Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1088: Seventh sin

Lost in the mainland, the land of death.

"Devil, your power is really... really recovered!!"

"This is the real power of the devil god! It is too powerful! It is even more terrible than the recorded ones! No wonder that the five holy beasts and the four magical gods lost in the mainland can be destroyed in the past... In the world, there are such terrible things. Power exists."

"Devil Lord, welcome you back. Devil's Continent, will be respected by you forever."

Feel the power behind the purple curtain that is enough to make the heavens and the earth fear. The seven ghost kings worshipped before the curtain, and the body and voice were violently trembled. The shudder is the excitement of this power, but also the fear and surrender of this power. When the power of the demon **** was released, it was as strong as they were, and all of them were eclipsed in a moment... The power of the devil was never suspected. What she did when she lost her continent was enough to scream and scream. Now, to experience this power from the devil, they understand in the trembling that the power of their demon gods has far exceeded their expectations and even imagined. In the face of this power, those who have the power of the holy level, they feel that they are simply humble like ants, and the roots can not produce even a slight resistance.

The power of the devil is so terrible! !

However, they are puzzled in the trepidation... How can they resist the power of the seven sacred levels, and how they will be blocked by the four sacred gods and the four sacred devices. That is, they add up to seven, and they can support a short time in the hands of the Eudemons.

Is it that after the return of the power of the devil, is the power now far better than it was a thousand years ago?

"How about the preparations on the Devil's mainland?"

After the curtain, there was a very calm girl voice. The sweet voice made all the breaths of the seven ghost kings hold their hands.

"Already all are ready. As long as the Devils open the door to space, they can come to the mainland at the fastest speed. With the leadership of the devil, their fighting spirits have already burned to the top." Said. Then he slammed his head and asked carefully: "Devil, what are we... when."

After the voice of the Dark King, it is a long-lasting calm. In their awkward wait, the answer of the demon **** finally came, and the answer was only two words...


"Ah? Tomorrow?" The seven ghost kings are all stunned. The demon gods are regaining power today, but tomorrow they will go straight to the lost city... This will not be too fast. They can spend more time preparing to get the best results.

"Let's end soon."

A gentle sentence, just that no one of the seven ghost kings can understand the deep struggle and helplessness in her voice and heart.

No matter what the result, she just wants to end soon.

If she does not encounter Ye Tianxie and does not have a section with him, she is the pure demon god. She will use her own strength to achieve her purpose without any scruples, even destroying the entire lost continent.


Destiny, and she made a big joke, so that her inner roots can not calm peace. When you finish early, you may be able to get out of these difficulties early.

"Yes. With the power of the devil and the gods, you can destroy the earth and destroy the earth. The roots don't need to prepare anything. Our horse uploads the devil's mainland. Tomorrow is the day that changes the fate of our demon."

With the power of the demon gods exposed at this time, lost in the mainland ... or the world, who can block?

This kind of power, the roots do not need the devil's mainland to vacate the nest, but also do not need their seven ghost kings. One person, the devil, is enough to sweep everything... it’s easy. Because the power of the devil is really terrible and terrible.

One of the functions of Tian Mei Sakura is to restore one's strength to the strongest state ever reached. But, the demon **** thousands of years ago, is it really the strongest state of power in the life of the glass star?

the answer is negative.

Tianmei Sakura was restored to the glass star, not the state she had thousands of years ago, but the state before she came to the mainland of the devil, earlier. A state that is far above the highest power class in the world of fate!



The sky is high and the sky is cloudless. The air of the destiny world always makes people reluctant to return to the real world where the dirt is everywhere.

Ye Tianxie, who disappeared after seven sins of baptism, came back. On the seventh day, he woke up, and his strong appetite allowed him to fly directly to the Chamber of Commerce in July, and then he was as crazy as a hungry man who had been hungry for 800 years. The gorging, the pair is enough to make people feel scared.

Seven sins - gluttony, the most terrible sin in doubt in the baptism of the seven original sins. Because this sin is imposed on oneself, it will cause endless gluttony.

"Bulimia... Under the original sin of bulimia, your thirst for food will swell to an extremely terrible degree. At that time, you will do more than just overeating, you will go crazy. Everything you can eat, when you can eat all the food you eat, you will be completely mad like a drug addiction..."

This is the statement of the nameless for the crime of bulimia. In the baptism of the seven sins, only this sin will directly threaten the life of the baptized person. Under the endless eating, Ye Tianxie will continue to swallow and then swallow, and the human belly capacity is limited, Ye Tian Even if the evil body is different from ordinary people, under the endless eating, there will be a moment when it will be killed. But if you don't eat it... For example, what method is used to tie him up so that he can't eat it... Then, under the irresistible desire, what he wants to eat will be himself, for example, he will first Eat your own tongue and eat all the places you can touch with your mouth...

Last time, Ye Tianxie taught the horrible greed of gluttony, and this time, the degree is stronger than the previous one. The sin of the sinister sin of the sorcerer is the world of destiny. Because in this world of destiny, people are virtual, and there will be no more to eat. Therefore, if it is not this destiny world, the horrible degree of this gluttony is enough to make Ye Tianxie shudder.

Last time, Ye Tianxie ended the gluttony with a swallowing Dan, and also offset the baptism effect of a great part of the gluttony. This time, he will definitely not use swallowing Dan again, because what he is going to pursue now is to maximize the effect of baptism.

"Brother, eat slowly, there are so many, drink some water first."

Xiaochen Xue has been on the side, full of worry watching his eating, for fear of picking him up or eating it. After a while, he wiped his lips, and then he hurriedly put the water in front of him, and several times he was distressed to fall out of tears. Although these are the best foods in the July meal, this kind of eating has made her roots unable to worry.

"Little Xueer don't worry, it is a pleasure for him to eat now, let him eat. Xiao Xueer, what do you want to eat, just tell those sisters that they will do it for you right away."

Liu Yuyue sat on the opposite side of Ye Tianxie and Chen Xue, with red lips and bright eyes. She has a soft jade skin that is only available to young girls. She has a charm that she will have when she is young. She is lazy and casual, her lips are smiling, her eyes are moving on the face of Ye Tianxie, full of tenderness. The constant is that there is no need to deliberately make a dream between the eyebrows, completely feminine.

"I am not hungry." Chen Xue shook his head, although Liu Yuyue said so, she still had a little bit of worry in her eyes.

Next to Ye Tianxie, the plate has piled up more than a meter high. These are Ye Tianxie... Accurately speaking, it is the masterpiece of Ye Tianxie and Guoguo. With so many foods, while Ye Tianxie gorged, the fruit was also plunged into the food, and it was only slower than Ye Tianxie. There were several times when Ye Tianxie almost didn't swallow the fruit that was drilled into the food.

"It’s going to be finished again. Let me remind you. Today, it’s busy with the rain.” Liu Yuyue smiled lightly, stood up and walked out slowly, and the rich and beautiful body floated and stunned. The best interpretation of the name of the devil figure, a flower face is an unparalleled charm, the intoxicating fragrance of walking, the extreme. However, the attention of Ye Tianxie at this time is all on the food, and the roots have no view of the beauty in front of them.

"Hey, my brother is slow to eat, there are so many." Xiaochen Xue couldn't help but pat the back of Ye Tianxie, fearing that he would suddenly get stuck in his throat.

"It's okay. Rest assured, it's not a dangerous thing to eat." Ye Tianxie smiled at Chen Xue's relief, and then continued to eat. He can't suppress the food now, and he doesn't want to suppress it. Anyway, in this world, no matter how you eat it, you will not eat yourself.

"Yeah." Chen Xue whispered, and then looked forward to saying: "Brother, after today, you will go home, right?"

"Well, I have already returned today, and I will not go away again." Ye Tianxie sighed Chen Xue's hair and said with a smile. Then suddenly something was heard, and turned and asked: "Snow, your Baoer sister, why didn't you see her?"

In the message she gave herself, she wanted to see her eagerness soon. Now, Sufifi, Chen Xinchen Xue, Yuyi, and Rain have all rushed for him, but they have not seen the shadow of Star Treasure.

"Boa sister, she... We said a few days ago that we have to do something very important. We have to go offline for two days. We still don’t want to bother her. Now it’s the third day. Bao’s sister still hasn’t come out. She has been In that small yard, but we can't get in there. I went to shout for a long time this morning, and my sister Bao did not reply. I am a little worried." Chen Xue said with concern.

"This way... It should be something special that she is making, especially high-level things. Sometimes it really has to be stopped for several days. Well, Cher doesn't have to worry. When she does it, she will come out immediately. When she didn't come to our house before, she often looked like this. She didn't go offline in a few days." Ye Tianxie smiled and comforted Dao, but she didn't go too far.

Chen Xue gently nodded... But, although Sophie said so, Ye Tianxie said so, she still has a very inexplicable worry in her heart, always feeling that there will be something wrong with Star Bo’s body. Things.

"To my brother, a few days ago, the enchanting sakura I planted with my brother has grown completely." Chen Xue pinched his clothes and said uneasy. Of course, this thing can't keep holding him. She is worried that her brother will not be unhappy because of this.