Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 103

At that time, Lin Zhizhi walked out of the teleportation formation, originally wanting to feel the joy of finally being promoted to the Nascent Soul, the Yujian flew a few times, and he turned his head and saw the young man not far away.

The young man was also wearing the Jianzong uniform, the same clothes, but he wore a completely different style from Lin Zhizhi. I don't know when Feng Qin has grown up. He no longer looks like a child, and has become more inclined to look like an adult, even his height is almost surpassing Lin Zhizhi. The warm sunlight hit his exquisite face, with the flame mark on his eyebrows—perhaps because of his age, this mark has faded a little, and he no longer looks as eye-catching as he was when he was a child.

Lin Zhizhi remembered in a daze that when he saw Feng Qin for the first time a long time ago, he was still a small person. Little Budian was wrapped in a gorgeous robe, with a shining mark, and it looked like a cute little dough. At that time, he only regarded this descendant of Tianfeng as a little brother, and never thought that he would have such a bizarre (?) development with him in the future.

Seeing that Lin Zhizhi was silent all the time, Xiao·nearly got married with Zhizhi·Phoenix and spoke first. He was obviously a little surprised by Lin Zhizhi's presence here, and asked, "Zhizhi, what are you doing here-did you go to the ladder?"

Lin Zhizhi didn't know why, since the last double repair ceremony was disturbed by those uninvited guests, he always felt a little unusually nervous when facing Little Phoenix-to use a brilliant metaphor: # was probably caught on the day of the wedding. Dirty Mood#-Hearing Feng Qin's words, the black-haired boy nodded.

Little Phoenix heard a long "Oh" and didn't ask carefully. He just took a few steps forward until he stood less than half a meter in front of Lin Zhizhi and said, "The headmaster sent me to find you to the outer three peaks. , I just came back from Dao Zun, I thought you were back to Lin Mansion..."

The end of the words gradually fell.

He actually has a lot of things to say, such as what happened that day, such as how you have been recently, but so many words gradually became like a red thread stained with honey, densely clogged in his throat and silent.

Mingming Fengqin stood face to face in front of Lin Zhizhi, and could see that it was a little higher than his fingernails—but the little Phoenix seemed to be in a weak position all the time. He lowered his head slightly, his soft hair spreading in the sun. With a soft color.

"I didn't go home," Lin Zhizhi's heart was softened by this little move. He took the words of Xiao Fenghuang and asked, "The head of the house sent you to find me?"

Feng Qin said: "Well, I heard my father say that it seems that there are envoys from other continents, and the big brother has also been taken by the head."

Lin Zhizhi replied without hesitation: "I know, then let's go there."

"wait for me--"

Feng Qin suddenly raised his head and interrupted him aloud.

Unexpectedly, he actually yelled out. Little Phoenix dodges the suspicious sight of the opponent and lowered his eyes in expectation.

In fact, he didn't even know what he wanted to say when he called Lin Zhizhi to stop. Sometimes, he wanted to ask too much, which messed up his mind.

Lin Zhizhi has always had a feeling close to guilt towards Feng Qin.

He waited for a while and found that Feng Qin had no plans to speak any more, leaving some space for the other party. Young Master Lin paused and said, "Speaking of which, I would also like to talk to you about the marriage ceremony. If you wish, we can also skip the ceremony, or we can organize a small banquet. It’s the parents’ order."

Little Phoenix's eyes lit up suddenly, and it was almost brighter than the small flame in his eyebrows. He thought for a moment, blinked, and listened to Lin Zhizhi's words. He suddenly laughed. His eyes were half-bent, and he had a sweet taste: "Now that the overall situation is the most important thing, let's put the ceremony aside. ."

Lin Zhizhi sighed in secret, curled his lips and nodded in response. He had never tied his hair, and his long, waterfall-like hair dropped slightly, and brushed his cheeks, making his eyes beautiful and stunning.

Feng Qin's heart moved and thought of another aspect.

There was a smile in his lowered voice: "The ceremony is indeed a bit wrong, but apart from the ceremony, there are many other things we can do."

Feng Qin's voice faded away from the crispness of his youth, and brought a more mature muffled voice, but it was just as nice.

Lin Zhizhi: "......???"

——Okay, you don’t need to say it, you can see it by looking at the unlucky favorability on your head [attitude is for the brain♂bu]!

Feng Qin continued: "For example, the bridal chamber, will you know that he will follow me in the bridal chamber? Just one night--no, all the following nights will be fine..."

Having said that, Little Phoenix thought of something shy, and a peach-like pink appeared on her cheeks.

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

——This kind of thing is not suitable for thinking now, and it is not suitable for doing at night! Little phoenix shook your head quickly and shook out those strange yellow thoughts!

As if reading something from Lin Zhizhi's expressionless face, Little Phoenix's expression looked a little lost, until Lin Zhizhi's hand reached his head and rubbed his soft hair comfortingly.

Feng Qin hesitated for a while, then slowly raised his hand, as if with some kind of temptation, stretched it towards the top of his head.

Lin Zhizhi still didn't move, just like this, relying on Feng Qin, letting the other party grab his palm from his wrist all the way, and finally held his hand.

At the moment when he really clasped his fingers, Feng Qin only felt that the heart in his chest thumped and thumped fast, as if he wanted his heart to have his own thoughts and wanted to touch the sky.

Lin Zhizhi's hands are beautiful and easy to touch, like jade carefully carved from the sky. At first, it felt cool to the touch. When the little phoenix thought, a trace of real fire spread from his palm to warm the other's hand.

Feng Qin had always felt that although Lin Zhizhi looked a little cold and difficult to touch on the surface, he actually knew that he was gentle in some aspects after a long time of contact.

He would save a child he had never met on the iceberg, would find himself in reincarnation, save face, and comfort himself without leaving a trace.

But at the same time, he is a very principled person.

Feng Qin really liked him very much.

I like it to the point that I can't say it, I like it to the point that I'm already a responsible adult, but I still look like a child in front of him.

A look in the other party's eyes swept over, and he was like a hotheaded fool, unable to say anything.

He held the opponent's hand for a long time, until a faint voice fell in his ear: "Go to the head first." Feng Qin returned to the real world like a dream.

The little phoenix took a step forward, naturally in front of Lin Zhizhi, and went with him to the place where the real man Tianlu was. During this process, his hand has never been released.

Lin Zhizhi was a little uncomfortable being pulled like this, and took a little effort to withdraw his hand. Facing the aggrieved eyes of Little Phoenix, the black-haired boy coughed dryly, and forcibly explained: "This is too slow, and the head is waiting in a hurry."

Feng Qin didn't speak, but looked at his hand somewhat disappointed.

#小凤凰: Holding the baby's hand QAQ#

Lin Zhizhi wanted to leave without ignoring his eyes, but just after taking two steps, the fire phoenix that had been attacked by the Demon Cult and the dying little phoenix in the yellow spring water flashed in his heart. He sighed in his heart, turned around and shook Feng Qin's hand again: "That's all right? Let's go?"

Fengqin was as happy as a 300-jin dog, happily clasping the fingers of the people around him, and galloping past.

Little Phoenix is ​​satisfied, but Lin Zhizhi on the side feels unnatural. In his previous life, either he was separated from each other without physical conflicts, or he was directly involved in **** contact. Have been like this-this kind of behavior like "love".

He endured halfway, until the distance between the two sides was once again pulled by Feng Qin's speed. The black-haired boy looked helplessly at the hands between the two, thinking about the wording: "In my opinion, this is too-- "

The moment Lin Zhizhi spoke, an unfamiliar picture flashed through his mind.

It also seemed to be when he was flying with the sword in the sky, he clasped his fingers with another person, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all, but he felt sweet.

The person with his fingers had only a back, no face, but he felt very familiar to Lin Zhizhi.

Who will it be?

Judging from the height, it should have happened recently, but in Lin Zhizhi's memory, he has never had such contact with others...

"Too?" The little phoenix on the side heard these words, and originally wanted to wait for Lin Zhizhi to finish, but when the other party only spit out a half sentence, he was suddenly startled on the spot, and he asked in some confusion.

Lin Zhizhi was interrupted by him so that he lost the original scene again.

The black-haired boy pressed his temple with his index finger. In Feng Qin's worried eyes, he swallowed the words from his heart and waved his hand: "It's okay."

Feng Qin looked at him sideways for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his hand and gently hugged him, and the two of them moved on.

At the same time that Lin Zhizhi and the two had finished the Waisanfeng, a grand welcome party was being held on the Waisanfeng.

The spirit birds sing and sing, the wind is light and the clouds are calm, and the naturally grown spirit flowers freely exude a fragrant breath. The scenery on the Outer Three Peaks is beautiful and full of aura. Although it is classified as Outer Peak because of its geographical location, the scenery has only increased.

Just next to these spirit flowers, a magnificent palace sits on the top of the third peak. In the four corners of the palace, special gossip arrays were placed. Once activated, the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation can be induced by the things of crossing the catastrophe, destroying or protecting this palace.

In the battle that Canglun arrived, this palace survived because of its geographical advantage and the existence of the **** thunder, and was selected by the Tianlu real person to receive people from the rest of the Sifang continent.

Headed by Tianlu Zhenren, there are two elders on both sides of the stage, behind them are some of the most outstanding elite disciples, and in front of them are the Quartet, the envoys from the four continents-most of them are Among the elders or disciples of the mainland sects were the twelve sects of Yuntian that Lin Zhizhi had seen.

Even this messenger from the Yuntian Continent is very familiar with Lin Zhizhi. Except for the chief alchemy master and the Keqing elder of the Twelfth Sect of Yuntian, on both sides are the Qinghuo real person of Qingfengzong who once gifted Lin Zhizhi's medicine Ling Xiaozi, and their disciple Yan Lei and others.

These people all received news from Jianzong and came to Zhonglu to discuss ways to resist the demons.

Even though the background is as deep as the Sword Sect Luo Immortal, it took a huge price to cut off obstacles through the "passing circle" and open up a temporary passage in the Sifang continent.

Among these messengers, those who could speak, all took a few steps forward to greet the real person in Tianlu, and the rest were brought to the world to observe in secret. JPG.

Zhonglu has always been regarded as the center of the entire human world, with outstanding people, and Luoxian Sword Sect is almost a holy place for cultivation in the minds of all monks.

But wherever people are, there is struggle.

While looking up, some disciples or elders have been closed in their own continent for a long time, and still stubbornly believe that Zhonglu doesn't look good, and is it really worth the cost of the alliance? ——Look, these flowers and plants are not as luxuriantly as their Lingyun Continent, and these disciples are not necessarily better than ours, right?

There will always be some friction between martial arts from different continents.

Those who have the highest priority, and the most important thing is that on the night when these people arrived, Tianlu Zhenren had already contacted those headed overnight, and personally took them to the location of the abyssal waters and the demon world passage to see with their own eyes—— And passed the sound transmission array to the head of the Sifang Continent, roughly finalizing the joint reinforcement and time.

Elders in the Sifang Continent who have studied the demon world and space also joined Zhonglu’s elders group, and they were all absent from this welcome party-this kind of event that allowed to carry disciples was mostly just a matter of face. Give some benefits, connect some feelings.

In the absence of Lin Zhizhi, the head disciple and a true dragon body of Haoran Sect became the disciples with the highest cultivation level in the field, and they were the late stage of Dan formation.

The elder Shengzong of the Yuntian Continent looked at the two people next to Tianlu Zhenren and said: "It's really Zhonglu, really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, at a young age, there is such a cultivation level!"

In addition, the elders of the three continents also nodded and said yes.

Compared with these two disciples in the middle stage of the pill formation, the highest disciple they brought was only in the early stage of the pill formation-don't look at the difference between only two small realms, when it comes to real fighting, there is a gap between heaven and earth. .

Tianlu real person exchanges courtesy: "Where is there? This kid just has a unique experience in cultivation. Everyone has strengths, and he can't match your disciples in alchemy."

The true person of Qinghuo probably showed his nature by drinking too much. He completely forgot the rule of "precaution in words and deeds" instructed by the head of Qing Fengzong before he came out. He smiled and said, "The head of Jianzong, you are just laughing. I do not know."

His disciple Yan Lei behind the real person Qinghuo: "..."

The Great Elder of the Twelve Sacred Sects of Yuntian: "..."

The other three mainland elders: "………………"


Tianlu Zhenren was shocked when he heard the words, and then clapped his hands for a moment: "The Daoist's words are reasonable, so why don't you just let the disciples compete on the spot?"

At this point, the elder Shengzong could only respond: "This...then we will make a fool of ourselves."

Tianlu real person said heartily: "Neither, nor, I have long heard that the refining technique in Yuntian Continent is unique, and now I have just learned a little bit more."

The head of Jianzong spoke, and the efficiency was naturally high, but with two sticks of incense, a simple alchemy arena was independent in the middle of the hall.

When Lin Zhizhi and Feng Qin arrived, one of the contestants, Yan Lei and Wang Shi, were already preparing.

At the moment when he was about to enter, Lin Zhizhi had faintly seen a familiar face from the door, and remembered some past events——

The current situation is that he was kicked away by Canglun in Qingfengzong and he didn't know where to go.

The people of the Yuntian Continent know Dao Zun, but they don’t know that the demon that rages on Yuntian is Dao Zun; the people of the Yuntian Continent know Lin Zhizhi’s appearance and name, but they don’t know that he is a member of the Luoxian Sword Sect...

Then, once he goes out, he may face the problem of #精分马甲忙揭穿#.

Lin Zhizhi has a small idea, that is, pretending not to refuse to enter, this will not lose the vest-but the little Phoenix is ​​particularly uncomfortable at this moment. The young master of the Lin Family hadn't tightened his waistcoat yet, he only felt a surge of spiritual energy, and Feng Qin had already transmitted his voice to the Tianlu real person in the palace.

After receiving the voice transmission from Xiao Fenghuang, Zhenren Tianlu waved his hand in this direction and motioned him to come in.

Obviously, the head of good eyesight did not ignore the existence of Lin Zhizhi. The young master of the Lin family couldn't find any more excuses, so he walked into the palace slowly, looking dead.