Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1096: Emperor

The appearance of the seven ghost kings made the atmosphere of the battlefield slow, cold, and spread in the hearts of countless people.

"We have given you the opportunity, you have to choose stupid resistance, and if so... then all go to hell!!"

The cold and mad voice came from the sky, and the seven ghost kings finally shot, and when they shot, they were shocked... The darkness almost covered the sky in an instant, and the seven identical ultimate dark elements condensed in the dark sky. Then, with a desperate horror, flew to the lost city.

Before the city gate, there were countless horror shouts that met together.


"The emperor is going fast!!"

The Ziji Sword God and the Extreme Ice God, who have been guarding the "Fal" lost emperor, in the screaming one, grabbed an arm of the "Fal" lost Emperor and tried his best to fly back to the rear. They released their power to the maximum, forcibly tearing the space, and the eyes were already a few kilometers away.

boom! ! !

The roar of the tremor came from the rear, and the impact of the dark forces tore the space into countless pieces, and immediately healed quickly in the diffuse black mist. With the sound of roaring, there are countless screams.

The "fiction" lost by the Purple Sword God and the Extreme Ice God looked at the rear, and then closed his eyes in pain. Because of the blow, the entire southern gate of the lost city was turned into ashes, and tens of thousands of city guards were buried among them. There are also countless players buried in the same place. The South Gate, as well as the tough walls that spread around the city, disappeared. The lost gates of the city were opened, and the unstoppable magic soldiers rushed into the city in the excitement of the ruins. What made this was just a blow from the Seven Ghosts.

This is the horror of the Ghost King... Those city guards, the players, in front of their power, the roots are a bunch of weeds that don't need to be in the eyes, want to clean these obstacles, but they are pointing.

Putting the "Fal" lost emperor in a safe area, the purple pole sword **** and the ultra-ice **** quickly returned, and the eyes are full of decisive: "On the emperor, you are the highest emperor of the lost", as long as You are still not dead. There are still hopes for the "fiction" to lose the mainland, so please be sure to protect your safety... these evil evils are handed over to us."

The fascinating emperor’s eyes trembled. He reached out and said what he was about, but he moved his lips, but he took back the words he was about to say. He finally only said the heavy words: “Be careful.”

The purple sword **** and the ultra-ice **** gods joined hands to deal with a ghost king are very reluctant, not to mention seven. The two of them are the strongest and the last guardian of the lost city, but in the face of the seven ghost kings, the roots can't change anything, and they can only resist.

The purple sword **** and the ice **** nodded, then rushed to the direction of the seven ghost kings.


"Good risk, we are almost going to be out here! These terrible devils!"

Situ's face looked awkward. If the moment was not left, the army would transfer the damage of the whole team to himself. The ghost king's blow would kill them all, and no one would be spared. But suffering from the damage of all people, the left-wing army was undoubtedly directly killed, and immediately revived by Sufifi. At first glance, there are no surviving human beings except for the devil. The bodies of the earth are filled with a terrible hell.

Even if they are, they can't help but shudder.

The power class of the Ghost King, the root is not what their players can compete with.

"I was thinking, are we coming to die? Here, the root is not the place where our players should come." Murong Qiu Shui bite his teeth, just the thrills, and the terrible feeling of heart under the black fog, give each of them They have left a deep fear. They really realize now that their head can kill the ghost king twice and kill one. What a great thing.

"We need the head of the team, but now, where is the head?" Stuart said in Yang Tian.

"First evacuate to a safe place, and then stay, we can't help anything, it will only die in vain." Under the command of the Seven Ghosts, the left-wing army decisively chose to evacuate, but did not recklessly with their partners. Reckless forward. They are not afraid to fight to death, but they cannot even die in vain.

The attack of the Seven Ghost Kings directly destroyed tens of thousands of city guards and tens of thousands of players. This is just the beginning. In the laughter, the darkness once again filled the sky, and the terrible dark elemental bombs began to fall from the sky and fell to the ground. Another piece of the city guards, under such an attack, the intensive defensive army is like a group of ants that have been poured out of boiling water, dying in the screams, without any chance of escape and resistance. They used death to experience the horror of the ghost king. These dark attack roots can't hurt the magic soldiers. The magic soldiers, such as the rushing tide, flood into the city, and slaughter the guards and the city people and players who have completely mixed up the chaos...

In this way, even if the Million City Guards, millions of players will be wiped out in a short period of time.

The light and shadow of the purple "color" and the blue "color" flashed, and the purple sword **** and the ice **** appeared in front of the seven ghost kings, and the face was cold and iron. Their appearance caused the Seven Ghost Kings to stop attacking, and looked at them with interest, with a corner of their mouths, and a cold and playful laugh.

"Oh, it’s your two old men. Wang is still worried that you won’t show up. Then we have to have a lot less fun."

"Disenchant old ghosts, don't underestimate the two old men, they unite, even if you are, don't want to take them for an hour and a half."

"It’s really boring to kill these ants. Finally, there are two guys worthy of our shot. Hey, you two have to stay for a while, don’t let the king down, oh.”

The two great patrons of the city that is lost in the world of fascination are the most powerful human beings who have lost their lives in addition to the twelve sages. They are so ridiculous and contemptuous in the eyes of these seven ghost kings. The purple sword **** and the ultra-ice **** have no movement, they have a mortal consciousness, today, is to exhaust all life and strength, but also to block the footsteps of these seven ghost kings - but they are also very clear in their hearts, What they can do is only weak resistance and delay. I only hope that this delay will give you more time for the lost city... There will be more hope and more hope.

The purple sword **** and the polar ice **** looked at each other and nodded at the same time. For a time, the purple "color" sword shadow and the blue "color" ice shadow cover turned to the middle of the dark ghost king...

The "fighting" lost the two major gods of the mainland and the seven ghost kings began the battle. In the distance, the fascinating emperor looked up into the air... At the same time facing the seven ghost kings, how long can they last for two? A few minutes? Dozens of seconds? Still only a dozen seconds or even a few seconds...

At this moment, his side suddenly flashed white, and the "fan" lost the emperor's side, saw the sweaty priests... He finally came back.

"How is the matter!!" "The lost" lost the emperor in a hurry.

The tragic situation in front of the eyes made the lyrics linger for a few seconds, then shivered and said: "Go back to the emperor, the dragon field let me pass the words to the emperor, they are not willing to help, they are dragons The strength of the Dragon God has been greatly reduced, and the overall strength of the Dragons has fallen into the lowest valley. Nowadays, what they need to do most is to recuperate and not to be tempted by any forces. So...so there is nothing to do."

"Fa" lost Emperor's face "color" is tight: "The Emperor Kun ancestors and evil days? Did you find it?"

"I didn't find it in evil days, even my messenger couldn't contact him. He seemed to be in a state of not receiving outside information. Emperor Kun's ancestor... It's already here!"

boom! !

In the earth-shattering roar, the land in the south suddenly burst, and a sharp tentacles with a length of a kilometer suddenly burst out from the ground and spurred into the position where the seven ghost kings and the two gods battled in the air. The power that almost wants to be pierced by the sky makes the seven ghost kings change their colors, and all the power is collected, and they are scattered at the fastest speed...

The seven ghost kings were shunned, and the sword gods and the gods who were suppressed by the seven ghost kings finally got a breather. They were shocked by the power of this. They even forced the seven ghost kings to open up. When their eyes fixed on the huge tentacles, they screamed with surprise: "Emperor empire!!"

The huge tentacles retracted, and the cracks in the ground cracked slowly and slowly. On the ground, a pale yellow "color" figure slowly formed. It is a white-skinned old man who looks like a young man with a thin body.

Ordinary people may not know his identity, and do not know what the tentacles were. But how can the purple pole sword **** and the ice fire **** know it? This person is the most powerful beast of the mainland, the first of the three holy beasts - the emperor!

"The emperor's ancestors... very good." "The lost" emperor's hands clenched, and the heart that had been hung was put down a little. The appearance of Emperor Qiankun is undoubtedly the best news he got today. It is also the emergence of it, bringing a little hope for this lost city.