Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 51: Su Yuan? (Eight)

Chapter Fifty One

Shen Lao found out that he was schizophrenic, purely because of his own hands.

That day, when school was over, no one came to pick her up, and Su Yuan didn't think it was such a big deal. Her silly rabbit was really bullying, and the servants were not lazy once or twice.

Su Yuan was carrying a small schoolbag on her back, walking on the way home, quite far from home. Su Yuan thought, when she gets home at night, she must remember to soak her feet with hot water before rubbing herself. Legs, otherwise, with that silly rabbit's wonderful imagination ability, she must think that she was upper body by a ghost, or else she would have sore legs just sleeping at home.

Su Yuan thought so.

Because once, a girl in the class bullied her, Su Yuan's violent temper hit her immediately. As a result, her hand broke because she knocked the girl's front teeth.

Then that night, when the silly rabbit came out, he looked at his broken hand and cried violently. Not only that, but also collected himself for a long time. All the snacks that have expired by visual inspection were offered. Please let the girl ghost sister. After her, Su Yuan laughed for a long time, although the silly rabbit didn't know it.

It is for this reason that Su Yuan extremely hates things that can threaten her a little bit.

That is, since that day, she has hardly suffered any injuries.

So when passing a commercial car, Su Yuan didn't respond at all when she heard the crying, and walked straight over.

However, there is a kind of trouble. Its name is Falling from the Sky.

At this time, the business car door opened, and the two big men came out and lifted Su Yuan and threw them directly into the car.

"Child!! What did you see?" a middle-aged man in black said viciously.

Su Yuan didn't even look at the **** woman at all, she looked naive, "Uncle, are you making a movie? That's great!"

The middle-aged man was happy when he heard this, "This kid is really funny."

Su Yuan looked at the middle-aged man who was talking with a bewildered face. She was joking in her heart. She was kidnapped twice. You don’t need to look at this kind of thing to know what happened. It’s just that she was unlucky enough. It's not her home court, you can still get caught in passing by.

"Uuuu..." A tied girl next to her kept bumping her head in an attempt to attract Su Yuan's attention.

Su Yuan had severely despised this woman in her heart.

This woman's reaction, no matter what kind of reaction she makes now, she can't escape.

Su Yuan thought of the most beneficial method for herself in the shortest amount of time. "Uncle, you guys..." Su Yuan thought about what the silly rabbit looked like when she thought there was a ghost, and then acted it out vividly.

Then, the little Su Yuan was thrown directly into the trunk.

With that woman.

Along the way, Su Yuan had only one thought. She really wanted to pry the woman's head open to see if there was any paste inside. She didn't like it, or even her stupid rabbit knew not to fight it hard.

Because Su Yuan was well-behaved throughout the whole process, everyone didn't have any precautions against her.

It was getting dark, Su Yuan was a little anxious, her silly rabbit might be coming out soon.

Su Yuan glanced at the woman next to her, and then suddenly her eyes lit up.

Su Yuan leaned in calmly.

The people in black sitting in front were still discussing how to be chic after having money.

Su Yuan used a brooch to poke the rope that tied her little by little, and then buckled it up again, buckling it into a slip knot.

Now in the car, she can never jump off the car, right?

I don't know how long it took to finally reach the destination, and the tied girl was exhausted.

Su Yuan was lifted up, and then she got out of the car. Su Yuan did not resist during the whole process.

Su Yuan was locked up with that girl.

Because they had reached their site, which was too remote, they tore off the tape from the girl's mouth.

Only then did Su Yuan know that this person who could only cry was called Shen Lao.

Su Yuan looked at it coldly, only thinking that this ugly girl was a waste of food even alive.

Even silly rabbits are better than this one! idiot!

Before she took out her phone, Su Yuan knocked out the crying girl.

The phone was stolen from the man in black who carried her out of the car.

Su Yuan calmly called the police, and then called the house again, in the tone of a silly rabbit, listening to the nervous tone of Zhang Ma on the other side, Su Yuan knew that she was fine.

Then, from then on, there was another person beside her who she hated, Shen Lao.

When she heard Shen Lao's confession, Su Yuan was stunned. The girl in front of her was much taller than herself, but at this time she blushed and lowered her head shyly.

It's a pity that she doesn't like this, the person she likes...

She suddenly remembered the silly rabbit. When the silly rabbit wants to cry, she wraps herself in a quilt, so that no one knows it. The silly rabbit often talks to herself by himself. The silly rabbit is afraid that others don't like him or be alone. ...

A silly rabbit crying, she will feel distressed, and she will only feel annoyed when the person in front of her is crying.

Then inexplicably, the girl with a shy expression of confession in front of her turned into an expressionless, generous woman...

She gently said to herself, Yuanyuan, I love you...

Then, Su Yuan woke up from her dream.

I touched the sweat on my forehead, and then I saw the person sleeping next to me.

It's nine o'clock in the morning.

Su Yuan threw out the inexplicable things in her mind.

He touched Shen Lao's forehead with his hand, and then frowned, as if he still couldn't detect if this person had a cold.

However, Shen Lao should have woken up logically. For some time, because of certain things, Shen Lao didn't go to bed until five o'clock in the morning, and he was able to wake up on time after six o'clock. It was nine o'clock and he didn't wake up.

Su Yuan retracted her hand and looked at Shen Lao's face. She didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she saw Su Yuan leaning down and touching Shen Lao's forehead. She felt that the temperature was still a little high, and it should be a low-grade fever.

Shen Lao with his eyes closed...beautiful...

It's still a bit fragile...

Because of her illness, Su Yuan gently, almost holding a heart that was about to jump out, printed her own lips on Shen Lao's lips...

And then……

Was slapped severely.

Su Yuan almost saw the substantive hatred in Shen Lao's eyes.

The pain on his face can't cover up the suffocating pain in his heart at all.

"It's you?" Shen Lao seemed to be able to see who the person in front of him was now, all the emotions on his face faded away, and he changed to the original look of desirelessness.

However, Su Yuan did not get any better. She wanted to ask the person in front of you, do you... still like me...

She wanted to ask, who do you think it is, who made you show such a deep hatred...

But she couldn't say a word...

For the second time, she understood what it was like to love someone.


She was obviously in love with two completely different people...

Su Yuan's mind was numb, and finally she could only say weakly, "You have a cold... you need to go to the hospital."

Shen Lao put on his clothes and only glanced at Su Yuan faintly, "You should need to explain, why did you appear in my room?"

"..." Su Yuan was silent.

Shen Lao didn't ask any more, just said, "It's good to do it for yourself."

Su Yuan looked at Shen Lao's back and touched her face. She didn't know what to do, and she was too confused.

Why would she like someone who is completely different from a silly rabbit...


When Yin Lele called, Su Yuan was still struggling.

"Boss! I said Boss, what are you doing now, have you watched the Internet?!"

Originally Yin Lele's guidance made everyone feel that Su Yuan and Shen Lao, the stepmother and daughter, were torn up for inheritance.

As a result, I didn't expect to see a picture of Youai uploaded by passers-by.

It was a photo of two people entering the hospital. Shen Lao fed Su Yuan with water and let Su Yuan sleep on her own. There was also a photo of Su Yuan lying directly in Shen Lao's arms.

"Do you know that netizens are here now, my queen, you are now the bear child of the queen's house." Yin Lele's tone was very subtle.

Su Yuan looked at the photo sent by Yin Lele, and someone's eyes were gentle.

It turned out that she looked at herself like this last night.

Su Yuan rolled the bruise on her face with a boiled egg, smiled sweetly, and then suddenly looked at her face in the mirror, the sweetness bitterly.

Her silly rabbit...

"By the way, Shen Lao disclosed the engagement date. What are you guys playing? She remarried, isn't Yoli 100% yours? What is she thinking about?" Yin Lele suddenly thought of this big event and said.

Then Yin Lele heard a loud bang on the other end of the phone, and then the phone hung up.

"..." Well, I knew that the world was not ready to take me to play at all, I was used to it. Yin Lele shrugged. The more mindful people came with their own signals, and they couldn't connect to the Internet. Shen Lao and Su Yuan were already flying wifi all over the sky.

Yin Lele was so optimistic that he didn't want what he didn't want, and now Su Yuan was also too worried about what he didn't want.

She seems to have forgotten about it because of the closeness of the two people yesterday.

Su Yuan rubbed her temples and frowned.