Eunuch Emperor

Chapter 313: Defeating the Iron-Blood Storm! Du Bia

Baise city head!

Li Wenyu, Lord Ji Shishao, Princess Yuzhen, Li Ling each led an army of 10,000 to defend each wall.

There are more than 42,000 troops in the city.

However, there are only a thousand mature and peerless dungeon warriors and five hundred heavenly demon blood soldiers who really have powerful combat effectiveness.

He who has absolute honor and sense of discipline, and has good combat effectiveness, is the 20,000 alternate samurai in Peerless Dungeon.

There are still 6,000 people composed of Dongchang warriors, Qinglonghui warriors, Gui Wangfu cavalry, Zhennan Duchess army, etc. They have good combat effectiveness and good loyalty.

The remaining 15,000 were captives of the Mohs’ old army, and they were also capable of fighting, but their loyalty was barely enough. Fortunately, it was a defense of the city, and it was difficult to flee where it wanted to escape, and these five thousand people had been disrupted and filled into the rest of the army. Even mutiny will not produce the most terrifying crowd gathering effect.

On the top of the city, Li Wenyu said towards Hou Lu Zhan in Xuancheng: "Master Marquis, Yuan Tianzhao's army has stopped sixty miles away. If you have a soldier, you are a grass head king. You don't want to take chestnuts for others."

Xuancheng Hou Lu looked forward to Li Wenying on the city’s head with a sneer: "My Lu family has been honored by the court for generations. It has been passed down for one or two hundred years. What kind of thing is your Li Wenhuan? One castrated his own egg and got the emperor's favor. It's just a fortunate generation who is rich and poor. What qualifications do you have to talk to me? There are five people and six."

This is the common feature of most honorable persons.

Stubborn, arrogant, and full of absolute superiority. We also retain respect for the civil servants, because they also have a history.

For the eunuch, there is complete contempt and hostility.

Our honourable wealth is passed down by our ancestors, and it is full of historical accumulation. Why do you **** castrates have struggled for more than ten or twenty years to be on an equal footing with us?

Who gave you the right to speak on an equal footing with me? It's just a slave and maidservant!

"Shut up, Li Wenyu, don't say anything." Xuancheng Hou Luzhan said: "Wait for death, and the little steed dog Du Bian? It's a pity that it's not in the city, otherwise I really want to see it. There is a shortcoming. How did the twenty-year-old little steer be the chief soldier of Baise, how to be the Earl of Shangzhenxi, the monkey and the clown, come out and let us see!"

Suddenly, the tens of thousands of troops behind him burst into laughter.

"Brothers, the city of Baise is filled with the minzhimin ointment that Du Bian has searched, and it is more than five million taels." Xuancheng Hou Luzhan said: "Go in and grab these five hundred taels. Let's make a fortune together!"

It's a real life. There are still about five million taels of silver in Baise City. Du Bian has just seized the dirty silver that Mo's old unit sold devil's ointment (opium) for nearly ten years.

Immediately afterwards, Xuancheng Hou Luzhan scattered the 70,000 army under the three walls.

But the cunning, he did not let the three armies attack the city together, but only one of them, about 23,000 armies attacked the northern wall.

The other 46,000 troops, always 500 meters away from the other two walls, can attack at any time, but they will not attack. As a result, the defenders of the other walls were unable to come and support the northern wall.

Moreover, at a distance of 500 meters, the trebuchets in the city are also very difficult to defeat the enemy.

Xuancheng Hou marched thousands of miles without a trebuchet.

Therefore, in the battle of Baise City, the procedure of mutual bombing by trebuchets was directly omitted.

"On the side of Qingjun, punish the traitorous ministers, kill Dubian!"

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Xuanchenghou gave an order, and his 23,000 army veteranly rushed towards the northern city wall in a scattered position.

Li Wenqiu looked at the army coming from below, and then at the defenders on the city wall. There are a total of 10,000 defenders on this wall of his city, 5,000 alternate warriors in the peerless dungeon are full of fighting desire, and 4,000 soldiers from the former Moss group have their eyes gleaming.

The thousand peerless dungeon warriors of Young City Master Ji Shi, as the general reserve team, only arrived at the most dangerous and critical moment.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill..."

Xuanchenghou's 23,000 army roared wildly, and the momentum rose to the sky, getting closer and closer.

Li Wenyu raised his sword and slammed down, "Strong crossbow formation, let go!"

Suddenly, the hundreds of giant crossbows behind them slammed thousands of arrows across the wall, forming a sharp arc, and shooting towards the siege army of Xuanchenghou.

"Swish swish swish..."

Screaming again and again, the giant crossbow in the Peerless Dungeon is so powerful that it can easily shoot through ordinary armor.

Dozens of enemy soldiers who had attacked the city died tragically.

Thousands of arrows killed dozens of people. This probability is a little low, because the formation of Xuanchenghou’s siege army was too scattered.

Soon, the enemy rushed within two hundred meters.

Li Wenyu said loudly: "All archers, prepare, let go!"

Suddenly, all hundreds of giant crossbows, 10,000 soldiers bent bows and arrows, fired in an instant volley.

"Swish swish swish..."

Arrows are like rain.

Hundreds of enemies screamed to the ground.

"Prepare, let go!"

The second round of arrow rain, the third round of arrow rain, and the fourth round of arrow rain.

The bow and arrow shooting is over.

The result of the battle was shooting, wounding about 500 enemy troops.

"Boom boom boom..."

Hundreds of siege ladders from Xuancheng Hou's army smashed against the wall.

Then, the densely packed soldiers climbed up the siege ladder holding their shields.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

On the city wall, a huge boulder smashed down frantically.

The rolling wood fell madly.

Fire oil poured down desperately.

Only less than half an hour after the start of the war, he immediately entered the white-hot cruel stage.


Compared with the primitive Baise City War, the Battle of Du Bian Dalong Fort was more gorgeous and stunning.

The power of the twelve-pound artillery, within a distance of four to five hundred meters, is simply amazing!

The cannonball plunged into Li's army like lightning.

In an instant, the plow opened a **** path.

Wherever he went, blood, broken limbs, howls, corpses!

This is the first round of a salvo, and there is no need to expect too much from shooting.

However, the Li family had a total of 300,000 troops, the formation was too dense.

If it is a trebuchet, you can also predict where it will fall, and then avoid it in advance.

The speed of the artillery was too fast and too fast, almost instantaneously.

Du Bian fired a salvo of 70 artillery in the first round, and nearly 50 artillery shells hit.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

One **** road after another.

And the most frightening thing is that after the shell hits the ground, it starts to bounce.

After any soldier is hit, no matter what armor you wear, the body is directly broken and pierced.

Three shells even hit Li's giant catapult directly.

In an instant... the wooden trebuchet was directly torn apart.

Du Bian's seventy artillery fired in the first round, causing thousands of casualties and destroying three trebuchets.

This result was simply brilliant, far surpassing Dubian's imagination, and it was completely different from the volley of the 130 six-pound artillery fired by Abs.

That day, the volley of 130 six-pounders from Abs was also amazing and earth-shattering.

But the city wall it blasted. And after all, it is a six-pounder gun. At a distance of four to five hundred meters, it is far less powerful than a twelve-pounder gun.

The key is that the Li's army is too dense, and there is no bunkers.

Therefore, one round of volley has created such a brilliant record.


Whether it was Li Zhan or Li Ruhai, they were completely stunned by this scene!

They don't know about the artillery, in fact they have heard enough of Abs's bragging. But when they offered to let Abs conduct a test fire and opened their eyes, Abs mysteriously said that artillery is the **** of war, and once the fire is fired, he must see the sea of ​​blood.

However, Abs' 50,000 army was still defeated in the attack on Fuzhou City, and his more than 100 artillery did not show any usefulness at all.

Therefore, Li instinctively felt that the power of this artillery was the same thing, but Abs didn't understand the Eastern world to brag about it.

Even in the eyes of many people, artillery is no better than trebuchets.

After all, what the catapult smashed out was a boulder of more than 100 catties, while the iron ball shot by the artillery was only 10 catties.

However, these artillery pieces in Du Bian's hands have exerted such amazing lethality.

The first round of shelling caused thousands of casualties.

The key to the lightest hit was also severed hands and feet. The power was too amazing and it was too chilling.

And what about the results of the first round of Li's more than 200 giant trebuchets?

Again, the accuracy of the trebuchet is full of metaphysics.

Because of the relatively high terrain of Dalongbao, the person who launched the trebuchet made a wrong estimate, so in Li's first round of trebuchet bombing, 80% of the boulder bombs hit the open space in front of the wall of Dalongbaozhai. .

In addition, more than 10% of the boulder bullets smashed into the Dalong Fort, or smashed into the open space, destroying more than a dozen houses.

However, three huge rocks hit the wall of Dalong Fort.

Although the location of the boulder was predicted, the warriors on the wall retreated in time.

But still brought dozens of casualties, and smashed the wall of Dalongbao into three huge gaps.

This is not a city wall after all, but a wall made of wood and dirt.

"Boom boom boom..."

The scene where three huge rocks hit the wall of the Zhongzhai was still very shocking.

The seemingly sturdy wall was directly torn open by a huge gap.

Li Zhan, the crown prince from a high place, was delighted when he saw it.

Even in his mind, in the first round of trebuchet and artillery, Li's trebuchet did not lose, but instead won.

Because for the siege party, the number of soldiers killed on the other side is second, and the key is to break through the city wall.

In just the first round of bombardment, Du Bian's Great Dragon Fortress Wall was directly blasted through three gaps, which of course was a huge victory.

But for Dubian, it is a completely different set of war philosophies.

The prince Li Zhan from the heights roared: "The trebuchet continued to bombard and completely tore the wall of the Dalong Fortress to pieces, leaving the Daning Empire's castrated army nowhere to hide.

Immediately afterwards, Li's more than 200 trebuchets began a complicated and difficult operation again.

First, adjust the position of the trebuchet and re-aim, because the first time I aimed was wrong. Then pull down the long and thick throwing pole of the catapult with all your strength.

Finally, more than one hundred catties of stone bullets were placed on the throwing plate.

The whole process takes about eight or nine minutes.

So how long does it take for Dubian's twelve-pounder gun to complete a round of salvo?

More than half a minute!

Just over half a minute!

Because these hundreds of gunners are the most professional, they can clean the barrel as quickly as possible, then directly stuff the gunpowder bag into the barrel, then stuff the shells, and finally fire and launch!

These gunpowder bags are all made of silk and soaked in kerosene. It burns and explodes very thoroughly, and there is very little dust accumulation.

Eight minutes and more than half a minute, the gap is simply worlds apart.

and so……

The Li's army has not yet reacted from the first round of shelling.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Du Bian's second round of seventy twelve-pounders began again.

The earth-shattering loud noise once again.

Seventy shells once again whizzed away like black lightning.

In the first round of the salvo, fifty of seventy shells were hit, and the remaining twenty were hit in the open space between the Li's army.

And this second round of volley, after adjustment, the hit rate is greatly improved.

"Boom boom boom..."

The **** and cruel scene appeared again.

The fast-flying iron ball plowed a **** path once again.

Countless Li soldiers once again cried and howled, and flew around with broken limbs and arms.

The fierce ricochet was completely irregular, running rampant in the crowd, wherever he passed, corpses were everywhere.

Of course, the target of these rounds of shelling was actually the enemy's catapult.

In the second round of the salvo, the hit rate increased by 100%, directly hitting six enemy giant catapults.

Destroyed and rotten again, fiercely torn apart.

"So fast?" Li Zhan was shocked.

Then, he instinctively looked at his father Li Ruhai.

Li Ruhai's face was pale and did not say a word.

He knew that Crown Prince Li Zhan wanted to order the army to charge directly because Du Bian's artillery fired too fast.

It takes half a quarter of an hour for their catapult to complete a bombardment, and at this time, Dubian's artillery can fire more than a dozen times.

During this period of time, the Li's army was completely passively beaten. The casualties were too great and the morale was hit too much.

But the crown prince is the future king. He has already said that the trebuchet bombarded the wall of the Great Dragon Fort. The second round of the trebuchet must be completed, and Jun has nothing to say.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Du Bian's artillery roared again and again.

Every time is more accurate, every time is amazing.

"Huh, huh, huh, huh..."

This short half-quarter of an hour seemed to be as long as a year for Crown Prince Li Zhan.

In a quarter of an hour, his army was dying more and more.

The morale of his army is getting lower and lower.

He really had the intention to directly order the charge without waiting for the second round of bombardment from the catapult.

But he couldn't, because the father did not speak.

Father Li Ruhai would rather endure terrible casualties, but also to complete the immobility of his crown prince, no jokes.

Therefore, he can only gritted his teeth and watched this scene.

Du Bian's seventy artillery pieces were extremely presumptuous, and they fired a volley of roar every once in a while.

Every time it was earth-shattering, every time he had to destroy several of his trebuchets, and every time he had to take away hundreds of thousands of lives from the Li's army.

He saw with his own eyes that countless Li soldiers' faces were already full of horror.

It was completely passively beaten, and there was no way to fight back.

At this moment, Li Ruhai and Li Zhan both had a voice in their hearts.

The trebuchet is over and will be eliminated completely.

Artillery will become the absolute main force in future wars.

It turns out that Abs really didn't brag, artillery is the real **** of war.

Fortunately, they are allies with the Holy Fire Cult. After the Dubian is eliminated, they can buy hundreds of artillery and thousands of gunners from the Western Holy Fire Cult.

At that time, the Li family will sweep the entire Daning Empire.


Finally, more than a quarter of an hour later.

All the trebuchets in Li's Great Yan Kingdom are ready.

At this time, he had endured thirteen rounds of artillery from Dubian's artillery.

More than two hundred trebuchets were destroyed, and eighty were destroyed. The dense Li's army phalanx at the forefront has been beaten to pieces. There is a big gap here and a big gap there.

Over 10,000 casualties!

Finally it's my turn to show off!

The prince Li Zhan screamed: "All trebuchets, tear up the wall and let go!"

"Swish swish swish..."

The remaining one hundred trebuchets roared frantically again.

At the same time, Du Bian burst into a fourteenth round of seventy twelve-pounder guns.

"Boom boom boom boom..."


The terrible shells were massacred again.

"Boom boom boom..."

This time, more than a dozen giant trebuchets were torn to pieces.

After a few seconds.

More than a hundred boulders shot by Li's trebuchet fell fiercely.

"Boom boom boom..."

This time, the results were many.

There are a total of six boulders slammed on the wall of the Great Dragon Fort.

In an instant, six gaps were torn open, killing more than one hundred Dubian soldiers.

"Okay!" Crown Prince Li Zhan shouted.

Du Bian, I just made you arrogant for a long time.

Now, you have a dead end.

In the eyes of Crown Prince Li Zhan, they have already won this battle.

Because what Du Bian defended was not a city, but an abandoned huge barracks fortress, now nine gaps were broken in the wall.

After suffering tens of thousands of casualties, the Li family still has nearly 300,000 troops.

Without a city wall, the Li's 300,000 army fought more than 40,000.

No matter how elite the army is, it will undoubtedly lose. What's more, among the more than 40,000 troops of Du Bian, there are still 15,000 recruits.

The prince Li Zhan drew his sword abruptly, and roared loudly: "The army charges, smashes the Dalong Fort, and cuts down the army of Daning castration dogs!"

Give an order!

Countless army suddenly charged frantically, rushing towards the big dragon fort in Dubian.

At this moment, the earth trembled fiercely like an earthquake.

The Li's army, like a terrible dark tide, Dubian's big dragon castle is like a castle built of paper, as if it would be destroyed in an instant.

The 15,000 new soldiers trembled, feeling that they could not breathe.

Li Sichao looked at the enemy rushing like a tide, his mind was blank and his hands and feet were completely stiff.

"It's over, it's over! I'm sure to lose this time, I'm sure to die."

"Li Si-chao, Li Si-chao, you were so confused by the lard that you really believed in Du Bian, and now you are about to die here."

"Master Du Bian, you can pit us to death!"


In the eyes of everyone, the battle of Dubian is bound to be lost, and the only outcome is the destruction of the entire army.

Seventy artillery pieces are very powerful, killing 10,000 enemies in less than a quarter of an hour.

But there is no time. The Li family's hundreds of thousands of troops will soon rush up. The wall of the wall has broken through several gaps, and there is no need for a siege ladder.

How many rounds can your artillery bombard?

After the Li's hundreds of thousands of troops rushed through the damaged wall, these artillery pieces were also captured.

There are more than 40,000 people, but no one can beat nearly 300,000 people.

Looking at the Li family's army coming by the tide, Du Bian waved the flag and shouted: "Change the shotgun!"

Hundreds of artillerymen were orderly, quickly clearing the barrel, stuffing gunpowder bags, and stuffing brand new shotguns!

Of course, the shotgun at this time is not like the later modern times, just a long barrel cannonball can be inserted directly, and the reloading time is a little longer, but it is a little longer.

Moreover, the weight of the inserted shotgun surpassed the solid bullet, reaching 13 to 15 kg. There were hundreds of large projectiles inside, each of which exceeded the weight of the bullet.

All the shotguns are fully loaded.

If the twelve-pounder gun fires a solid shell, the range can reach two kilometers, and the effective range can reach one kilometer.

If a shotgun is fired, the range is less than 500 meters, and the effective range is only about 300 meters.

The Li's army is getting closer and closer.

Du Bian shouted: "All archers are ready!"

Suddenly, the more than 40,000 soldiers behind the wall all bent their bows and set up arrows.

Four hundred meters!

Three hundred and fifty meters.

Three hundred meters.

Two hundred and fifty meters!

Du Bian gave a sudden order and roared: "Let it go!"

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Seventy twelve-pounders roared frantically, and their muzzles spewed flames.

Then golden light flashed.

It's like a rainstorm.

The terrible shotgun burst out suddenly.

At the same time became an army of more than 40,000, shooting volleys fiercely, arrows raining down.


Terrible metal storm!


Tens of thousands of metal projectiles, like pear blossoms in a torrential rain, appeared in a fan shape and slammed.

Blood bursts!

In an instant, an extremely stunning and terrifying scene appeared.

The Li's army that charged at the forefront, like wheat, fell in pieces.

Terrible slaughter, crazy slaughter!


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