Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 408: Seven sins - bulimia

"What's wrong?" The Son of Heaven and the middle-aged man discovered his anomaly at the same time, and asked frowning.

The black man did not answer, quickly picked up the talker and put it in his ear... This talker is always on, and it has a strong amplification function. The other end of the talker is connected to the other side. Individuals, even the slight winds, and their almost unspeakable footsteps have been transmitted through the caller, and at this time, the sound stopped, there is no warning.

Even if he has attached the loudspeaker to his ear, he has not heard any sound.

Signal interruption...

Still five people... at the same time interrupted!

Before that, there was no sound coming from the opposite side, nothing at all. If they are entering a blind zone of artificially created signals, they will be aware of them immediately and then give feedback. And even if there is no feedback, the annunciator will return an alarm...

And this kind of disappearance without warning and warning suddenly, there is only one explanation... The annunciator on the other side is directly destroyed!

When it was destroyed, there was no sound, or five were destroyed at the same time. Before that, the five people didn't even hear a single voice... It was like, they were cut off their throats for a moment, without any resistance, and they didn't even see who was attacking them.

For a time, the black man actually felt the chill of the silk.


The instruments in the hands were crushed by the black people directly. His face was black and red.

The look of the clouds and the middle-aged people tightened at the same time. The middle-aged man sighed and said: "It seems that it is still the same as before... The people we used to send to the past have disappeared like this, just like suddenly evaporating from the human world, and have never returned since then. ,did not expect……"

Unexpectedly, even the ultimate killer of the blood dream paradise, can not avoid such an ending.

That person... evil day, Ye Tianxie, what is he coming to the end. He, in what way, to give those people a silent solution.

Thinking of this, the chill is directly in the bone marrow.

The black man's face became extremely ugly, and it was already a great concern to dispatch five people to deal with one person at a time. Unexpectedly, I never thought of... shocked, but he just said that the dream of blood has never been lost in the murder mission. At this time, this result is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

"Hey! The task of my blood dream heaven is completed, otherwise, the rewards are doubled." The black man slammed his hand and left.

The quiet hall is dead, and the wheezing of the clouds and the sea is obviously heavy. At this point, he finally began to really regret the start of Ye Tianxie... Even the blood dream paradise that never lost his hand was dispatched by five people at a time, which was the result. The terrible degree of this person has exceeded their expectations.

"Seven uncle, what should I do?" asked Yun Sihai.

"...the blood dream paradise will not leak is our instigation, the evil day is to retaliate, there is no reason. Just the young master...The blood dream paradise is a group of murderous demons, never give up until the end, evil days once let They lost five people, and they hated them. They didn't want to report them. What we need to do is just to stand on the sidelines." The middle-aged man said.

Nodded all over the world, then frowned and said: "Don't let my little girl know."

"The only thing we know about this is that we don't know what the third person knows at home. It's just..." The middle-aged man sighed: "With the wisdom of the dream, this thing is impossible to hold her for too long. I often think that there is nothing in this world that can really get through her eyes."

Yun Sihai: "..."



Woke up in the morning, has not opened his eyes, a strong sense of hunger hits all the nerves up and down his body.

Ye Tianxie touched his stomach and almost heard the cries inside. Outside, the scent of rice and the laughter of the girls mixed in. He quickly hugged the little Greek wrapped around him, then wrapped her body with a quilt and jumped out of bed, almost rushing out at a flying speed.

"Fifi, breakfast is done." Out of the room, Ye Tianxie asked in a hurry.

"Do it well... Yeah! It’s hard to get up so early today." Sophie Fei just put a plate of cold vegetables on the table and said with a smile, she got up and looked at Ye Tianxie, and suddenly he was The look of a hungry wolf was shocked.

"Evil brother, there is porridge, just a little will be good." Chen Xin said with a very soft voice.

"Well, I am also helping! Now I have already done a lot of dishes... Brother, are you hungry?" Chen Xue was also obviously scared by his face and eyes, surprised to say.

"Well... very hungry, I can't wait, I ate first." Ye Tianxie swallowed a large saliva, and then almost rushed to the table, grabbing the table in the eyes of three women at the same time. It’s not a few seconds before the pork roll is smashed into the mouth, and the roll of the big fist has disappeared into his mouth. He hasn’t completely swallowed it yet. Hand... Yes, it’s too late to use chopsticks, but grab the meat chops directly by hand and finally, the teeth are chewing at an alarming frequency, and the throat is swiftly swimming and swollen.

The three girls squatted for a long time at the same time. Sufifi, who had reacted, hurried to the side of Ye Tianxie and grabbed his hand and shouted: "The evil spirits, don't eat so urgently, you will find it."

"I...nothing...that...too...hungry..." Ye Tianxie ate something frantically while answering Sufifi with a vague voice that was hard to squeeze out.

"It’s just that you can’t eat it anymore... Slower, slower!” Sufifi, who was scared by Ye Tianxie’s eating, rushed to get his hand, but how could her strength control Ye Tian Evil, the root can't stop the speed at which he makes things crazy in his mouth. She quickly and quickly poured a large glass of water: "Heavenly evil, drink water first, or you will really get caught."

"Oh..." Ye Tianxie still has no time to answer him.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Is it really so hungry? Didn't you have enough to eat last night?" Xiaochen Xue ran over, nervous and worried about the action of Ye Tianxie eating.

"Hmm... hungry..."

The flower of a large plate was eaten up by Ye Tianxie, and the delicate dishes of the four plates were not even eaten in the blink of an eye, but the whole process took less than two minutes...

"The evil spirits... are you full?" Sophie asked weakly. Looking at the empty plate, she burst into tears and wondered if Ye Tianxie was possessed by a starving ghost.

"If ... if you are still hungry, there are still porridge in the kitchen, probably already cold enough to drink." Chen Xue also said nervously.

When Chen Xue’s voice fell, Ye Tianxie had already turned over from the sofa and went straight to the kitchen.

Chen Xin had just started a pot of porridge slowly. When she turned around, she almost hit the head of Ye Tianxie. She hadn’t had time to open her mouth. The hand suddenly became light. The pot porridge had already reached the hand of Ye Tianxie. On the top, he raised the pot directly above his head, his head up, his mouth wide open, and the pot of porridge... directly screaming into his mouth.

Chen Xin was scared to stay for a few seconds before he reacted and exclaimed: "Ah... hot!"

Ye Tianxie did not respond, as if the root had ignored the discomfort of the hot mouth. The pot is very small, and he is extremely accurate. The white porridge is tilted down at a uniform speed. It doesn't spill or sprinkle on the ground, and it doesn't stop. It seems to be poured directly. Hello.

After a few tens of seconds, in the stunned eyes of the three girls, the porridge was finally poured down, and Ye Tianxie put down the pot, and he still licked his mouth and said to Chen Xin: "What else to eat? ”

"..." Chen Xin did not know how to answer. She can only worry and weakly ask: "Big evil brother, if you eat like this, you will eat bad belly."

The eyes of Ye Tianxie have already fallen on the refrigerator behind Chen’s heart. He smashed the door in three steps and two steps, opened the door of the refrigerator, and then grabbed a piece of frozen raw beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Ah! That is raw, can't eat." Chen rushed over and hurriedly, and stopped her hand, but her strength was almost equal to Ye Tianxie, although her hand was pressed in the leaves. On the piece of ice beef in the hands of the evil spirits, the roots could not stop the stuff stuffing into the mouth... until she put her hand on his lips.

Chen Xin’s face was raised with a layer of blushing pink. She said in a hurry: “The big brother of nature, this is a raw, really can’t eat. If you are still hungry, I am with Fifi’s sister. There is Cher to do it for you right away, okay."

Under the pitiful eye attack of Chen Xin, Ye Tianxie forced the abnormality to be put down, and put the frozen beef in his hand back, and the "hungry" went back. The hunger was still afflicting him, and suddenly he couldn't find anything to eat. He began to feel that the whole body was an uncomfortable feeling of powerlessness.

"Heavenly evil, are you sick? Where is it uncomfortable, tell me." Sophie Fei pressed him to the sofa and said anxiously.

"No... is hungry. Fifi, go and give me more delicious?" Ye Tianxie screamed, but still full of hunger, said pitifully.

Sufifi tried it on the forehead of Ye Tianxie, slammed into the kitchen. Chen Xue also quickly followed the past: "I am here to help."

Seeing Chen Xue coming in, Chen Xin looked at Ye Tianxie in the living room and whispered, "Snow, you go to look at your brother, you must not let him eat something that can't be eaten."

"Well, I know." Chen Xue ran back again.

At this time, Ye Tianxie picked up the plate on the table. It is also covered with broth and releases an oily smell.

This plate should be delicious too... Ye Tianxie’s heart naturally came up with this idea, and then bite it into the plate.

"Ah! No! Can't eat a plate!" Chen Xue exclaimed and threw himself on Ye Tianxie's body, grabbed his mouth with a small hand, and finally did not let him really eat the plate. g! ~!