Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1222: Under the opportunity of becoming a god


"Star Glass, you must be wondering why I just said those words to the funeral day, right?" Ye Tianxie looked at the front and said. The road paved in front of his eyes seems to be shortened in a blink of an eye, and it seems that it has become extremely long. Being caught in the world of God and unable to get out of it, he cannot know what his next fate will be.

Star glass nodded.

"I will take you to a place, then you will understand. Come with me."

After that, Ye Tianxie took the empty rock and returned to the top of the lost tower, the tower of the tower of fate.

After Ye Tianxie reached the top of the tower, the star glass followed his breath and broke the space to his side. She turned her eyes and looked at the strange space around him. She asked with amazement: "Brother, is this?"

Ye Tianxie did not speak, took the hand of the star glass, went to the center of the position, and called out the core of fate and the fragments of all the rock tablets. Soon, in the shining white light, the door of destiny appeared, and slowly opened in front of them.

"Star Glass, there are some memories of the ancient Protoss. There are the origins of the Three Protoss, the origins of the Wild Gods, and the destruction of the Wild Gods, the destruction of the Protoss, the truth of the creation of the Protoss." Ye Tianxie finished Take a step back and then take the star to the position where you stood before.

"The truth..." Star Glass remembered what Ye Tianxie had said before, vaguely, what she had guessed. Without resistance, she closed her eyes and listened carefully to the voices that passed to her heart.

A person's voice, expression, movement, and even his eyes can be false, but the language of the soul is derived from the voice of the soul of the soul. It is impossible to be false, and it is impossible to be a lie.



Star Glass slowly opened its eyes, long time without words, eyes are constantly violently turbulent.

Ye Tianxie did not speak immediately, but looked at her quietly, waiting for her reaction. The belief that was instilled from birth was actually a fictional story. The original thought that his race was a tragic victim, the truth, but they are the real victims, creating the culprit of everything, destroying the destruction of the Protoss. It is also a matter of self-defeating... These truths, the psychological impact on the glass is undoubtedly extremely huge. The words that Ye Tianxie said before have also given the appropriate hints of Star Glass many times, so that she can be prepared for it. So, perhaps the psychological impact she will receive will be slightly smaller.

"These, do you believe it?" After a long time, Ye Tianxie opened his mouth gently.

"If I haven't experienced this for thousands of years in the Star of Xiyao, I know that these are true, I will not believe... because the desire for hatred and revenge on the creation of the Protoss is to support us to survive in that dark space. The biggest reason and motivation for going on, if you know that this reason and motivation is actually false, it was fabricated by the ancestors, knowing that it is not the creation of the Protoss, but we are sorry, they are sorry, they are sorry, the truth, I am fundamental. Unbearable." Star Glass closed its eyes, and the voice became more and more erratic: "The voice of the soul cannot be false. These are the real truths. In the past, my race was the world that created God. The culprit of the collapse was that my ancestors caused the destruction of the wild gods and the decline of the creation of the Protoss, and eventually they were retribution, almost killed... and, my ancestor killed his brother, and killed his brother. The person who likes it, let the brother of that time break the heart and destroy himself for a lifetime, I..."

Ye Tianxie crossed her slightly trembling shoulders and smiled and shook her head: "Star Glass, maybe I really was the night of the year, but those things are already a far-reaching past. It was the mistake of shattering the Protoss, but There is no relationship in the star glass... And, isn’t I standing in front of the star glass now?”

"But, I... I..."

"With the development of the chaotic world, the world of God is destined to be declining, but the night of the year and the sorrow of Hesfield became everything. After countless years, the world of God will usher in turmoil. In fact, I should not let Star Glass know that the lies that your ancestors passed down are actually to give you reasons and motivation to be able to support them in desperate circumstances, not to fool you, perhaps never. It’s better to know that it’s better than you. The reason why I let Star Glass know is that I hope that Star Glass can work with me to resolve this catastrophe that should not happen. Otherwise, if there is another war between gods, chaotic space. Countless fragile lives will be brutally affected, and Star Glass will not want to see that day, right?"

Ye Tianxie does not want to be a savior, but does not want to do what the so-called hero. He is simply a disaster that does not want to let himself survive, because there are too many people he cares about.

Star Glass looked up and stared at Ye Tianxie. He looked at him quietly for a while, and suddenly said: "Brother, do you want to be a god? It is the night of the year, the world of the **** is the strongest." God!"

Ye Tianxie has a glimpse. To be a true God and to have the power of God is naturally the dream of everyone's dreams. He has also been pursuing a powerful force. If he can become a god, he will naturally spare no effort. The words of the star glass made him feel a move, and at the same time, he remembered the words that he had said to the star glass before he was buried.

"...may you can completely wake up his gods and make him back to the night. At that time, if he can fall into the Protoss because of you, it is best..."

"Star glass, you mean..."

"Brother, do you know. If the essence of a **** has not changed, then even after thousands of reincarnations, it can still be awakened. The way to wake up is very simple, that is... the stimulation of the power of God. Brother Among the dragon spirits in the body, there should be hidden souls that are not awakened, or only reveal a small part of the power. Because the strength of the brother’s current dragon soul is far more than the ordinary dragon. Sleeping Under the stimulation of the power of the gods, the soul of the gods will be awakened by little by little, so that the brother of the dragon will be more powerful. If you work hard for half a year, you can let your brother have the last year. One of the points...even more power."

"Really?" The words of Star Glass made Ye Tianxie unable to suppress the excitement. Back to the night is the strongest **** in the beginning. He used to go back to the night when he was in battle with Star Glass and felt his enormous power. If you can really have the power of one percent of the night... The power of one percent of the night is still terrible. If you help the sacred inflammation, it will not even be weaker than the current star. Personally facing the goddess Bhara, he no longer needs to have any taboos.

"Star Glass, tell me, what is the specific method? As long as you can say, I can try any method." Ye Tianxie said eagerly.

"The method is... is..." Under the eager gaze of Ye Tianxie, the sound of the star glass was small, and the tenderness also slid down quietly, and dared not go straight to the eyes of Ye Tianxie: "Yes... That is, my brother should be combined with a girl with divine power, and then... can... and the more frequently, the faster it will wake up..."

After the great courage is over, the voice of the star glass is already inaudible, and the face is already full of blush.

Combined with a girl with divine power...

This one……

Ye Tianxie’s mouth opened slightly and he squatted for a little while. Then, he naturally remembered that the two dragon spirits suddenly surged a few days ago...

The two skyrocketings were all after the combination with Xiaomeng.

The little dream is the creation **** of the creation of the Protoss. Although the power cannot be revealed at that time, the creation of the gods is not a disappearance, but a deep hidden body. It turned out that... The sudden rise of his two dragon powers was really because of a small dream. This is what Star Glass said. Under the stimulation of the power of God, is there a little awakening in the body of the soul?

This also means that the method that Xingli said is really effective. A combination can make Longli grow so much, and from the previous two times, the growth rate is likely to exceed the previous one. Then three times, four times... ten times... hundred times...

Xiaomeng has left with flowers and dreams to leave. If there is no accident, she should return to the distant Borne Mountain with flowers and dreams. And the **** of the gods of his god... there is one, that is the star glass.

He looked down and looked at the star-shaped glass that was not retreating. Under the purple crystal, she was covered with pink tenderness and it was lovely and unparalleled. Ye Tianxie smiled lightly and said softly in a very awkward voice: "Star Glass, you will help your brother, right?"


A low inaudible whisper, the head of the star glass is also lower, no longer dare to look at his eyes. As long as it is for him, she has no reluctance. Swearing, the slight voice from her passed to Ye Tianxie’s ear, letting his heart violently tremble again...

"Brother, you, want to be 'sacred'? The same saint as the Son... The brother should hurry up to let the Son grow up. When the brother is completely a god, the body of the Son is big enough, the brother can be with the Son. In combination with... the power of the Son will be completely awakened, and the strength of the brother will be transformed into a holy power by the divine power in the combination with the Son, becoming the same class with the Son, and also a chaotic space. The second... holy!"

