Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1044: Leaf end

The paradise of heaven is the dark dragon **** can not resist, not to mention the comprehensive ability is slightly lower than the blue dragon of the dark dragon. Under the violent blow of Beckham, the huge wolf screamed and flew to the far high. At the same time, Kaka ran to the side of Beckham, and instantly became a bi-winged dragon, with a small shell to rise. The speed of the dragon is even higher than that of the undead dragon. When the blue wolf has not reached the highest point, it has already been followed. It is followed by Beckham's stormy pursuit. The paradise of the paradise that has just dissipated also began to overlap around its body at a very fast speed. When the blue dragonfly finally landed, the battle of heaven has been re-accumulated to twenty, and it is also a "parade of heaven" Hit the blue dragonfly and hit it again at high altitude.

As long as Beckham's "storm light" effect does not disappear, under this unresolved circular attack, even if it is blue, there will never be a place to turn over.

The effect of the riot light can last for thirty seconds. In these thirty seconds, the blue dragonfly will be completely restrained by it, and there is no chance to shoot.

Without the interference of the blue dragonfly, Ye Tianxie condensed all his thoughts, his eyes fixed on the nameless body, and there was no other in his eyes. In this dangerous but extremely terrifying peak state, he must be at the fastest speed. Will be defeated by nameless.

The endless warfare is in the body, and Ye Tianxie's movement speed has exceeded 4,000. This movement speed has surpassed the limit of ordinary people's cognition. The nameless has just landed, and Ye Tianxie has passed through his body like a flash of lightning. He left a heavy blow on his body. The aftermath of the attack has not disappeared yet, and another heavy blow has hit again. The speed is so fast that he has no possibility to avoid it, and even the shadow of Ye Tianxie can't be seen. His attack intensity makes the nameless and slightly moving. Now Ye Tianxie, every hit, every time, will take him more than 1% of his life. This kind of damage is caused by a conventional attack, and even if it is a beast that overlooks the entire lost continent, it cannot do it.

Ten times the attack power, ten times the speed of growth... In addition to the sacred inflammation, what kind of power can be so powerful.

The power of the heavens and the earth, the holy inflammation is respected, and the catastrophe is forbidden.

Holy inflammation is the sacred inflammation. The catastrophic inflammation is the catastrophic inflammation of the claws.

The horrible attack intensity, the horrible attack speed, and the blue scorpion were firmly restrained by Beckham, so that the nameless root did not have a breathing space. He hurriedly shot several times and could not touch Ye Tianxie. His own vitality has dropped bit by bit. Slowly, his mouth evoked a hint of almost undetectable smile, which is the power of divine inflammation, and at this time it is his Ye Tianxie who possesses this sacred inflammation. When the first time, when she left, she chose to let Ye Tianxie forget everything about her. Ye Tianxie, who is both of the dragons and souls, could not have any strength in her life. She only has such a choice, so that he has no choice in forgetting. No hanging, take care of yourself.

He is unwilling and unwilling to believe.

but now……

Looking at the sacred inflammation that Ye Tianxie was boiling, he felt the power from his power and the oppression of his rebellion. He couldn’t breathe, and his heart rose more and more deeply, even back. The pain caused by the soul blood beads is so insignificant.

Closed his eyes, he let Ye Tianxie attack, the sword of sanctions slowly lifted, suddenly, the vast space suddenly had a moment of dim, the terrible power of the gas field was hard to forcefully disperse the light. When Ye Tianxie’s body paused, he saw five black lightnings on the sword of sanctions. The thunder of lightning became a five-way dragon, and screamed at him.

Ye Tianxie’s body flashed, and he moved laterally five meters away. He avoided all five dragons. He just wanted to attack. Suddenly his heart jumped. He didn’t want to think about it at the moment. He jumped high and violently. The wind blew through, and the black thunder light was intertwined under his feet into a flashing net. The five dragons that had passed by him suddenly turned around and chased him again.

Track lightning! !

The four words flashed in the heart of Ye Tian. In his current state, being touched by any of these lightning bolts will be killed. His eyes condensed, his body turned sharply, and he pulled out the shadow of the road. He glanced at the nameless direction and found that he was sinking in the water, his eyes closed, and there was no movement... Obviously, these lightnings with tracking ability are terrible, but they must rely on his mind to control before these dragons disappear. He will not be able to act.

The speed and angle of the impact of the five dragons are different. Ye Tianxie’s body shuttles through it, stepping back, until it is already the tower wall of the tower of fate, and there is no retreat. The original speeds are different. If Lei Long found a breakthrough, the speed suddenly increased, and Qi Qixi turned to Ye Tianxie. In the eyes of Ye Tianxie, the light flashed, and the blue light flashed through.

"Water mirror!"

Ping! !

This is the moment that Ye Tianxie has been looking forward to. These Thunder Dragons do not stop as if they do not hit the target. The only way to want these Thunder Dragons to disappear is to bear the hard life. The previous Achilles dragons had different azimuth speeds. If they used water mirrors, they could only rebound one of them. What he waited for was the moment when the five dragons were close at the same time.

The water mirror opened and shattered, and the thunderbolt that hit the sky blue barrier turned back, whistling and flying to the nameless, all bombarding his body...

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!


The nameless eyes slammed open, and the shadow of the wolf that disappeared behind him appeared behind him again, and it was enlarged in an instant, and a wolf screamed through the heavens and the earth.

"The wolf is ridiculous!"

The air stopped flowing, the sound suddenly disappeared, and the space around the 100 meters was completely blocked. The body of Ye Tianxie was pressed by the thousand boulder and could not move. In his eyes, a wolf was expanding in the image, with the nameless hands. The sword of the sanction is erected downwards. This is only the giant wolf of the 100-meter body that has been thrown from the air... The body is not wanted to be fixed, and the life is filled with life.

boom! !

The space collapses and boils in the collapse. This is a pure destruction attack. The target of the wolf is blocked by the soul of the wolf, and it is destroyed by the power of the ruthless wolf god. When the power of the wolf **** broke out completely, the whole space was the roar of the wolf, and the terrible power swept through every corner of the blockade space.


The life value of Ye Tianxie just returned to the moment was almost completely blank, and the wolf was still in his ear. The ground under his feet seemed to collapse at any time during the tremor. The red light that Ye Tianxie had just dissipated was once again filled with the collapse of life. He took a breath and his body suddenly disappeared. Like a ghost, he rushed to the nameless sword of the sword of high sanctions. Hit on him, suddenly, the nameless body was slammed back, the second wave of the wolf's ridiculous power has not been activated and has been forcibly interrupted.

On the other hand, Beckham's riot light and the state of the nightmare claws disappeared. The blue wolf body finally fell from the air and restored freedom. I have never suffered such treatment since birth. Even with it, the heart will undoubtedly breed the anger of repatriation of dignity.

Ye Tianxie, a dragon soul spurt will repel the nameless, and turned back and shouted: "Hey!!"

The shouts fell, and a white shadow rushed to the front of Beckham. A white halo was released from it and wrapped the blue dragonfly that had just landed. Suddenly, the freedom was restored. The blue dragonfly, who had not yet had time to launch the attack, was soft and slowly fell to the ground.

The goal of Ye Tianxie is to defeat the nameless, and for him, the biggest threat is not the nameless, but the blue dragonfly. If he wants to defeat the nameless, he must first suppress the blue dragonfly. Otherwise, if it attacks with the nameless, his odds are equal to zero. The previous attacks by Lan Lan made him feel awkward now.

Under the dream of the mysterious light, the blue dragon will fall into a coma for at least thirty seconds. Ye Tianxie took a sigh of relief and once again concentrated all his thoughts on the nameless body. The body pierced the body around the nameless body at a horrible speed. The fate of the moment evokes overlapping blood shadows, one after another huge damage. The numbers floated quickly on the unnamed head. Unnamed, can only passively withstand the attack, his attack, the root can not touch the shadow of Ye Tianxie.

"It's so powerful... The unnamed brother is so powerful, he was beaten so badly." The lips that were hiding in the corner were wide and their eyes were wide open, which was very surprising. She knows the power of Ye Tianxie and also knows the level of unnamed strength. She thought that with the powerless name, Ye Tianxie would have to defeat him and the blue dragonfly. It is about to be possible, and it is bound to fall into a difficult and dangerous battle. But now the situation... Blue Dragonfly is suppressed by Xiaobei and Yu, unable to shoot, but the name is rooted by Ye Tianxie, his life is reduced to half, and in the blink of an eye, it is reduced to three-thirds. One……

Xi Yao goddess can easily defeat Ye Tianxie, but no name can't. Although the strength gap between them is not great.

The goddess Xi Yao can control the power and even the order of the elements lost in the mainland to a large extent. The attack is dominated by elements, and the elements can be manipulated to destroy the earth. This kind of super-wide attack has made Ye Tiangen root unable to escape. The power of namelessness is more the destruction and sanction under the force of the wolf god. It is the same as Ye Tianxie. It must be touched by weapons to cause damage. It cannot be covered like thousands of thousands of goddess. Mizhi. The rare large-scale destruction technology also has very strict use restrictions. Under such an attack mode, Ye Tianxie's talent ability can be released to the fullest, so that the nameless is like chasing an invisible wind shadow, doing all the best. It also does not hurt his entity.