Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 418: uniform!

Three thin and very thin blades were caught in the fingers by the black man, and the pressure behind them made her feel scared, but when Ye Tianxie’s footsteps stopped behind her, the black man who had already breathed Suddenly turned around, three points of cold mans under the baptism of lightning, draw three cold silver light, incomparably fast, incomparable, the three silver light, such as the wild beast, the terrible fangs, will die...

The people in the blood dream paradise have no abilities, and it is accurate to say that none of them. These people are the freak of a group of normal people. In the countless years of development, the people of the blood dream paradise add up to a few hundred people, but these hundreds of people, but none of them are terrible to the extent of ordinary people's eyes. They are all chosen by the blood dream paradise, cultivated from xiao, and grew up in the blood and killing. There are no extraordinary talents and hard-working efforts. There will only be deaths and sacrifices for the strongest. The blood dream paradise will bring back countless talents from all over the country, and the last ones will stay. It is three.

The power of the abilities is given by the innate, and their abilities are developed in the cruel environment. When they reach a certain level, they will be more terrible than the innate abilities. They are born for killing, and they pay attention to the murderous skills of killing one shot. To reach the peak of "one hit and kill", the first thing that needs to be done is the explosive power in a flash...

The black man’s body is still in a state of falling one second before, and the explosive power she has shown at this time, even ghosts and gods, don’t escape this shocking blow.


The sound of a split, Ye Tianxie, who raised his upper body at the fastest speed among the electric fire and flint, was still hit by the three silver awns. The only coat on the body was split into three long lines. The blade in the hands of the black man only needs to be five millimeters long, which is enough to cut the xiong mouth of Ye Tianxie.

Listening to the sound of the splitting of the ear, I felt the three cold breaths swept from my xiong. The eyes of Ye Tianxie suddenly became cold. The stab attack just made him almost sweat. It is hard for him to believe that in this world, except for himself, there is actually one person who can have such a terrible explosiveness and speed of shooting... So that he is almost directly cut into the body. You know, a bullet five meters away, a sniper bomb 30 meters away, he can safely avoid it. And the speed of that time just passed the bullet! !

The black man slammed Ye Tianxie and his body had already stood up, but did not take the opportunity to continue attacking. Instead, he quickly turned around and fled in the opposite direction. Ye Tianxie was surprised at her attack, and her shock was even more than how many times she had overcome Ye Tianxie. She never missed the lore, but today she finally lost her hand... This is still affected by heavy rain. Under the premise of perception.

Even in the simplest language, Ye Tianxie will resort to almost cruel revenge, not to mention the assassination of him, how can he let this person escape...but he has to admit that this person The speed is as fast as he can see in his life. He can easily distance him at the speed of running.

He did not catch up immediately, but stood in the same place, staring at his eyes, taking a breath, his body short, pouring all his strength on his right foot and slamming the ground.

Ye Tianxie's body is strong and powerful, even surpassing the world's fiercest beast. The power of the dragon, even if it is only a part of it, is not comparable to ordinary creatures.

Although his speed can't catch up with the black man, his speed bursting under powerful power will exceed the limits of humanity innumerable times.

A loud reverberation, the hard ground was trampled out of a deep gully by tyrannical forces, and Ye Tianxie's body was like a flying arrow, flying to the black man, close to the moment.

When the black man felt the wind behind him, his heart was stunned and he had not looked back. The sharp blade in his hand had already stabbed backwards, and the speed was faster than the previous one. And how can Ye Tianxie, who is prepared, attack again, in the darkness, his eyes release the heart of the cold, everything in the eyes... the rotation of the body of the black man, the swing of the arm, The flow of silver at the three points, even the fall of the raindrops, the flow of the air... are not revealed in his eyes.

Ye Tianxie's body is stagnation, the right hand lightning strikes out, and it is accurately caught on the wrist of the black man, so that the movement of the three silver awns stops instantly. The wrist was a little turned, and the black man’s right hand had been twisted to dislocation, and his body fell at this moment. His right hand held her right hand and knocked her body heavily. The huge impulse with the body of the black man has been flying for five or six meters, and the two talents fell heavily on the ground.

Whether it was being twisted off the wrist or being knocked over, there was no pain in the mouth of the black man. However, the power from Ye Tianxie is too overbearing and tyrannical. The black man who fell to the ground felt that his whole body's strength had been shaken, and it was difficult to get up again.

The right hand, who had lost consciousness, was unable to hang down. Three pieces of silver sè were scattered. She raised her eyes and looked at the terrible person with her cold eyes. For her left hand, a cold thing had been quietly held by her. . From the first time she received a murder mission, the number of people who died in her hands was countless. She never remembered who she had killed and how many people she killed. She has long since ignored death, because she can easily decide the life and death of others when she raises her hand. She has never lost her hand in these years.

Today is the first time.

The three things they must have, the first is killing, and the second is to escape. Her first failure, but even fleeing has become a luxury.

And the third is the last vicious killer...

Only at first glance, she saw his eyes again, a pair of cold, yin Sen, surprise, more ridiculous eyes, but no anger, as if this assassination is nothing to him. It’s like a fun thorn game. In addition to this, she also saw a kind of eagerness that she could not understand, like a flame burning in the depths of his eyes.

Somehow, she couldn't hesitate, but at this moment, she couldn't open the left hand that would let each other go... because she suddenly understood why these eyes would be so familiar. Because, this is the only eye that touches her deep inside, these eyes, she has seen so many times, so that she was shocked. Fear, hunluan, mi茫...

In view of the difficulty in writing in the next chapter, and the students shouting not to disconnect at that time, the second half of this chapter is merged into the next chapter... Please be prepared. 】