Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 447: Amethyst girl

Updated: 2011-09-02

The purple reticle is broken, but the purple light in front of it is not weakened, but it becomes more intense, and people are afraid to look straight. This time, the purple light is not from the purple barrier, but from a... person.

Petite and delicate, purple hair floats naturally in the water. If it is worn on the shoulder, it is enough to grow long. Her body floated quietly in the water, the broken mask caused her to lose the protected power, and the body began to fall slowly... Obviously, she has no sense of autonomy, and life is dead is unknown.

Ye Tianxie quickly stepped forward and lifted her body. When he was close, he discovered that this is a strange girl. From her delicate skin, it was enough to judge her young age, and her face was covered by a purple mask to cover the upper part, unable to see her eyes, only showing half of the milky face and pale The tender lips, the curvature of the lips... It seems to be a painful and unbearable look. Obviously, what painful things she experienced before she lost her consciousness.

Putting the girl's light fluttering in her hand, Ye Tianxie's palm is pressed on her clothes... The touch is chilly, it's not clothes... but purple crystal. The purple crystal completely covers her upper body, and the crystal is very thin, which perfectly outlines the petite outline of her body. Only a pair of white and slender arms are exposed. On her chest, there is a huge tetrahedral crystal inlaid... The pointed end is straight to the outside, and the other side almost covers her from the chest to the abdomen. The thickest part is more than ten centimeters. Looks like a very special breastplate.

She was supported by Ye Tianxie, and her arms were naturally hanging down. The left hand touched the chest of Ye Tianxie. The slender hand of the girl was tender and white. The long, thin fingers were rooted like jade. On the wrists of the hands, they were hooped with two amethysts, respectively. Pair of large amethyst bracelets. When Ye Tianxie noticed her right hand, she discovered that her right hand was not washed like a left hand, but with an amethyst glove...accurately, it should be a hand armor. Amethyst wraps the entire palm, but does not cover the five fingers, the nature, similar to his double dragon tooth. However, if you look closely, you will find that the color of her armor is deeper than the amethyst in other parts of her body.

Down, there are two thin, straight legs. The half of the thigh is covered with the same layer of amethyst. The crystal is gorgeous, but it is opaque. On her feet, she walked on a pair of small amethyst shoes with two rings on the ankle and the same purple crystal on the wrist.

These purple crystals make up her special "clothes." In the dark seabed, these crystals spontaneously release the beautiful purple brilliance, and the gorgeous purple brilliance surrounds her body, making her look like an amethyst girl. If you look closely, you will find that this purple is not pure purple, but a kind of purple with an unspeakable demon taste.

"It's a young lady! Oops! Why is she here? Still in the purple ball, it's so strange... Oh! Her clothes are so beautiful, the fruit also wants... The master, do you think? Her clothes are beautiful."

? ? ? ? :? ? ? ?

The message of the evil dragon's eye from the girl is a question mark. Ye Tianxie didn't have the heart to think about the fruit. He tried to reach out and touch the amethyst mask on her face. The hand was gently pulled, but it was not pulled. At this time, Ye Tianxie suddenly felt that he was looked directly at by a pair of bright eyes.

With the opaque amethyst separated, Ye Tianxie couldn't see her eyes, and she was motionless, apparently in a coma, sleep, or death - from the purple mask, the possibility of sleeping was greater. Much, because that is most likely the mask she used to protect herself. But at this time, the feeling of being directly looked at was clearly from the girl who was placed on her arm.

She...woke up!

Although she could not see her eyes, the feeling of being directly looked at was so clear and strong. Moreover, he can still feel that the sight is as blurred and embarrassing as just waking up.

Then she moved, the milky white face showed a painful look, and her hands began to struggle with strength. Perhaps she used Ye Tianxie as her life-saving straw. Her hands first pulled the clothes of Ye Tianxie. Then go to hold his body hard...

I didn't think that she had just stayed up and Ye Tianxie stayed asleep and was at a loss. But when he saw the painful expression of the girl... it was a fear!

Before, she was not exposed to water under the protection of the reticle, and naturally she was not affected by the deep sea water. At this time, she was immersed in water, and her life value did not fall, but the fear on her face and the struggle of her body could only be directed at the surrounding water.

She is afraid of water...

"Ah... she is moving! She doesn't seem to die!"

The fruit fell on the girl's body, observing her curiously and meticulously. Soon, even she saw what she looked up, looked up and looked at Ye Tianxie in doubt: "Master, her body seems to be shaking, is Is it scared, she is afraid of the owner?"

Stupid... If you are afraid of me, you will still drill into my arms! What she fears is not her own, nor will she be dark... because the purple light released by her body shines brightly around the large areas. What she is afraid of is only water.

"Little sister, what is your name? Why is it here?" Ye Tianxie said in a voice that was as gentle as possible.

The girl obviously heard his voice, and the body paused, but did not answer. She still shivered slightly, and pressed her body tightly to him, almost wanting to put her body into his body. The sharp breastplate on the front of her chest will smear the pain of Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie thought for a moment and said, "Are you afraid of water?"

The girl’s body trembled more intensely. Her reaction also made Ye Tianxie more convinced of her own judgment. In the tremor, the girl slowly looked up and looked at Ye Tianxie’s face... her lips were small The opening and closing of the range seems to be what I want to say but I can’t say it. After a long time, she spit out a very tender but very awkward note: "Afraid..."

A "fear" word, she thought for so long.

Is her language ability weak, and Xiaoxi... No, should it be weaker than Xiaoxi?

The girl's body shape in the arms is similar to Xiaoxi, and the clothes worn by Xiao Xiping are always purple dresses. Thinking of Xiao Xi, who is always obsessed with him, Ye Tianxie raised his love and pity. He held the girl's shoulder and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I am here to protect you... If you don't like water, then I will take you out of here."

The girl's look was obviously bowed. She looked at Ye Tianxie for a while. When she looked at him, she always looked straight into his face and eyes. Finally, she nodded, and in the mouth, it was very difficult to send a character again: "Ok……"

However, her body is still shaking, and Ye Tianxie's words have given her a strange sense of dependence. However, the fear of water will be dissipated by a simple sentence. She is still pressing Ye Tianxie hard... When the girl is scared, the most eager thing is to have someone to accompany her. Ye Tianxie, who first saw when she woke up, became her only reliance.

Her fear of water is not a fake. The trembling of the body highlights how strong the fear is. What kind of shadow does water have for her? You know, even those who have almost lost their lives because of drowning will not have such a strong fear of water.

One thing suddenly appeared in the brain of Ye Tianxie. He reached out his hand, his thoughts moved, a blue around him, and half a table tennis-sized glass bead appeared in his palm... At the beginning, he stole it from a mysterious businessman - avoiding water beads!

Water-avoiding beads: A magical orb with the ability to avoid water, as long as it is contained in the mouth, it can move freely in the water, ignoring the resistance of water. No need to evoke, up to 30 minutes per day.

As long as the mouth|with this water-avoiding bead, you can ignore all the resistance of the water and not be suffocated by the water... It is equivalent to not feeling the existence of water.

"Come on, open the mouth, put this in the ... ... in the mouth, so that you will not be afraid of water." Ye Tianxie will avoid the water drops on the girl's lips, whispered. The girl in the squash looked up at him, and after a few seconds, she looked at him and slowly opened her lips. Ye Tianxie smiled slightly, and carefully placed the water-avoiding beads in her mouth and said softly: "Well, close your lips... Be careful not to swallow."

The girl was very obedient to close her lips. Suddenly, a group of blue light appeared on the surface of the girl's body, mixed in the beautiful purple awn.

The trembling of the girl's body stopped...because she couldn't feel the presence of water, standing there, she felt like she was standing on land. Looking up, she looked at Ye Tianxie, and her eyes showed more brilliance than the purple light released by her body.

"Is it better?" Feeling the peace of the girl's body, Ye Tianxie smiled. Although, his heart is deeply puzzled why she will appear in this place, why is it enclosed in a purple mask, why is it so afraid of water, what is the purple crystal on the body... but at least, he Instead of feeling any hostility from the girl, the girl showed a dependence on him. This dependence is like the dependence of a newborn baby on a mother.

The girl looked at him and nodded. The original struggling body also calmed down... She raised her hand and grabbed the water around her. The eyes were filled with curiosity and fascination. It seemed to be wondering if it was in the water, why didn’t she bring her fear. sense……