Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 13: Fruit's weird ability


The problem of entanglement of lollipops with a lollipop is obviously an extremely brain-destructive behavior, so as long as the fruit mentions the lollipop, Ye Tianxie will wisely remain silent. However, this seemingly harmless human and animal and simple innocence to the collapse of the small point has obviously had its own careful thinking, letting Ye Tianxie knock on the side, she did not know who she is, why it exists in the moment of fate, and why Tell him the reason for calling his master, either answer "I won't tell you" or answer "Gambling, I don't really know!"

Novice village.

Standing at the entrance of the novice village, looking at the huge crowd entering and exiting, facing the gaze of the road, Ye Tianxie was silently glanced at the small fruit standing on his shoulder. Upgrading his appearance by 20%, coupled with his original appearance and fascinating charm and danger, he will be watched by many eyes no matter where he goes - but there is no eye to look at his shoulders. Fruit on the fruit.

Is there such a small thing in the world of "Destiny"? Ye Tianxie couldn't help but think of it, and then immediately succumbed to his own brain damage.

"fruit, they can't see you?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"Oh! The master is very smart. How can I make so many people look so cute? The fruit is very powerful. As long as I don't want it, they can't see me and can't touch me. The only one who can see and meet me now is the owner." The fruit is proud and smirked. Obviously, other players can not only see her, even her voice can not hear, no one looks at her direction when she speaks.

Ye Tianxie glanced at the little bit on the shoulder with a weird look. This unknown little unknown does not know how many secrets and novelties are hidden.

"Then can you go back here?" Ye Tianxie pointed to the fate of the chest. Before the fruit floated out of it, since it can come out, it should be possible to go back.

"It can be okay. But it's so dark and black, I don't want to go back." The fruit flattened her flat lips, and she used her delicate and delicate hands to make her soft, soft hair, a pair of black lacquered eyes with The radiant brilliance looks at the surrounding landscape and the flow of people.

Ye Tianxie no longer asks, and walks to the novice village. I used to be alone in the world, and I have a little elf like a bird at the moment, but this kind of feeling seems to be good with everyone... I think that his mouth is slightly unobtrusive. As for the origin of the fruit, and the secrets of the fate of the moment, time will tell him the answer little by little, he is eager to know the answer, but will not go to unnecessary sense of anxiety.

At this moment, it is less than an hour before he enters the "Destiny" world. The connection between the ornaments that should not appear in this world, and the eternal destiny that belongs to the core of the world's energy, has made him faintly aware of the extraordinary world of this "destiny" world.

There are only a few sparse houses in the village of Novice Village. At this time, the crowds are crowded, but there is no exaggeration when they first enter the game. The old village chief stood in the middle of the novice village and responded to the crowds who went to pick up the task. Ye Tianxie went to the village head and said politely: "Hello village head, what can I help? ?"

Regardless of the status in the real world, how temperament, maintaining courtesy of npc in the game world is always a must. Otherwise, it may not be the task of delivery, but the malicious guidance may be. Each npc here has its own independent personality and thoughts, and it is no different from a normal person.

"Oh... because of your charm, Superman, the No. 60001 novice village chief has a good impression on you +20."

The sound of the sound in the ear makes Ye Tianxie scream, and the basic charm value of 10 points is not white, plus the 10 points charm attached to the eternal destiny, his charm value has far exceeded the player's Average level.

The village chief who was originally annoyed by the players who came and went was obviously eye-opening after seeing Ye Tianxie. The smile on his face also floated up: "The energy core of this world--the eternal destiny disappeared. I don’t know where I am, no power of eternal destiny, the seal power of the Tower of Destiny is finally broken, the Eight Devils all escape, the magic of spillage affects all the land, and even the most meek animals become violent. ......"

The beginning of the village chief is exactly the same as the weird old lady I met before. Ye Tianxie listened to the temper and listened to him. He finally turned to the topic: "Adventurers from different worlds, you have seen another hero born." I hope the dawn. The original gentle chicken is now also suffering from terrible magic. Are you willing to help me destroy 30 angry chickens?"

"Hey... No. 60001 Novice Village chief asks you to help him destroy 30 angry chickens. Task attributes: normal, duration: no, mission reward: 80 experience, 5 bottles of small recovery potion."

This is the basic task that the level 0 player can pick up. There is no slight attraction for Ye Tianxie. He did not choose to accept it, but his eyes gazed at the village head and said seriously: "The village head, since you are from I saw the hope of the birth of a hero, so such a simple task would be a contempt for a hero. I want to come, this task village chief has been delivered to many people who are from the same place, I hope I can get A task that they have no ability to accomplish."

If this is said from other players' mouths, it must be the disappointment of the head of the village and the preaching of his self-confidence, and even direct him to leave, and face the charm value up to 20 Ye Tianxie... After a brief glimpse of the village chief, the smile on his face was milder, and he nodded with a smile: "Well, you let me see the pride of a hero, your breath, your eyes and your pride. I am more and more convinced that you will become a real hero to resist the evil demon who is about to suffer from the world. If so, I will do as you wish."

The prompt to cancel the task of hunting angry chickens was heard in the ear, the smile on the face of the village chief disappeared, and the old face showed some memory and sadness: "There is a wolf valley in the far north, where there is a wandering A variety of fierce wolves that have become violent and bloodthirsty by the influence of magical powers, they often take out from the wolf valley, and they are the quiet and peaceful novice village. At that time, my son was the same size as you. He went there alone to eliminate the evil wolf valley, and then never came back..." He sighed long and said: "Brave adventurer, can you go to the wolf valley, take 100 The teeth of the fierce wolf are coming back. I will use this fierce wolf's teeth to cast a tombstone for my son to pay homage to his brave and short life."