Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 140: Su Diyan


When Ye Tianxie was off the assembly line, the sky was already a little dark, and in an afternoon, his original 15 level less than 10% of the experience bar soared to 50%, this speed is estimated to make those who think they are unreachable. The leveling mad people are ashamed to die. Because Ye Tianxie has only 6 hours of experience, it is enough for them to fight day and night - 24 hours without interruption.

Going back to the real world, when you open your eyes, a scent that intoxicates him will come, and the time just points to seven o'clock, and it is also the time for Sophie to make dinner every day. In a once lonely world, there is a girl who always prepares meals for him at the time he needs. This feeling is really good...

Sufifi, who heard the movement, hurried out of the kitchen and untied the small apron that was attached to her body. She squatted on the back of the sofa and said excitedly: "Hey, evil, tell you a good news, you are playing games." At the time, I also played for a long time. Now it’s really a little bit to get to level 10, and then I can go to the city to find you to play with. Do you feel very happy?”


"Right, you haven't told me what your name is in the game. Just say it quickly." Sophie Fei was close to Ye Tianxie, with a little spoiled meaning, unintentionally releasing a kind of The man’s indulgent little woman style. She has already asked him this question many times, but Ye Tianxie has never given her a reply to mysterious secrets... I can only blame the name of evil days is too loud. The power of one person, such as mythology, has passed through the abyss trials - even now, there is still no second team to pass the abyss trial, let alone individual. In the rankings, he has won the first place from the thousands of people at an eye-popping speed, even overwhelmed the recognized undefeated mythology... and it is only two days of effort, it is far Far away, the farther and farther.

However, no one knows that the Tianmo evil in the rankings is not the well-known Tian Moxie, the real Tian Mo Xie, is the evil day still above all people.

"Tell you tomorrow, now I am a little hungry." Ye Tianxie responded to the past with a vagueness, adjusted his posture and sat at the table, waiting for a meal.

"Well, well, tomorrow will be tomorrow... Hey, when you can, you can't rely on it again." After that, he added a small sentence: "I know the mystery every day, obviously make people outsiders, hehe!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The next day.

The youngest lady in Asia’s richest family was attentively serving Ye Da’s bodyguards for breakfast. After finishing the package, she ran to Ye Tianxie and slammed his hand to press the game equipment. He screamed: “I want to run again. Now tell me the name you have in the game? In order to get to the 10th level early, and to go through that abominable trial, I stayed up late last night. Staying up late is the biggest killer of our girls’ youth and beauty. You can’t bear it. Tell me?"

In other words, when the body is in the game, it seems that it is not much worse than the state of sleep. Ye Tianxie secretly snarled.

"I am afraid that I will say that you do not believe." Ye Tianxie considered the words, and finally chose to say in a helpless tone.

"Hey? Why don't I believe it?" Sufifi snorted and said, in a weird tone: "You don't want to say... you are very famous, afraid to say it scare me. Hey, hurry up, can you still tell me that you are the one who passed the **** of evil?

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Sophie Fei: "..."

Ye Tianxie and Su Feifei had big eyes and eyes, and they were there. After a short while, Sufifi was whispering and tempted to ask: "Heaven evils... evil days... evil spirits, you should not Is..."

"If you have a call, you won't know." Ye Tianxie has no words.

"Don't you really be that evil day... Wow!" Sophie whispered, her hands on her chest, and a pair of beautiful eyes flashing a star of worship and excitement: "I am so stupid, I should have been from the name." I think of it. It’s my evil spirits, it’s so powerful, it’s so powerful everywhere...”

Ye Tianxie moved back three centimeters and said with vigilance: "Miss Sue, you can do personal worship, but please don't show this female wolf to see the prey's eyes..."

A big pillow hit the head of Ye Tianxie. Sophie Fei Yang raised his mouth and his feet stepped on the ground: "Smelly, you, Miss, just fortunately, there is also a small backing in the game... I am waiting for me in the game. Oh, I am going to find you right away... Then I want you to take me to bully the little monsters, and there are still, you are so powerful, I will take me to level up later, I will not be so hard."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Entering the "Destiny" world is still the place to kill the wolf yesterday. Ye Tianxie returned to Tianchen City and ran back to his home in this world, the fruit house. Sure enough, just after entering the gate, the talker on his wrist rang.

"Heaven, can you hear me? I am Fifi..."

The caller displayed on the talker is... Su Di smoke.

Su Diyan rain, Sufifi's name in the world of destiny. A name with a beautiful poetic color.

"Listen to it." Ye Tianxie quite a bit weak answer. Speaking of it, if this young lady is also entangled in the game world, it is not a good thing for him. After all, he is used to taking risks, looking for excitement and going all over the world.

Sophie’s voice was obviously excited: “Where are you? I just sent to Tianchen City...you are coming.”

"This... or you come over..." Ye Tianxie tangled a bit, regardless of Su Feifei's complaints, told her where she was.

The square in Tianchen City is very large. If you walk, it will take more than one time to cross the square. The west side of the square is the most crowded and bustling commercial street in Tianchen City. The center of the commercial street is westward and is the residence of Ye Tianxie.

Counting the time, Ye Tianxie came out and just saw a shadow that was looking around him.

Sophie’s white robe with a whiteboard in his hand, a deadwood wand with a whiteboard, and a pointed white magic hat on his head. The dress is not stunning, but the costume of the magician adds to her. A little strange magical charm. When he heard the sound, Sufifi turned and then surprised to see Ye Tianxie coming out of the door.

"You...in this?" It was too late to be greeted with him in the world, and he couldn’t come to admire him for being dressed in all sorts of strange colors. She was most surprised that he was from that door... Out of the door of a luxurious mansion. You know, when she first arrived, she stared at the building inside for a full five seconds.

Ye Tianxie was quite satisfied with Su Feifei's surprised expression at this time, because even when he first saw it here, he almost couldn't suppress his inner surprise. He smugly said: "This is my residence in this game, how is it, not bad."

"Wow! That's it! Is it true? Take me to see it, hurry up!" The desire to watch made her have no time to ask how such an incredible place to live with Ye Tianxie. Although this is a game world that is not parallel to the real world, she still knows exactly what luxury atmosphere to this level of house means in this world,

Ye Tianxie just took Sophie to go in, and his talker rang again:

"Hey... there is a phone call outside, it is connected."

Ye Tianxie immediately knew who was calling himself, smiled and connected the call. Immediately, there was a rough and rushing voice on the opposite side: "Second brother! I and the fourth child are already in the center of Tianchen City, but... I don’t know how to always contact you, you must shield all calls. Ok, so I can only call you, you are now..."

Ye Tianxie knows that the person they are connected to in the game world must be a sinister evil, not a wicked one.

Obviously, Tian Moxie, who had the name of his fake, did not want others to harass him and blocked all calls.

Ye Tianxie told him where he is now, and then hung up. With a clear excitement, Sufifi wanders around the luxury mansion that is one of the best in Tianchen City. When Sufifi just stepped into it, the sound of "Welcome to the 'fruithouse'" in her ear made her apparently stunned, and then looked at Ye Tianxie with an extremely weird look: “Fruit Cottage?”

"This is the house I got from the task. The system gave the prescribed name. I don't know what it means." Ye Tianxie said that he didn't jump.

"Oh." Sophie Philippe screamed casually, still with obvious weirdness in his eyes. This name is taken, and it is hard to think about it. Fortunately, Sophie’s attention has not stayed on this name for too long, and immediately began to look at everything here, and from time to time exclaimed excitement... I am happy to see my new home. general. Now she and Ye Tianxie live under the same roof, and my heart is quietly and closely attached to him. In the subconscious, his home is his own home.

He is the male owner here.

And she is the hostess here.

Moreover, under the intimidation of Sufifi, Ye Tianxie had to give her the right to enter and exit arbitrarily.

"Hmmm! This room is mine after me. No one can go in except me!" Sophie Fei stood at the door of the top floor of the attic, watching the luxurious arrangement inside, and it was very imposing. Said that, as soon as a pair of promises have to agree, do not agree to also agree to the gesture.

"I can't even enter?" Ye Tianxie, who accompanied the young lady for a long time, said it was delicious.

"Of course not... you are the least able to come in, want to be dissatisfied, go to the streets to steal the girl's big satyr. Hey." Sophie snorted. She won't forget the first time she really met... It's really a peculiar and unforgettable way. She also really understood from that day that fate is really a curious thing.

"Well, you are free, but this is my place. If you want to live here, you have to pay me 5,000 Chinese yuan per month!"

"Small ghost!"

"Well, I will take you to see a few of my friends," Ye Tianxie looked at the time, probably the time they should be there.

"Friends, do you have friends too?" Ye Tianxie’s words made Sophie a little stunned. These days, she also knows about Ye Tianxie's character. With his character and lifestyle, what kind of person can become his friend?

"Oh..." I know that Sophie would say that, Ye Tianxie added: "The world is actually very small, they, maybe, you know."



There will be two in the next chapter... Oh, it’s a very strong person, be careful to prepare a paper towel – to prevent vomiting. 】