Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 370: Big explosion!

In fact, from the very beginning, when Ye Tianxie broke into the door, he had already locked in the existence of "Tian Moxie", but he has always pretended not to know. The first goal he came to this time was "Tianmo evil", but before that, he needed to find a most suitable reason to slap his second goal - "Child of the Sky."

The three-second persecution, the constant collision of the Son of Heaven, is not really forcing them to surrender the "Tianmo evil", but in this ferocious way, destroying the body and mind of the Son of Heaven, destroying the sky The psychological defense of everyone in the wing, venting the anger that has long been brought to him by the wing of the sky. And the "Tianmo evil" did not let him down, and he always shrank there. Even if the Son of Heaven was taken to that extent, he would not endure it. He knows the great influence of "Tian Mo Xie" on the wing of the sky after the exposure, and knows what will happen if it falls in the hands of this real Tian Mo Xie. Even the son of the heaven with a strong background dared to treat it like this. It is conceivable that if he appeared and fell into his hands, it would be an unimaginable ending.

His information is usually hidden. Even the people who know his name inside the wing of the sky have only a few people. It is absolutely impossible for him to know the existence of the "Evil Dragon" in the world. His identity has been exposed to the eyes of Ye Tianxie at the beginning.

When he was caught off guard, and the body was hit by the impact of the sob feather ice lining, he still did not return to the hair in the hair, and could not believe his identity had been exposed.

"Good one 'Tian Mo Xie', dare to use this name... I have to admire your courage. Whether you use this name actively or passively, taking away what she left for me is the most unforgivable sin in the world! Very Fast, you will know what is... regret!!"

The low, cold, cold, like **** sounds in his ear, and the conscious gap brought about by the impact has not recovered. He has already begun to shudder in the body: "You..."

A "you" word has just been issued, and his silver flashes in front of his eyes, followed by the sound of metal collision, his body was also mentioned by Ye Tianxie, and the cold thing quickly entangled his body - - Throughout the process, he was struggling with the consciousness and strength of struggling.

A chain of more than 20 meters was held by Ye Tianxie, and the other end was wrapped around his neck to his knees for more than a dozen on the "Tian Mo Xie" body, and the winding was extremely tight.

what is this? The crowds around are all shocked...chain! ! The game world has such a chain that wraps people around.

Star Chain Binding Chain: The player "Star Baby" is a chain made of fine iron. It has a total length of 20 meters and can be entangled in the target of losing freedom. After the winding is successful, the target will be in a "binding" state and it is difficult to break free. If the target's strength is less than three hundred, unless it is actively released, it will be continuously restrained for up to six hours and cannot be broken. Only valid for players.

This chain is rented by Ye Tianxie from Star Treasure... because it is really impossible to buy. Ye Tianxie’s rent and purchase from Star Treasure is far more than that. Most of the gifts he prepared for the wing of the sky were from Star Treasure. Immediately, he will greet one by one on the wing of the sky.

Bundled successfully, the feathers of the feathers flying from the sky, flying is not too high, barely ten meters in height, the chain was straightened in an instant, with the flight of the feathers of the ice, "Tian Moxie" in the screams on the ground The upper part was dragged quickly, the body and the chain rubbed against the ground, bringing up the intense squeaking of the inner convulsions... and even a series of metal sparks.

The Son of Heaven, who had just climbed up from the ground, was shocked and violently said: "Stop him, stop him!!"

With the greatness of the Son of Heaven, people are waking up like a dream. The melee professions with relatively powerful power attributes all rushed to the "Tianmo evil" that was being quickly dragged, and wanted to stop him, bow and arrow. The occupations all raised their bows and arrows in the panic, aiming at the air, the Ye Tianxie who could not aim at the roots.

Dozens of players rushed together, finally firmly pressed the body of "Tian Moxie", and Ye Tianxie, who was holding the other end of the chain, was forced to stop. He turned and whispered coldly: "Kaka... Be careful not to hurt the 'Tian Mo Ei'!"

The air suddenly became cold in an instant, and the archers who had to shoot the arrows were all frozen. Then, a whistling wind was mixed with the cold air that made the nerves instantly tighten from the sky.

Kaka - sobbing feather ice lining - water system advanced magic - blizzard!

The weeping feathers are the beasts of the gods. Although the ranks are greatly reduced, the skills they possess have not decreased. And the ability to become a **** of the mysterious beast, and one of them is rubbish. Most of the skills of Weeping Binglin are low-level and intermediate-level curses. The strongest trick is the horrible sub-high-level curse of the ice-cream, and it has the worst skills that are passed on to Kaka, and it is also high-level magic. And the advanced magic, what is needed is the great magic consumption. Although Kaka has a more horrible attacking magic from the feathers of the ice, but his magic value is only four thousand, those skills of the curse level are not thought of, can be used There are only three water systems, high-level magic, water mirror, ice crack, and blizzard.

The water mirror effect of Kaka is exactly the same as that of the Dragon Ring. The ice crack is a single ice explosion attack, and the snowstorm... is a containment attack with a general attack determination.

Under the wind and snow, the crowd of players gathered around the "Tianmo evil" was shrouded in the cold and chilling wind, and the players who dragged the "Tianmo evil" were taken out by the cold wind. The shortest distance, which was also blown away by more than ten meters, is accompanied by a large number of injuries.


Although it is a powerful skill belonging to the mysterious beast, the purpose of this skill is not to attack, plus the dullness of Kaka's own attacking attributes. The blizzard has flew over a hundred players in the sky, but failed to put any One kills, and a blizzard, so that its magic value brushed off more than half.

The sudden large-scale icy storm once again made the wing of the sky horrified, and the large area that was densely packed was cleared of a large vacuum under the blizzard, leaving only the one that was not judged as the target of attack. Tianmo evil." The next second, his stagnant body was dragged again with Ye Tianxie's advancement.

"Block him! Must not let evil days take him away!!"

With the yelling of the Son of Heaven, the crowd came up again. This time, Ye Tianxie took the initiative to stop. He silently looked at the intensive bow and arrow aimed at him. He sneered and slowly raised his right hand... Inside, holding a gray-black, wrist-shaped cylindrical body...

Ye Tianxie’s raising his hand, the gaze below all fell into his hands. For a moment, the crowd below became quiet, quiet, almost everyone’s face showed deep horror ... Those who have been on the scene, including the Son of Heaven, are subconsciously retreating in the panic of their face.

Who can forget that on that day, in the wind-falling plains, that one earth-shaking, annihilating the huge explosion of six thousand players in the wing of the sky.

And the source of the explosion, they can not forget, can not forget.

From the video of that day, people clearly saw that the explosion that caused the explosion was a cylindrical object thrown out by Ye Tianxie—the same as Ye Tianxie’s hand at this time!

Star Super Bomb!

This horrible killer, the source of the explosion that makes people talk about it, once again appeared in their sight, shaking their vision and heart.

"Give me all away... Otherwise, you, know the consequences!" Ye Tianxie grabbed the gray cylinder and kept the posture that was about to be thrown out. The cold eyes looked straight down.

The hands of the Son of Heaven are clenched, and the nails are almost trapped in the flesh. From all the actions of Ye Tianxie during this time, anyone can see that he is a man who said it must be done, and who is daring to do something - within the headquarters of the wing of the sky The distribution of the crowd is much more dense than that in the downwind plain. If the explosion of that size comes again, the consequences can be imagined. At the same time, he will not forget that this explosion is not only super-large, super powerful, but also has a strong destructive power. The downwind plains of that day were blown up everywhere, if it suffered such an explosion... he I just can't think about it.


Why does evil day not only have the power of bugs, but there are always so many things against him in his body! All this is too unfair!

No one dares to challenge Ye Tianxie's patience and decisiveness. Under the fear of persecution, the crowd has to slowly retreat. The people who rushed to the "Tianmo evil" have withdrawn, and the archers who were originally preparing to attack Ye Tianxie have also dropped their bows and arrows. The crowd spread to the sides, for Ye Tianxie... It should be said that he dragged the "Day Mo Xie" gave way to a narrow passage.

Faced with the power of the stars and the deep shadows of the day, they have no choice.

Ye Tianxie laughed. He still held the star's super big bomb. He dragged the "Tianmo evil" forward without hesitation. His body suddenly fell down and went straight to the Son of Heaven... The Son of Heaven was shocked. Just to make a defensive stance, I found that the cold wind has passed by, and Ye Tianxie’s goal is the girl who has been watching her.

The girl was picked up by Ye Tianxie and flew into the air. In the blink of an eye, she dragged the screaming "Tianmo evil" and flew out the door of the wing of the sky.

The girl did not panic, nor did she summon the Tianlei bombardment of Ye Tianxie, who could not defend again. Instead, she sighed and sighed. From the moment when Ye Tianxie rushed to her, she knew what he wanted to do.

Ye Tianxie’s face showed a devilish smile. He didn’t look back. The speed of the sobbing feathers was still the same. Ye Tianxie’s hand was forced backwards... The star super big bomb drew a beautiful parabola, falling At the center courtyard of the headquarters of the Sky Wings Guild, before the countless pairs of gray cylinders shrank into the eye-sized pupils, they heard the mad laughter from the evil sky.

boom! ! ! !