Evil Doctor Princess

Chapter 293: Endless trap

When Bai Junzhuo opened the bamboo tube, he couldn't help feeling nervous, wondering how Yin Mu would treat Fu Mingyue's child? Will he change himself a little bit for this child?

She slowly ‘drew’ the letter from the inside and opened it, and saw only two words written on it: "As usual". (Om the fastest update)

As usual? Does he mean the plan is business as usual? She still wants to assassinate the Southern Barbarian King, and he will not do anything because of this child?

God, how scumbag a man must be to become like Yin Mu? Bai Junzhuo embraced the injustice for Fu Mingyue, turned around and walked in again, trying to show her Yin Mu's reply.

But when he walked to the'bed', Bai Junzhuo paused again. Not long after Fu Mingyue became pregnant, she suffered so many changes one after another. If she broke her illusion all at once, would she never recover, and even hurt her body?

Although she fell out with Fu Mingyue because of the previous incident, the child is innocent, so she can't just tell her.

Bai Junzhuo thought, then turned around and walked out. Fu Mingyue looked at her from the side, wondering: "Why are you upset all of a sudden? Has something happened?"

Bai Junzhuo shook his head: "No."

"You came in suddenly, should you have something to tell me?" Fu Mingyue got out of the'bed' and walked around in front of her and said, "I'm already in a desperate situation, what else can't you accept? Yes."

Bai Junzhuo glanced at her, but the news was like another violent storm in a desperate situation. Is she sure that she can accept it?

Bai Junzhuo still decided not to speak.

She gently pushed Fu Mingyue away and wanted to go out, but she accidentally dropped the piece of paper on the ground during the action. Fu Mingyue leaned over and picked it up, staring at the two words intently.

Bai Junzhuo quickly took the paper back and said to her, "Don't think about it."

Fu Mingyue was dazed and stared at her hand. Bai Junzhuo couldn't think of anything to persuade her, but she couldn't bear to leave at this moment regardless. (Om the fastest update)

The two were relatively silent in this way, and the atmosphere was cold and terrifying.

After a long time, Fu Mingyue finally recovered, and then she opened her voice still slightly hoarse, she looked at Bai Junzhuo sadly, and asked her: "Your Majesty means that as if there is no such child, everything will be the same?"

Bai Junzhuo twitched the corner of his mouth and said to her, "I told you not to think about it, this was not written by Yin Mu."

"Why do you lie to me? How could I not recognize his handwriting." Fu Mingyue smiled bitterly with tears in her tears: "I still imagine that even if he can care about one sentence, then everything I have done for him is worth it. , But he...he actually..."

"Wake up, Fu Mingyue!" Bai Junzhuo supported her about to fall to the ground and said loudly to her: "Are you blind? Haven't you already known what kind of person Yin Mu is?"

Fu Mingyue looked at Bai Junzhuo with a sad smile, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, yeah, I have known what kind of person he is for a long time, and his reply is expected. I really shouldn't be sad."

Bai Junzhuo sighed: "It's good if you can really understand, no matter what, the child is innocent. Since you and Yin Mu gave him the right to life, you should let him live in this world. "She said, staring at Fu Mingyue and said: "Listen to me, don't dedicate everything to Yin Mu, he is not worth it. The only thing you can attach to is King Nanban, commit yourself to him, at least you can Keep your mother and child safe."

Fu Mingyue released Bai Junzhuo's arm, looked around blankly, and mourned: "But your majesty is ruthless to me, but I can't be unrighteous to him. In his plan, the Nanban King must die, and you and I must kill him. "

"You!" Bai Junzhuo raised his hand and wanted to slap her to see if he could wake her up. But in the end he stopped, dropped his hand helplessly, and said to her, "How simple do you think it is to assassinate the Nanban King? If I can do it, I will find and kill him, and then leave here and chase my family. Go back!"

Fu Mingyue glanced at her and bit her ‘lip’ slightly: “I’ve never told you one thing... In fact, even if you kill King Nanban, your Majesty will not let you go.”

"What?" Bai Junzhuo said in surprise, and immediately reacted and sneered secretly: "Yes, I should have thought about how Yin Mu would let me go, he was waiting for me to call for him. 'Yin' soldiers!"

Fu Mingyue smiled softly, and said to her sadly: "Jun Zhuo, I have done a lot of things I am sorry for you. But at this moment, the only person who stayed by my side to help me and wake me up was You. So, after the assassination of the Nanban King, I will help you get rid of your majesty's surveillance and send you out of the Nanban Palace."

Bai Jun's heart was touched, but what she said was: "I can still trust you? How do I know if you are lying to me again?"

Fu Mingyue cried silently, and then knelt down and said, "Human hearts are all'flesh'. I have never forgotten the relationship between you and me. Every time I want to deal with you, I can't bear it. Can you really You hate me so far, do you no longer want to believe me?"

Bai Jun's nose was a little sore, and he helped her and said, "Get up, don't move and kneel, you are still pregnant with a child."

Fu Mingyue laughed while crying, and said to her: "Why are you always like this? You hate me and suspect me, but you still think about me all the time. So, how can I bear to look at you? Lose your love and become like me?"

Bai Junzhuo is not suitable for listening to such sensational words, the more he listens, the more uncomfortable he feels. She turned her back and secretly held back her tears, and asked Fu Mingyue: "What are you going to do?"

"Immediately, kill the Nanban King." Fu Mingyue's tone was firm, not allowing her beak.

"I'm afraid it won't work for a short time," Bai Junzhuo turned to face her, and said to her: "The defense around Nanban King is like a copper wall and an iron wall. Poisoning or direct assassination will not work. You can only consider the slowness that others can't detect. 'Sex' poison.'Medicine', but this slow'sexual' poison.'Medicine' will have an effect, it is estimated that it will take a long time."

Fu Mingyue thought for a while, then looked up at her and said, "Do you think I might let him relax a little bit?"

"You want to use yourself as bait?" Bai Junzhuo looked at her in surprise and shook his head: "No, it will definitely be dangerous."

"But there is no time to hesitate, don't you also want to leave Nanban as soon as possible to see the Nine Princes?" Fu Mingyue stared at her blankly.

Bai Junzhuo pursed his'lips', and then asked, "Let this go beforehand. You can think about it. Once King Nanban dies, where will you go? How can you guarantee that you can stay in this strange palace? To take your child to live?"

Fu Mingyue held her lower abdomen and shook her head gently.

Bai Junzhuo looked at her helplessly. He wanted to destroy his amulet first without finding the next house.

There was another long silence, until the small cigarette outside knocked on the'door' and whispered: "Has the princess awoke?"

Bai Junzhuo heard her voice and suddenly thought of something. She hurriedly said to the small smoker: "It is estimated that you will soon wake up. You should go to the kitchen to prepare some food. The ones we brought back are already cold."

Xiao Yan said "Oh", and even heard the sound of her footsteps going away.

Bai Junzhuo turned around and said to Fu Mingyue: "I know who you can rely on, and I can guarantee that you and your children will live well."


"The prince of King Nanban." Bai Junzhuo said: "I also accidentally knew that he was interested in you, and when King Nanban died, he was..."

Bai Junzhuo said, suddenly felt that something was wrong, so he stopped talking and looked at Fu Mingyue.

Fu Mingyue smiled helplessly: "The Southern Barbarian Kingdom has always had no rules for the eldest son to inherit the general rule. Once the Southern Barbarian King dies, several princes will definitely fight for the throne. This may be one of your Majesty's intentions."

"Yes," Bai Junzhuo smiled coldly, "It's really in Yin Mu's plan."

Fu Mingyue looked around and said to her: "You don't have to worry about me. You will think about things later. We will cooperate to kill King Nanban, and then you will leave here immediately."

Bai Junzhuo hesitated for a moment, but finally did not say any more rebuttals, and asked her: "Can you have a good way?"

"King Nanban still has a little bit of freshness for me at this time. If I take the initiative to show her good, he should relax his guard. When the time comes..." Fu Mingyue hesitated, and then solemnly said: "When the time comes Soldiers move dangerously and act according to their circumstances."

Bai Junzhuo was silent for a moment, and said, "I still feel too eager. If you want to kill the Nanban King, you must make all preparations. In addition, I haven't even gotten the map of this palace yet, even if I assassinate it. After the Nanban King, how can I escape?"

"I'll help you get it." Fu Mingyue said, her mood gradually stabilized, and her grief was gone. Calmly said to Bai Jun: "Go and tell King Nanban that I am awake. I will try him first tonight, and I will do it tomorrow."

Bai Junzhuo thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, then I will explore the'door' road tonight."

After she finished speaking, she ordered Xiao Yan to tell Nanban King Fu Mingyue that he had woken up, and invited Nanban King over by the way.

King Nanban rushed to the bedroom here, and seeing Fu Mingyue's face pale in color, he was very distressed, and asked her, "Do you feel better?"

Fu Mingyue's face was stern, as if still reluctant to pay attention to him, but still nodded gently.

"The Great King has found out who used the secret technique to harm you and executed that person." King Nanban said to her.

Fu Mingyue raised her eyebrows, opened her mouth lightly, and asked him, "Who is it?"

King Nanban looked pleased, and immediately replied: "It's He Ji, you saw her the last time you came."

Fu Mingyue suddenly made an unbelievable ‘touch’, and asked him: "Really He Ji?"

King Nanban nodded.

"Great King," Fu Mingyue stood up and walked in front of King Nanban: "The King really killed Heji for me?"

King Nanban nodded: "Her body has not been processed yet. If you don't believe it, you can go and see."

Fu Mingyue was moved: "Unexpectedly, the king would execute your favorite concubine'Servant' for me, I...I..."

She choked and knelt down, and said to him: "I had two hearts for the king before, but now I absolutely don't. In the future, my concubines will definitely serve you wholeheartedly!"