Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 378: Naked blackmail


Star Baoer and Ye Tianxie, who got the empty magic beads, greeted each other and left. Ye Tianxie dangled the model of the star super bomb in his hand, took out another empty magical bead, and left the tower of fate.

The headquarters of the Skywing Wing has suffered a lot of damage, and the repair work has not been completed. The son of the sky has not gone anywhere in the past few days. His mood has always been in a state of extreme irritability. What he thinks in his mind is how to retaliate against Ye Tianxie. From small to large, he has always been so high in the sky when he suffered such humiliation and frustration.

This time, what he thinks more is not to destroy Ye Tianxie in the game world, but to let people know the true identity of Ye Tianxie at all costs. In fact, his heart has already cast a shadow of fear on Ye Tianxie in the game world. There is no guts in the subconscious to provoke again, but directly from the real world... find him and destroy it, the world of destiny, will be Innocent days!

What he is at this time is the secret room in the center of the headquarters of the Sky. In the middle of the chamber, the suspended plaque is the plaque of the wing. As long as someone can break through the heavy defense and break this ruin, the trade union of the wing of the sky will be disbanded.

However, if someone can use any method to directly enter here... then it is too horrible.

The consequences of dissolution are undoubtedly quite cruel. The union channel disappears, and the members scattered among you will be scattered. The distribution of the power of the wing of the sky will also fall apart in a flash. The commercial chain that has just been operating will be abandoned... countless money, countless efforts, There is also the reputation that has been accumulated all the time, which will be directly destroyed. With the size of the wing of the sky, even the Yun family can hardly bear such losses and blows.

The Son of Heaven is locking his eyebrows and wants to focus on his heart. Suddenly, his eyes flashed a white light, and a figure appeared in front of him. The Son of Heaven was shocked, and when he saw this person, he was even more From the seat stand, when the emperor retreats, he will shout out.

"Don't be excited, I am not coming to kill you. If I want to kill you, you have already become a dead body." Ye Tianxie grinned and said coldly. His smile is undoubtedly the devil's smirk in the eyes of the Son of Heaven.

"You... how did you come in!" The Son of Heaven struggled to keep himself calm. Here is the center of the wing of the sky, the core of being heavily protected, and definitely not allowed to be taken by others. It is a taboo for storing trade union plaques... And now, the evil day has entered without any signs, no Through the outside protection, it is even more impossible for others to put in... Because there is no right to enter this room, there is not a few people who have a big wing. Evil days, clearly appear out of thin air!

He can appear directly in the center of the trade union...that he wants to destroy which collateral of the trade union forces, and it is not easy to destroy which trade union power.

Thinking of this, he is already full of cold sweat.

In fact, Ye Tianxie, of course, is not so magical, and wherever he wants to go. He can come here, relying on it, is the Wanli tracker bought from Star Treasure. The Miles Tracker can not only track, but also locate the target immediately. When it is found that the Son of Heaven appears in the center of the wing of the sky, he decisively leaves the Tower of Destiny and returns to the city, then traces it directly. Ignore the defense of the outer layer.

The Son of Heaven has not found that his body has been affixed with a small, thin thing by Ye Tianxie. And even if he found out, there would be no way to take it down.

"This kind of place, of course, I want to come, I want to go, how come, see me, not happy?" Ye Tianxie smiled with a sly face, and said to the Son of Heaven with a voice of mercy.

The sound of Ye Tianxie fell, the door of this core room was suddenly opened, and a large group of people rushed in. They did not rush to Ye Tianxie, but quickly rushed to the union plaque suspended in the center, apparently to be the first Time is protected. However, Ye Tianxie is faster than them. As soon as the door is opened, Ye Tianxie has been in a few wrong steps. In the panic of everyone on the wing of the sky, he moved to the side of the Shield of the Sky. The darkness of the fate appears, pointing to the fragile union plaque,

The trade union plaque is really fragile, and the wing of the sky is now a secondary union. However, the life of the gang is only 20,000. Twenty thousand... With the attacking ability that the evil sky has always shown, how many 20,000 of his life value is enough for him to toss?

Therefore, in general, if a trade union is attacked by a layer of defense, it will basically be destroyed. Therefore, seeing the evil days appear here, the fear of the Son of Heaven cannot be added.

"Evil day! You...you don't want to mess, you dare to destroy it, my wing of the sky will not stand with you, and you will be permanently chased after you!!" After the son of the sky, roaring and snarling . There is no one who dares to act rashly above and below the wing of the sky. For fear of moving on his side, the evil day immediately ruined the trade union plaque. They all know that the consequences of the collapse of the trade union plaque will be disastrous.

"Is not the same? Permanent pursuit?" Ye Tianxie just heard an unusual joke, almost couldn't help but laugh on the spot. He said slowly: "Yes, then I really look forward to it, but I don't know. After today, there is no name for the wing of the sky in this world."

Ye Tianxie’s eyes are cold, and when he is lifted up, he will wave,

"Stop!" All the people present in the wing of the sky were smashed by the soul of the scorpion, and they screamed out, and the attack of Ye Tianxie was also very timely. A person who looks older at a younger age came out and said, "Evil day, there is something to say, there is something to say. You put the weapon down first... You are not hating the fake Tian Moxie... We are going to you Swear, he will never appear again, I can guarantee you with the most vicious oath."

After all, the elders are mature and stable, know how to observe and understand, and know how to make a gesture. If this service is soft, then even if you want to calm down the matter, you can’t say it. However, with Ye Tianxie’s style of work, this time it was not so clean and clean. Instead, they repudiated a few words with them. The attack on the plaque of the trade unions was stopped by them. It’s obviously not really ruining them. Wing, but... there are plots.

As long as they don't ruin the entire wing of the sky, they even feel that any request is acceptable. If the wing of the sky is really destroyed, it is really more difficult than killing them. Aside from the losses that are hard to count, the size of such a vast sky-covered wing has been destroyed so quickly. Even if it is re-established, whoever dares to join, the loss of prestige will never be able to make up for it. of.

What's more, they are still in a state of stunned shock, how can they not understand why evil days suddenly appear here. Even if it is to be destroyed, it cannot be so unclear.

"Tian Moxie? Hee hee..." Ye Tianxie put down the fate of the moment, let the heart hanging up and down the wing of the sky finally put down a little bit, he said with a smile: "Just let him no longer appear, you can end嘿 嘿 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们 你们

"No, no, we absolutely don't mean this." The middle-aged man who spoke before quickly waved his hand. Under the situation, he had to bow his head and said: "This is indeed something we are sorry for, but my wing of the sky has already Therefore, it has been a great disaster, and it has been punished and taught..."

"That's what you guys take for yourself!" Ye Tianxie frowned and said: "I didn't completely destroy you, it is already a great kindness!"

"Yes, it is because we have taken it by ourselves. But we have reached this point, and your anger should be eliminated." The middle-aged man said quickly.

Ye Tianxie sneered: "The gas is a little bit lost, but my reputation and spiritual loss, this account, can be calculated."

The middle-aged man glanced at him and glanced at the son of the sky. He saw his face dark and blue, his lips purple and purple, knowing that if he was allowed to speak, perhaps things might develop to the point where they could not be removed. The survival of the wing of the sky is more important than anything else. If you can spend the life and death of the wing of the sky, it is the most terrible one in history. How can you endure it? Now, he quickly said: "Yes! We all know that this incident has a great impact on you, and tells you about your conditions. As long as you can forget this, we must satisfy you as much as possible."

"What are the conditions?" Ye Tianxie laughed even more, and he browed and said: "My condition is very simple..."

He slowly extended his right hand and put a finger in front of their eyes: "Compensate for my spiritual reputation loss... Ten billion!"

"Ten ... ten billion!!" The middle-aged man was shocked and even picked up his voice.

"How?" Ye Tianxie's face "brushed" overcast: "Your heavenly wing of the heavenly son was willing to bid more than one billion for a level 15 equipment. Is it my reputation and spiritual loss? A level 15 equipment?"

"But...but, ten billion is really a bit..."

"There is nothing to say!" Ye Tianxie's eyes condensed, the moment of destiny in his hands was lifted, and he left unrelentingly. The power of power from the moment of destiny made the sky far away from a few steps. The people of the wing are deeply depressed, and even if there is no doubt that this shot is down, the plaque will be crushed immediately.

"Wait... Ten billion! Just ten billion!" Ye Tianxie's move made the wings of the sky, including the Son of Heaven, so scared. The middle-aged man almost screamed with all his strength. The fate of Ye Tianxie stopped when he touched the guild plaque. He turned his head and said: "Good... give you ten seconds to give me a good turn! Remember, ten seconds!"

How long is the time for evil days? Three days ago, the evil sky was read three times in the sky above the wing of the sky, leaving a deep shadow for them. No one dared to challenge the time limit set by the evil sky. The middle-aged man obviously has a lot of power in the wing of the sky, he picked up the talker in a panic and shouted: "I will immediately turn the evil day to ten billion, right away! I have not finished it within five seconds, I am abolished. you!!"

The transfer of gold coins in the world of destiny can be done in the game world in an instant, or in the real world, not only fast, but also without any risk of being cheated.

Put down the talker, the middle-aged man wiped his cold sweat and made a guarantee with sincere tone: "Evil day, you must pay compensation within ten seconds... I hope you can forget the "Tian Moxie" thing, The fake 'Tian Mo Xie' will not appear again, and the same thing, we will not do it again in the future."

The tone sounded in the ear, and one billion gold coins had already arrived. Ye Tianxie glanced at the amount of his own money, and his mouth greeted with a greedy smile. He looked up and stroking his own destiny, and said casually: "Okay. I have forgotten the fake 'Tian Moxie' that you made. Now, let's discuss your wing of the sky. Calculating and attacking my woman."