EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 366: Killing of the Black Banners (4)

Facing the six legions of the Imperial Crusaders standing in front of him, all the fleets rushing to rescue the Ankaite Free Federation had to stop in the border galaxy.

"Everyone, the Ankaite Freedom Federation is currently being attacked by the free camp, and it is already in a critical moment of life and death. Please let your army make way and let our army go to clean up the remnants of the free camp."

With a simple sentence, he changed himself from going to support with a cold lips and teeth to a righteousness to attack the free camp. These neutral civilizations really have a hand.

But the Imperial Crusaders facing them didn't take this approach. They saw the fleet's guns warming up and its engines running slightly, threatening to attack at any time.

"New Eden is on a military mission, the front star field is under military control, please go around!"

For Shiman's order, the Imperial Crusaders carried out it to the letter.

In the face of the imperial crusaders who are not willing to enter, these people have no choice but to propose a dialogue with the leader of New Eden, that is, the stone man.

But it was also ruthlessly rejected.

In the face of Ankaite Freedom Federation's urgent requests for help, these coalition forces could only grit their teeth and prepare to take a gamble.

Two hours later, when Shiman ran to the star belt of the first star of the source, Aura came in with a smile.

"What happened to make you so happy?"

Seeing Aura with a happy face, Shi Man also put down the keyboard and turned to ask.

"My lord, the coalition forces temporarily formed by many neutral civilizations two hours ago, in the name of joining justice and order to eradicate the remnants of the free camp, brazenly forcibly attacked the blockade of the Imperial Crusaders and rushed to the Anket Free Federation."

Shi Man was somewhat surprised by this.

You know, these are the six legions of the Imperial Crusaders, a total of six super flagship teams!

How dare their mixed fleet with mostly conventional fleets, dreadnought ships as the main flagship force, and a few super aircraft carriers dare to break through the blockade?

Isn't this turning on the light in the toilet, looking for death!

Sure enough, Ola continued to report.

"Facing the coalition forces breaking into the blockade, the head of the Imperial Crusaders, Void Murong, responded calmly and led the first legion to defeat the coalition forces in the front. The remaining six legions also completed the blockade and jointly strangled the coalition forces.

The battle officially ended ten minutes ago, and it took one hour and fifty-three minutes. The coalition forces have been completely wiped out, and countless enemies have been killed and captured. Our army lost 124 Zealot-class heavy assault cruisers, and the flagship was not lost. "

It can only be said that this was a very beautiful battle. With the mutual cooperation of the six legions of the Imperial Crusaders, the battle was won at a very small cost.

"Although the results of this battle are very rich, it won't make you so happy, right?"

Shi Man asked very strangely.

This time, New Eden has an absolute advantage, and it is not surprising that they can win.

Besides, it turns out that New Eden's excellent record of playing more with less has gone, and I've never seen Ola so happy before!

Facing Stoneman's doubts, Aura explained: "My lord, in order to annihilate or defeat the Black Banner Legion in one fell swoop, these civilizations gathered most of their civilization's strength.

Now these fleets have been annihilated by us, which has also led to the emptiness of their civilization's internal defenses. As long as the Black Banner Legion proceeds as planned, the process of my New Eden unification of the southern star field will be greatly advanced!"

A simple victory is not enough to shake Ola's emotions, but the impact of this victory can make Ola smile.

Taking control of this southern star field early will allow New Eden to accumulate enough military strength to deal with future challenges.

More importantly, it can also provide sufficient resources and territories for the development of the forces that will be unlocked in the future. This is what Aura cares most about!

Listening to Aura's explanation, Shiman raised his head slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly and narrowed, with a bit of viciousness.

"Since that's the case, Ola, go and urge Adrien Black Banner to take down the Ankat Freedom Federation as soon as possible, and then take the opportunity to take down other civilizations!"


"By the way, let the super-flagship team of the Killing Angels move towards the Ankaite Free Federation, and let the Imperial Crusaders open a hole, and prepare to let the Black Banner Legion leave!

And to announce the border conflict to the outside world, you have to do a full set of dramas! "

Shiman wants to attribute all the responsibility for this conflict and even the escape of the Black Flag Legion to these civilizations!

Let others be beaten, but you have to take the blame, and you have to be beaten again by the Black Banner Legion in the end. This trick is a bit ruthless!

Ora liked the plan, though!

Random Aura also showed a sinister smile, and retreated with a bow.

The news that the reinforcements were wiped out due to the conflict with New Eden on the border soon reached the ears of the Ankaite Free Federation and the Black Banner Legion.

New Eden's approach was too direct, so direct that the Ankaite Free Federation instantly understood the purpose of New Eden.

New Eden's blatant and undisguised plan for the entire southern star field made the Ankat Free Federation feel unprecedentedly frightened.

But facing the fierce attack of the Black Banner Legion, they had no choice, and immediately expressed their surrender to New Eden, hoping that New Eden could save them from the predicament.

Regarding this, New Eden did not reply at all, which made Ankat Free Federation very desperate.

On the other side, Adrian Black Banner also sighed after receiving the news that the coalition forces had clashed with New Eden and were annihilated.

"This New Eden really doesn't hide its purpose of unifying the southern star field!"

Not only was his conspiracy resolved by New Eden, but now this New Eden has left him with a choice, which is to take advantage of the emptiness of these neutral civilizations, and his Black Flag Legion to take advantage of the emptiness and complete revenge .

Moreover, he has no other choice!

This is also New Eden's blatant conspiracy!

Adrian Black Flag shook his head~lightnovelpub.net~ Turning his head to look at the Ankaite Free Federation Fleet, which faced huge losses on the battlefield and was already afraid to fight, and had no intention of training.

Immediately issued an order to the Black Banner Legion:

"Attack the whole army and crush them!"

Conventional fleets don't fight many battles, and now facing the attack of the entire super-flagship team of the Black Banner Legion, the Anket Freedom Federation is even more unable to resist, and it will collapse at the touch of a touch.

In less than three hours, under the all-out attack of the Black Banner Legion, the Ankaite Freedom Federation Fleet was destroyed!

And because the Black Banner Legion is now a fleet for interstellar warfare, and has no power for ground landing operations, Adrien Black Banner waved his hand in the face of the ground forces of the Ankat Freedom Federation that stood firm on the colonial planet.

Several Titans slowly emerged from the fleet, and their huge cannons were aimed at the colonial planet.

Then, after turning over the energy storage, several thick and dark beams of doomsday pierced through the core of the colonial planet in an instant.

The atmosphere was greatly damaged under the highly corrosive 'Devil's Kiss', and in just a few hours, the gravitational force of the colonized planet became disordered.

Then, as the core of the colonized planet produced a huge explosion, the colonized planet was finally torn apart and scattered into the starry sky.

Facing the colonial planet that had turned into cosmic fragments, Adrien Black Flag didn't feel the slightest wave in his heart, but turned his head and ordered to the fleet:

"The titan squadrons acted on their own, seeking out targets to shatter their planets and destroy their civilizations.

Everyone, the time for revenge has arrived! "Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!