Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 137: Chen Xuechen's heart

In the prosperous city, there is also the existence of slums. Prosperous, like Jinghua, also has a slum and a dilapidated slum. In the eyes of the rich and those who think they are rich, their existence will not be pity, but it is so unforgivable. Because they affect the city, they pollute their eyes.

In the northern suburbs of Jinghua City, there is a ruined area that is ruined everywhere. There is no complete wall covering here. Even the tallest five-storey building has become dark and worn under the precipitation of time. The road here is earth. Mixed with broken stones, it is difficult to find a flat footing.

Here, a rental house with only seven square meters. The rent of this cottage, which seems to collapse at any time, is only 80 Huaxia coins per month. It is not as good as the price of a three-clock clock room in a regular hotel in a big city. There is a bed, two dilapidated tables and a chair, one of which has a simple cooker on the table, and the other is filled with bottles and cans... If you look closely, it will I know that it is a variety of medicines for a whole table.

At the other end of the bed is a simple stand with a small pile of folded girls clothes. In addition to these, this little house has no other things. It is this narrow bed, two small tables, a chair, and the bracket, which make up all of this small space, so that it can hardly find a foothold.

And the only one lying on the bed was a little girl... an angelic little girl. Anyone who sees her will be conquered and surprised by her delicate and almost illusory face. She is like a little princess who walks out of the painting. Her purity and beauty should not belong to this world, because the world is dirty. The air will only tarnish her...

The ruined picture, the beautiful girl, everything is so uncoordinated.

There were two pillows on the bed, one left and one right. She lay quietly on the pillow on the back and closed her eyes. Her lips are very tender and her skin is very white, but anyone who sees her first sight will feel heartache... Whether her lips or her face are too white, there is almost no white blood in white... It means that she has almost no vitality.

The wooden door in this room has been rotted several holes, but the broken place has been carefully closed with paper, and it is tightly closed. After the wooden door, there is a new anti-theft iron door that seems to have just been installed. Going up soon. The only thing that could penetrate the light was the tall window.

The sound of a keyhole turned, the wooden door opened, followed by the security door. When the security door opened, the little **** the bed opened her eyes... The eyes were so beautiful, but dim. Almost no color can be seen.

"Sister," she whispered softly.

Incoming is a girl who wears the word "glamorous" completely, but for her natural beauty, even if the rough clothes are worn on her, she will never be able to hide her intoxication. charm. Liu Mei, apricot, Yao nose, cherry lips, such as snow tender cheeks, such as long hair, such as jade neck, everything that makes ordinary girls envious, she has all the beautiful girls should find in her .

Seeing people first look at the hand, many people say that the hand is the most beautiful part of a woman, and her hands are really soft, and every finger is as clear as jade. The fingertips are in the shape of a perfect white bamboo shoot. The wrist is up, and the slender arm under the sleeve is long and transparent. Her skin is white, but it is different from the snow, but it is like a snow jade. Yingbai.

With such hands and skin, would she really be a girl from a poor family?

"Xiaoxue, I am back... Xiaoxue, look at it quickly, I bought a lot of delicious things, and what you liked most before..." She quickly sat down to the bed and filled the one in her hand. The bag full of things was put in front of her eyes, and the beautiful face showed a smile of joy and satisfaction: "Do you know, I have made a lot of money today, and in the future, I can make so much money every day. There will be more than one day, and you will be able to pick up the money for treating Xiaoxue."

The **** the bed did not show a happy smile, but a slight daze, then looked up and looked at her sister's eyes: "Sister, is it true...?"

Her voice is very tender, and it is as ethereal as an empty mountain, but it is as weak as the same wind. My sister smiled and nodded, caressing her sister's cheek: "Silly sister, my sister finally found a way to make a lot of money. Are you not happy? I know, you are worried that I will do things that I don't want to do... This is not the case," she said, picking up the game equipment of the "Destiny" world that had been hanging around her neck. She said with a smile: "Is it by it. Remember, my sister told you a few days ago, I became inside. A career that can make money, the name is the appraiser. Today, I rely on it to make money. It took only a short time to make a lot of money."

If Ye Tianxie is here, he will immediately recognize that this is the girl who helped him identify the equipment in Tianchen City. The appraisal fee, he paid her a total of 350 gold coins. He wouldn't have thought of how much happiness and hope this kind of girl gave to this girl.

After getting the 350 gold coins, the girl couldn't wait to exchange the exchange points set up by the most trusted wing of the sky to convert into real money. Because the news that the currency exchange will be opened tomorrow is just spread, the exchange ratio of the original game gold coin and Huaxia Coin 1:2 fell to 1:1, she did not feel depressed and regret, holding the exchange of 350 Chinese currency She is only happy and grateful.

Some people will carelessly go to get 100 million or even hundreds of millions of dollars to gamble, and this is completely disdainful in their eyes of more than 300 yuan for a sister who is seriously ill, almost on the verge of despair. It is too important to be too important. Because she is not only getting money, but also hope... because it makes her seem to see a new path and see the hope of saving her sister. The money was not stolen, not by others, but by her own efforts.

In order to take care of her sister, she rarely left the hut, and in order to make money, she had to go to the house every day for a fixed period of time, hurried away and hurried back. Compared with only a few tens of dollars a day, the income of a small 350 is really a huge sum.

My sister finally smiled happily. It was a smile that would melt the winter and the snow: "Sister, you are amazing."

My sister nodded hard and clenched her little cold hand: "Would you like to have a happy day after the snow? Your illness will be good, our life will be better and better... You see, I still I bought a fresh fish, and at night we can drink fish soup."

Xiaoxue nodded hard and said softly: "Sister, I also play that game. I want to... help my sister, my sister can, I maybe... OK."

She shook her head and smiled. "Small snow, the doctor said that your body and spirit are too weak, and the brain can't be overloaded, so it's not suitable for playing the game now. When the snow is better, let's play together. , ok?"

Xiaoxue didn't talk. She glanced at the bag with the full stuff, and said in a confused way: "Sister... For me, you have lost a lot of..."

Once the rich and the rich, the warmth and nobleness of the past has become the past cloud, since leaving the home, even if they are tired again, even if they can only die of death, they will never regret, never go back. Their two sisters became two dead leaves that drifted in the cold wind. They were finally quiet here a month ago... and my sister, before leaving, was already terminally ill... the incurable disease.

But even if it hurts, even if everyone says that it is a terminal illness that can never be cured, she will not give up hope, because that is her sister, her closest relative.

For her own sake, how hard her sister is, what she paid for her, she is silently in her eyes, engraved in her heart, for her sister, she will live strong, even if there is a feeling of death every day, want to pull her Sinking into the abyss, she will let herself stay away from death in the struggle of death... She is the drag of her sister, but it is not the hope and dependence of her sister. If she dies, her sister will be truly alone...

And what she often said to her sister is: "Sister, if you do something that you don't want to do for me, I will die right in front of you..."

She is afraid that her sister will use her own body to exchange her own dignity in order to raise money for her to buy what she likes and cure. This is her most fearful and fearful thing. In her eyes, my sister is the gentlest and most perfect person in the world. Only the most perfect boy in the world is worthy of her. She should have a perfect life, and she must never be overwhelmed by herself...

"How come, Xiaoxue said something silly. Besides, everyone said that the slim girl is the best to watch." The sister said with a smile, then reached out and untied the big bag: "Look, there is More, what do you want to eat? Look, this is the nut you like most before. I bought a lot of food. I like to eat it. I peel it for you. The doctor said that you should eat less hard things now, so you can only eat a little. And this is jelly, we haven't eaten for a long time, this is the big red date, this more eating will be good for your current body..."


She was talking, and suddenly there was an untimely slamming sound outside the house. Accompanied by the voice of the voice, a frivolous voice with a smirk came from outside the door: "Xiao Chen heart, open the door, your yellow brother is coming to see you again."

Upon hearing this voice, the faces of both sisters showed a look of fear and disgust.

Well, these two chapters are still cities, they have said it, no brakes. After this short period, I have long wanted to see that the urban plot is gone. 】g