Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 401: Thriller

At the moment when the sound was heard, the star-gauge gloves also completed its mission and disappeared into the hands of Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie holds the long mane like a flame burning in his hand, and a strange stone that releases silver light. The corner of his mouth reveals a smile that can't be suppressed. Under the influence of many factors, his last stealing... is almost an unbelievable miracle!

At the same time, two pieces were stolen at the same time. Moreover, the two pieces are precious and precious. The entire lost continent has only three pieces of extraterrestrial stone. One is the instrument of the mysterious **** that carries the power of the sacred beast, Suzaku!

With the strength of the mysterious businessman, even with the fate of blood sacrifice, violent warfare and the wall of Tianze, he narrowed the gap with his strength, and used the curse of the dark magic to reduce his luck to a minimum... But the stone of the heavens and the Suzaku The high quality of the whole body determines that they are extremely difficult to steal. It is not easy to steal one. It is two steals at a time... This is not a miracle!

The mysterious businessman did not make a sound, but the chaos that came from him... Ye Tianxie could already imagine what his expression and mood were at this time.


Still missing something he is eager to get...

The transfer volume of Novice Village.

The price of this transfer volume even exceeds the sacredness of the sacred sacred scorpion, and it can be imagined its preciousness. And this price is also showing the great significance of its existence. A total of 1500 crystal coins, the thing behind this price, one is to highlight the difficulty of returning to the novice village, but also proves that ... in the novice village, there must be hidden a huge secret that people are eager to go back, so With such an exaggerated price.

... How do I get this reel?

Stealing can't be done, is it... the robbery, then killing... Waiting for the transfer volume to burst out?

Ye Tianxie took back the stone of the heavens and the scorpion of Suzaku, and walked to the front of the mysterious businessman whose emotions had approached the edge of out of control. He smiled and said: "Your luck is good today, if I think of the method just now, or your star picking gloves If it is a complete state, it is estimated that you will not be left with underwear that you will be smashed today... How can you not wear underwear when you are a foreign trader?"

First count, then robbery... actually said that people are lucky.

"How about discussing something with you?" Ye Tianxie ordered a nose, then hulalled out all the crystal coins he had just stolen, and then said seriously: "I am new to your novice village." The transfer volume is more interesting. The scroll should be of no use to you. If you accidentally use it, it will be trapped in the novice village forever. It is dangerous. After our players go to the novice village, they can come back at any time, so This transfer volume, you will sell it to me will be a good choice... Well, seven hundred crystal coins of various colors, buy your novice village transfer volume... This is very cost-effective? Hundreds? Losing the price you think is so boring."

The wheezing of the mysterious businessman has become obviously heavy. He said coldly: "...I have been in the mainland for hundreds of years, and I have seen countless masters, but no one has ever pushed me to this step."

"You don't need to feel frustrated. You don't have to worry about this one today. Because you are trapping your tree and vine, you are ten times more powerful, and don't think you can hide. Otherwise, I will be It’s a hundred times more powerful, and it’s impossible to push you to this level.” Ye Tianxie hooked his mouth and said casually... It’s still true.

"What treasure is this tree vine?"

"I will tell you the delivery volume of the novice village, I will tell you." Ye Tianxie approached and said with a grin.

Mysterious businessman: "..."

"Yes is success, defeat is defeat, no wonder others. You can get these things from me, it is your own ability, I will not recapture. But, crystal coins are my life's collection! Put them Give it back to me, otherwise, the next time I meet, it will be the enemy!" The mysterious businessman said coldly.

Those who have lived for hundreds of years are not only surprisingly weak, but also seem to be too broad-minded... directly define the behavior of Ye Tianxie as the ability to blame others, even expressly stated that as long as Ye Tianxie returns all his crystal coins The things that Ye Tianxie steals on him - including the feathers of Suzaku and the stone outside the heavens, can no longer be recovered. Otherwise, if he meets again next time, he will shoot and rob... even chase.

If Ye Tianxie is not in a state of greed, after weighing the pros and cons, he will choose to return all seven hundred crystal coins to the mysterious businessman. But now Ye Tianxie... I don’t want to get out of him.

"Since the crystal coin is so important to you, then sell the reel to me." Ye Tianxie said, playing with the crystal coins in his hand.


"You are not afraid that I will murder after the first robbery for the purpose?" Ye Tianxie raised the moment of destiny and posted it on the mysterious businessman. At this time, his fate of blood sacrifice, violent warfare still exists, the surrounding blood fog is filled, the momentum is even more amazing... The moment of the devil's eyes blinking close, the body of the mysterious businessman is obvious The shudder was a bit.

At this moment, a slight abnormality came. Ye Tianxie’s eyes condensed, and he clearly saw that there were several small cracks on the vine tree of the mysterious merchant’s pledge tree...

This is a sign that the tree vines of the pledge tree are about to be broken! !

And the distance has tied him to the present, and time has passed less than five minutes...

Less than five minutes...

Is it true that the strength of this mysterious businessman is approaching... Shen Xuan! ?

This thought made the heart of the evil spirits.

Looking at the lost continent, there are only twelve beasts of the gods.

And humans... Although humans have extremely high wisdom and potential, the talent roots of power cannot be compared with those beasts, because the human strength class is not the first-level two-level beast than the power-bearing beast. So simple, coupled with the life limit of human beings, so the human strength can reach the human level of God, and it is extremely poor. And it has never been to reach the level of annihilation... except for those ecstasy gods who have the power of sacred power in an abnormal way.

Lost on the mainland, the strength of reaching the human level of God, Ye Tianxie knows only one, that is, the nameless name of the lost mainland first master. The strength can reach the level of God, it is already the master of the highest peak in human beings. Perhaps the whole man who lost the strength of the mainland can reach the level of God, no more than three.

And this mysterious businessman, he was only trapped in the tree vines of the praying tree for less than five minutes... This minute means that his strength is far better than heaven. Because if he has the power of heaven, he must be trapped for at least ten minutes!

This person, is he really just a businessman! !

Under the surprise of Ye Tianxie, he no longer hesitated and quickly let go of his destiny... He didn’t have the heart to really explode him. Robbery is no longer a good thing, and then killing people... can’t live with your own conscience. Because people who are lost in the mainland are killed, they are really not dead and will not be resurrected like players. Moreover, even if he really has the heart, with the strength of this mysterious businessman, he can't do it.

Ye Tianxie stepped forward, the look did not change, as if the root did not find that the tree vine has begun to break free, he seems to casually reach out and slap the shoulder of the mysterious businessman, said: "Do not worry, I am not a bad person, will not It’s your life. But these things... you said it, it’s all I got from my own affairs, so it’s more, then that’s it... I think we’ll meet again in the future. of."

His hand picked up, on the shoulder of the mysterious businessman, the position that his sight could not touch, has been quietly posted a Miles tracker.

Then, Ye Tianxie put his hand and went back to the city to leave.

Just after Ye Tianxie left less than ten seconds, the tree vines of the mysterious businessman exploded and turned into countless pieces of dried tree vines that had no power.



"Call... good insurance! If you haven't noticed the crack on the tree vine, the consequences are really unimaginable." Ye Tianxie, who returned to Tianchen City, sighed with a sigh of relief. In retrospect, there was a slight fear in his heart. After all, the ability of the mysterious businessman is definitely not covered. The soul of his own evil dragon is temporarily unavailable. If he is freed from it, it is more difficult to run.

Calling the seven-star gourd and the Suzaku scorpion, Ye Tianxie thought about it and ran to the appraisal shop.

The crow was lying on his old chair lazily. When he heard someone coming in and looked at it, he sat down slowly and said with a weak voice: "Oh... it’s you, it won’t take it again. Going to something that is incredible... Let me take a look at it, don't delay me taking a nap."

Noon? Ye Tianxie looked at the sky... It seems that it is still only nine o'clock in the morning.

"Crow brother, help identify this equipment." Ye Tianxie stepped forward, took out the Suzaku's scorpion, put it in front of the raven, said in an understatement, and then looked forward to seeing the reaction of the raven.

Sure enough, the crow who took the Suzaku's scorpion squinted at his eyes, as if his **** was burnt, he stood up from the seat and stunned: "Suzaku's 翎!!"

"Yes." Ye Tianxie answered very calmly, and then said calmly: "Crow brother, trouble you for identification."

In the midst of great surprise, the crow stood there like a piece of wood, and his eyes were not looking at the Suzaku in his hand, but staring at Ye Tianxie.

A few days ago, he took the ring of the Qinglong, and he was shocked for several days. Because the ring of the Qinglong is not just a device of the gods, its appearance is too much, too big.

And... It’s only a few days later, and he actually brought in the Suzaku’s shackles that have been lost in the mainland for years! !