But after countless sun and moon training, climbing peaks, and countless battles, the physical strength of this wild horse is extremely astonishing.

When it climbed on its own before, it was too fast to avoid the scratches of the branches, the loose soil, and the potholes hollowed out by the hares.

But now with Dubian's mental power to control the unity of man and horse, everything is perfect.

This wild horse rushed across the mountain, like a shadow, shuttled among the trees in the mountain.

No need to slow down any speed, no need to avoid any potholes.

Sprint, sprint, sprint...

Hurry up……

What's amazing is that even a sweaty BMW needs to go uphill diagonally and take a zigzag route.

And this wild horse with amazing physical strength rushed straight up the mountain, and on steep places, it used all its strength on its hind legs and jumped directly.

Switching to other horses, this way of running, was exhausted in less than three minutes, and even fell directly to the ground due to injuries.

However, this wild horse king, who likes to climb mountains, has become more and more courageous.

In less than four or five minutes, it reached the top of the mountain, and its travel distance was only about 1,800 meters, which was nearly half less than the normal 3,000 meters.

Then, there is a crazier and faster downhill road.

Prior to this, the road down the mountain is the most dangerous for this wild horse, because it may fall, and may hit the big tree and break its bones.

So when it went down the mountain before, it didn't dare to run wildly.

But now with the Dubian man-horse unity, it can let go of all speeds and charge wildly down the mountain. Don't worry about bumping into a big tree, it's no better than worrying about stepping into the air and flying out.

Du Bian controls this wild horse like his own body.

Fast to the extreme, crazy to the extreme.

At 900 meters above sea level, it only took less than two minutes to descend the mountain. It was an astonishing two minutes. I don't know how many times the speed of other horses was shot down.

I don't know how many times the horse racing record here has been killed in seconds.

The first pass of Broken Souls Track, the mountain jungle ends.

Du Bian only took about six minutes, and he didn't know where he had beaten the previous fastest record.


After going down the mountain, you entered the second pass of the Broken Soul Circuit, the 800-meter suspension bridge.

The suspension bridge is suspended between two mountains. Below it is a cliff several hundred meters high. It will undoubtedly die if you fall to pieces.

The balance and courage of this warhorse are the biggest test.

Because the suspension bridge is wobbly, if the running speed is not uniform enough, not straight enough, and the strength of the hoof is not even enough, then the suspension bridge will sway wildly, and there is a possibility of a tragedy of people and horses falling.

It can be said that most of the war horses don’t even have the guts to stand on the suspension bridge. Even if they get on the suspension bridge, they have to go slowly blindfolded and dare not speed up at all. Once it shakes, it’s almost a dead end. .

However, the Mustang, controlled by Du Bian's mental power, could almost rush past in the most perfect way.

Uniform speed, straight line, and the rhythmic power of every hoof fall is perfect.

Therefore, it hardly causes the violent shaking of the suspension bridge.

In the state of the unity of man and horse, Du Bian forgot about fear, and this wild horse also forgot about fear, or did this fierce beast simply didn't know what fear was?

Therefore, almost any suspension bridge that a horse must pass cautiously, Dubian's wild horse is like an arrow directly off the string, and rushes over quickly.

For the 800-meter-long suspension bridge, other horses will take two to three minutes even if it is fast.

And Du Bian's Mustang King, only one minute.

Once again, the previous fastest record was completely spiked.


After crossing the suspension bridge, there is a line of canyons.

This canyon is very narrow and winding, the widest place is only less than two meters, and the narrowest place is less than one meter.

Any horse that passes by must slow down carefully, otherwise it will be scratched with blood from the sharp stone wall, or even open its stomach.

Moreover, only one horse is allowed to pass through this one-line sky canyon.

Because it was too narrow, Du Bian stood directly on horseback. Then it passed quickly.

People and horses are united, without any barriers, unimpeded, and quickly passed through the 1300-meter-long one-line sky canyon.

Although the speed has been slightly reduced, it is still several times faster than other horses.

Therefore, the time it took Du Bian to cross the sky canyon still greatly broke all previous records.

It only took two and a half minutes.


Next, it is also the last level of Broken Souls Circuit, the most difficult, most dangerous, and longest level, the cliff trail, with nine turns and eighteen turns.

This is a narrow trail opened up from the mountain, with seven turns, and it is nine miles long, which is four thousand five hundred meters.

The trail is only two meters wide, and there is no protection. There is a cliff of several hundred meters on the edge. It is still broken and broken, and there is no place to die.

This is the most terrifying level of the entire Broken Souls circuit, and it is also the level with the most tragedies.

For decades, I don’t know how many people died here.

And this trail was not originally used for horse racing, but for military food transportation.

When any horse arrives here, it really can only be cautious, trembling, and dare not let go of the speed at all, because it has to turn and stop immediately if it is too fast. If the speed is too fast, it will not stop and fall directly. A hundred-meter cliff.

But for Dubian, it was a perfect show-off operation.

The unity of man and horse, under his mind control, he can almost calculate the speed and turn of every place to the extreme, without the slightest error.

Therefore, all you need to do is to ride a horse.

What flicks in place, what drifts in place.

With absolutely accurate calculations, horses can run wildly, and there are as many waves as there are waves.

There is no need to slow down much at all, as the wind rushes down the cliff trail with nine turns and eighteen bends.

The nine-mile-long cliff trail and other outstanding horses will take at least fifteen minutes to complete.

For Du Bian and Mustang, it only takes six minutes, an astonishing six minutes.

So for other horse racers, Du Bian is not a victory at all, but a spike.

This is the power of spiritual awakening, this is the power of the cheats of "Beast Quotations Equestrian Chapter", this is the power of the secret power behind Ning Zongwu.

Therefore, this time Du Bian raced with Li Qianqian, it was not a victory, it was simply crushing.

Li Qianqian is a genius rider, and has an extremely sweaty BMW. Even at her young age, she has already awakened To a certain extent, Li Qianqian’s riding skills are really invincible. Therefore, Li Qianqian has always been the first in the equestrian competition of the Southwest Tusi League.

But Du Bian used the unity of man and horse, which was not a fair duel at all, but an epoch-making duel.

It's like no matter how good a tank driver is driving, no matter how good a tank is, it can't beat mecha.

Therefore, Li Qianqian's second killing became the only ending.

Ning Zongwu is too powerful, and a certain force behind him is too powerful.


The last pass of Broken Souls Circuit, the cliff trail with nine turns and eighteen turns is almost at its end.

For Du Bian, this horse race is about to end.

After that, there was only a few hundred meters of flat ground to sprint to the end, and there was no suspense at all.

At the same time, Li Qianqian had just descended the mountain and was heading to the Second Pass Suspension Bridge.

She was very proud of her. She played very well this time and broke her previous record.

As for Du Bian, although she was a little bit astonished, she must have been left behind now.

Princess Tusi Li Qianqian couldn't help but let out a sigh: Invincible is so lonely!

However, she didn't know that Du Bian had already reached the end.


Note: The second one is here, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you all. 8)