Every Day I Sleep, My Soul Goes Out of My Body

Chapter 48: acting

Back home with strong support, the grain of rice fell to sleep. In a daze, thinking that he should also make money, Dad Duan has covered a mountain, and there will be basically no income in one or two years, and the risk of losing money should be considered...

Rice suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly thought of a feasible way.

[Lao Bai! Mi Li just wanted to summon Bai Chen to analyze, but found that he was not in his house, but in a department store, and turned into a beckoning cat ornament with shaking arms. The whole body was golden and exuding the light of wealth.

With a jeweled cat face, the grain of rice is desolate in its heart.

There are people coming and going, but few people stop at the counter where the rice grains are located. Jewelry is sold here, and only a few passing customers will take a look.

The rice grain looked around, looking for the figure of certain Bai.

After dozens of minutes, Xi Baichen turned out from the other side with the shopping bag, and was approaching this counter.

[Lao Bai! Old white! The rice grains called out repeatedly, shaking the movable arm desperately, almost shaking out the afterimage.

Bai Chen paused for a moment, then stepped towards this side, and quickly locked the convulsive lucky cat on the counter.

"Sir, do you want to buy a present for your girlfriend?" The lady at the counter showed a polite and charming smile to Bai Chen.

"How to sell this?" Bai Chen pointed to the lucky cat.

The lady at the counter: "...This is the decoration of our shop, not for sale."

"1000, sell it?" Bai Chen pulled out the credit card from his wallet and quoted a price.

Rice Tucao: [1000 is too little, my lady will definitely not sell it. 】

"This..." The lady at the counter's smile gradually stiffened, "I can't call the shots, please wait a moment, I'll ask my manager for instructions."

Rice grains: [Hahaha, my lady looks at you as if she was looking at snake disease. 】

Analyzing Bai Chen's speechlessness, for whom is this little unscrupulous?

Three or four minutes later, the lady at the counter returned and smiled alienatedly: "Sorry, sir, this lucky cat is the mascot of our shop. Our manager said it is not for sale. If you really like it, you can go to the third floor. The lucky cat of this model is sold for only 288 yuan."

Bai Chen glanced at her, then looked down at the merchandise on the counter, and said, "Go and ask your manager again, if I buy this, can I give it a lucky cat?"

The lady at the counter followed his gaze and found that the product he was referring to was a jade bracelet with a price tag of 35,888 yuan.

She refreshed: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Bai Chen nodded affirmatively.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll be back soon." The lady at the counter hurried to the side and called.

A few minutes later, she walked back with a smile on her face and said, "Sir, our manager agreed, please go over there and pay, and I will help you pack the bracelet." Tens of thousands of goods were originally worth two to three hundred gifts. The profit is very considerable, she can still get a commission, and her attitude is naturally kind.

Bai Chen swiped his card to pay the bill, and then walked out of the mall with the wrapped bracelet and lucky cat.

The rice grains are extremely unbalanced: [I actually bought the bracelet as a gift. 】

Analyze Bai Chen's comfort: "At least it wasn't for the phone bill."

[Does this make a difference? ] Mi Li complained, [Do you think they are sick? Don't buy a lucky cat for 1000 yuan for 288 yuan, but give it out as a gift! 】

Analyze Bai Chen's realistic analysis: "A bracelet of more than 30,000 yuan has at least 50% of the profit. Of course, they don't like the 1,000 yuan."

[Why do you spend tens of thousands of dollars on a bracelet and add another one or two thousand, I don’t believe they won’t sell it! 】Rice grains are irritating.

Analyze Bai Chen: "Buying a bracelet comes with a daughter-in-law. I think this sale is a good deal."

[Did your daughter-in-law buy bracelets as gifts? ! 】

"That's not true." Xi Baichen said lightly, "Sometimes it is bought, sometimes it is picked up, and sometimes it is given away. There are various ways of receiving goods."

Rice grains: [Ha ha. 】

Back at the villa, Xi Baichen placed the lucky cat on the coffee table, Xiaobai immediately jumped up, and curiously flicked that swaying paw.

"Xiaobai, don't break your mother." Xi Baichen reminded him, then took out the bracelet from the gift box and said to the rice grains: "Do you like it?"

Rice grains: [Huh? 】

"I bought it all, I will give it to you." Xi Baichen put the jade bracelet back into the box and pushed it in front of her.

[Can your tone be more perfunctory? 】It's obviously a thing that can be used as a boyfriend, why does this man make people so uncomfortable when he speaks?

"If you give it to you, just take it, don't ink it." He was still impatient.

[...Lao Bai, you must have saved sentient beings in your last life, otherwise, how could you meet me in this life, sacrifice yourself so righteously, and end your lonely and tragic life. 】This kind of personality won't have a girlfriend at all, okay? !

The corner of Baichen's mouth raised slightly, and the brilliance in his eyes turned: "Yes, I also think that I have saved sentient beings in my previous life."

Rice grains: [...] Hmph, just know it, it's cheaper for you (=///ω///=)...

Xi Baichen got up and went to the kitchen to pour a cup of hot tea, and then returned to the living room with his notebook in his hand.

[Any new work? 】

"Still thinking about it."

[Lao Bai, discuss one thing with you. ] The rice grains suddenly squeezed.

Bai Chen turned on the computer and glanced at her: "Say."

[Can you authorize your novel to me? Mi Li said, [I promise that it will not conflict with your current publication, and the income will be four or six points with you. 】

Analyzing Bai Chen raised his eyebrows: "It's okay to authorize you, but what do you want to do? I have signed contracts for my novels. Any interest issues must be coordinated with publishers or film and television companies."

[You don’t have to worry about this. Mi Li explained, [I won’t let you breach the contract anyway. 】

Bai Chen no longer asked: "Then you can use it."

[Lao Bai, you are so kind. ] The rice grain shook his paws happily.

"Don't shake it, shake your paws carefully."

[No~~ I have a fortune bonus. Mi Li urged, [Quickly, pack your novel and send it to me. 】

I have sent a music package before, and the file is naturally okay.

According to the address she provided, Bai Chen packaged up all the closing documents and sent them out.

As long as you understand the differences and commonalities between the two worlds, it is not difficult to make money, but the rice has no ambitions and does not like to do big things. The last time I bought the lottery ticket was just an experiment, and there was a lot of luck in it.

Planting Yanzao was an attempt with her moral permission, as was the case with Acting Bai Chen's novel. If you switch to novels by other authors, the rice grains will definitely not move. Otherwise, she will be able to become famous in another world by copying dozens of masterpieces, not to mention there are so many different styles of music and excellent film and television dramas. .

Going back to her own world, Mi Li couldn't wait to open the mailbox, and happily opened the new mail sent by Bai Chen. He not only packaged the collection of Xida's works, but also packaged the newspaper articles of Rainbow Fart.

Mi Lei looked at the newspaper article with the title "Gao Xue" and couldn't wait to register the author on Jinjiang Literature under the pseudonym "Rainbow fart", and then sent out 40,000 words in one go.

With a mischievous mentality, I am looking forward to readers' desire-xian-death-death comments.

As for the works of Xida, Mi Li plans to vote for the publishing house. Works that shine in that world can't make waves in this world for no reason.

The next day, there was no news from the publisher, and Jinjiang website had already sent an invitation to sign.

Mi Li opened the novel page and found that the comment area had been captured by angry readers.

[Ma Dan, the author of Spicy Chicken, are you a sand sculpture sent by Voldemort? ! 】

[Is this person who is physically disabled, has arrears in IQ, has a virgin personality, and is beaten every day, is the protagonist? ? ? What I saw was a fake protagonist! 】

[Author, what hatred or resentment the protagonist has with you, do you want to torture him like this? ? ? 】

[The author is great, I advise you to be kind. 】

[Fuck, such a mentally retarded novel, I have finished reading it, and I want to read the following! 】

【I think I am ill, so I don't do my homework and come here to be abused. 】

[The ghost knows what I have experienced in this hour! 】

[Blood is all vomiting up, I think I might have menopause this month. 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. mmp, spammer, let me tell you, writing this kind of newspaper article, you don't even want to sign a contract in your life! 】

However, three days later, the column of Rainbow Farts was stamped with a big red stamp and signed as the author of Jinjiang at a rocket speed.

Reader: There is a sentence mmp I don’t know if it should be said or not! Jinjiang pills!

The rice grains were overwhelmingly enjoyable, and finally analyzed why Bai Chen liked to write newspaper articles. Although the negative scores and bad reviews are maddening, but it is too sour, right?

Ten days later, the publisher also replied that the first novel of Xida passed the review and the contract was successfully signed. Mi Li made concessions on the publication price and insisted on leaving the film and television copyrights.

In another world, Xida’s novels are published at a price of tens of thousands of words and tens of millions of film and television copyrights. In this world, he is just a newcomer. The first novel was 320,000 and only sold for 50,000 yuan, which can be said to be very shabby.

However, Mi Li is very confident in his works, and it will not be long before the name "Xida" will definitely shine in this world.

Only in a short time, the rice grains were embarrassed to share with him, fifty thousand yuan for four or six points, just bought a bracelet and it was gone.

What else can he do with this kind of good man who can make money and support his family, but also care for others in Israel?

Things in the novel are progressing smoothly, and Rice began to ponder other ways to make money, such as...buying and reselling?

Buy cheap and novel small commodities from another world, and then sell them in this world to earn the difference. It's just that the product can't be too eye-catching or too ordinary. Things like dolls, snacks, handicrafts, etc. are good choices.

Rice grains also have a certain popularity on the Internet. If you open a TB store, you don't have to worry about being patronized.

In order to make money, she also broke her heart.

The house needs to be repaid, and Duan's father also needs funds to start a business. Rice grains must be fully prepared for them. The process of making money is also very fun.

After a dazzling month, the original idea of ​​the rice grains has been realized little by little.

Unsurprisingly, Rainbow Fart became a poisonous trend on Jinjiang website. Xida's novels were published and became famous in World War I. Xiaomi's TB store was opened successfully, and the novel and cute small commodities were well received.

As the objects in the two worlds continue to communicate, Mi Li feels that she is more and more sensitive to the two worlds, and almost as long as her heart moves, she can capture the image of the other world.

In the eyes of others, this world is still this world, but in her eyes, the two worlds are merging with each other in a wonderful way.

Rice suspects that soon after, she will be able to come and go freely in both worlds.