Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 452: Cracked on a sword

Looking at Ye Tianxie at this time, feeling the added strength and power from him, the girl’s pale face showed a smile of joy. The joy is not because she is protected, but now he has rooted No more danger. The feathers of the ice feathers opened and flew to the girl. Ye Tianxie took the girl's hand and whispered: "Leave here first, I will deal with it... rest assured, it can't hurt me."

The goal that Qinglong wants to destroy is him. As long as he actively attacks and attracts all the hatred of Qinglong, Amethyst girl can leave safely. His return is not to protect her... Before, he wanted to use the power of the Holy Sword to resist the Green Dragon and let her leave. Obviously, fate gave him a more perfect choice.

The girl looked at him, but did not leave, just looked at him. Ye Tianxie can't leave her alone to enjoy safety, and girls can't do it. She can vaguely guess that Ye Tianxie’s power roots can’t last for too long. Otherwise, he will start before... And if he is attracted to the hatred of Qinglong, he will be locked by Qinglong’s hatred and can’t escape. When this power disappears, it is when he loses his life. She can't do it.

"Be obedient, I will be fine. You will wait for me in the place where I sent me before, okay?" Ye Tianxie whispered.

The girl still did not nod, but suddenly turned back and flew to the Qinglong.


In the shouts of Ye Tianxie, the mysterious restoration of the scorpion was released, and the girl’s original life was reduced to nearly one-third of the life, and then a full return of the “Buddhist Wall·Tianze” The original defense is already a metamorphosis of the abyss knight, and the damage suffered is reduced by 50% again. In addition to the terrible recovery technique that restores life in proportion to the scale, it is applied to the Abyss knight, and it can restore its life of more than one billion!

Why did the dragon gods die in the first place to block the mysterious snow fox, because there is a mysterious snow fox, the enemy is completely equivalent to the undead body, and it takes a lot of hard work to cause trauma to it. It can be all simple. Make up... It doesn't have the ability to attack, but it is desperate than any powerful beast. Therefore, the strongest dragon of the year exchanged his own life for the blockade of it, and because of the return of the dragon's defeat and victory.

Now, as long as you don't die, even if it is Qinglong, don't say one, that is, one hundred dragons are present at the same time, and absolutely no ability to let Ye Tianxie die within three minutes.

The girl's lightsaber extended and went to Qinglong. Her attacking methods and defense methods were all single. The attack was the embarrassment of the lightsaber, and the defense was the release of the amethyst released by her.


The simple sniper, with the terrible damage far beyond the power of the gods, and the counterattack of the dragon is even more violent, its dragon mouth is open, countless ice glare rushes out, instantly cover the sky, such as snowstorm The sweeping impact on the girl's body, so that her body is quickly retreated by the impact... All the injuries suffered by the girl are passed on to Ye Tianxie. His head is like a snowflake, and the number of injuries is floating. Under the resistance of his own and cockroaches, the damage figures are all suppressed to six digits... Although the damage is many, it is really calculated, even weaker than the girl’s horrible power. .

The flying height of Yu Yubing is too limited. Ye Tianxie can't touch the dragon. He can only watch the entanglement of the girl and the dragon. The collision of the holy power is terrible. Although he is far away, the influence of power has caused him to suffer tremendous damage all the time. However, he has been too lazy to look at the number of injuries on his head, because he is also casually It is full, and in the huge energy shock, whether it is the impact of water, the impact of snow and ice, the fall of ice, the rejection of the gas field, Ye Tianxie always floats there and does not move, even if it is Qinglong. Don't think that the body of the Abyss is a step back.

boom! !

The space turbulence, a dragon claw of the dragon dragon slashed down, drawn five strong lightning-like gas field, the tearing of the **** the body, five six-digit damage figures in Ye Tianxie The head floated, and the girl’s body fell from the air.

Ye Tianxie quickly rushed to catch the girl's body. His current body is far beyond ordinary people, and the girl who hugs is like a small doll in his arms. At this time, the air suddenly became extremely cold, and a large white mist suddenly fell from the mouth.

The white mist shrouded Ye Tianxie and the girl. In the sound of "咔咔", the cold and hard ice quickly condensed. When the white mist dissipated, Ye Tianxie, the girl, and their body. Under the weeping feathers, they have been covered in a thick layer of ice and can no longer move.

The power of water from the Supreme Dragon of Water, its power, can easily create a forced ice seal, even an eternal ice. The two people who have been frozen have become the lambs to be slaughtered. The dragons in the air whisper low. The long dragon tail is full of horror and momentum from afar...

However, there is a creature that has not been blocked - hehe!

When the cold fell, the wall of its mysterious spirit - the heavenly barrier had already opened. The thick layer of ice was isolated from the wall of the sky barrier. Then, the white brilliance was released from it, and the place where the mysterious recovery of all abnormal conditions was removed, the ice-blocking effect disappeared, and Ye Tianxie and the girl returned to normal from the ice. Looking at the dragon tail that came, Ye Tianxie’s eyes condensed, did not retreat, and tried his best to hit the shield with his hand...

"The ultimate shield hit!!"

boom! ! ! !

In an instant, the power of the waves, so that the sea as boiling as an explosion is provoked by the waves of the sky...

Ye Tianxie’s body trembled a bit, but did not retreat. There was no point. The retreat is the huge tail of Qinglong. To be precise, it is the shackled cockroach that flies out.

The shock from the dragon's tail will undoubtedly be implicated in the body. The greater the impact, the greater the force when it is knocked back. The strong impact with the "ultimate shield hit" is the strong dragon. The body has fallen by a height of several tens of meters in a dragon's scorpion, and the entire body has also been moved laterally by a distance of 100 meters... although such a distance is not suitable for the huge body of Qinglong, but Can knock the green dragon out so far, among human beings, except for the abyss knight, there is no longer a second person!

"Get out of here, I will really be fine, otherwise we will not be able to go." Ye Tianxie guarded the girl behind him and said seriously. The girl still didn't respond... He couldn't leave her and leave, and she wouldn't leave him alone, no matter what he said, the same mind, let the two people who met each other soon, in the soul The fit and touch are getting deeper and deeper.

Qinglong’s body finally settled down, releasing a roar of incomparable anger, shaking the sea of ​​turbulence. For three minutes, don't say that the abyss knight who pays attention to guardianship is the holy sword of the **** of war. It is also impossible to pose any real threat to it. It is nonsense to defeat or destroy it.

"Be obedient, leave here first, go to the city that sent me before, I will go to find you soon, really." Ye Tianxie said again. If she leaves, he can face the green dragon without any pressure. Although the illusion time passes, he will die, but even if he dies, it is just a drop grade... It is nothing, really nothing! After all, it is Qinglong.

The dragon trembled in the ear, and the girl fixedly looked at him, no nod, no shaking her head. The consumption and use restrictions of ultra-long-distance space transmission are undoubtedly huge. The girl is obviously unable to release the second time temporarily, otherwise she will send away her after sending away Ye Tianxie.

Ye Tianxie is the first person I saw in this world after the girl woke up, plus his fear of driving her, and for her return regardless of danger, this is enough for her pure white heart to be printed forever. The shadow of Ye Tianxie and his natural dependence on him... and Ye Tianxie is who is good to him, he will be better for him, who is evil to him, he will return several times... two people I don't want to leave, but if I don't leave, no one can go anywhere.

The girl is very clever to know this... She looked at Ye Tianxie and the green dragon on the top of her head. In the eyes, she suddenly flicked through the struggle...just, with the amethyst occlusion, Ye Tianxie could not see her struggling. Eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... The girl raised her head again, but the struggle in the depths of her eyes has disappeared. She said to Ye Tianxie very hard, three words: "Protect...protect... …I……"

After that, her body floated down, her feet touched the sea, and her hands raised flat. Her left hand held her right hand on her chest. Then she kept the movement, and the whole body did not move, her eyes were firm. Closed, only purple hair danced with frenzy of wind.

Ye Tianxie looked at her with surprise... At this moment, he suddenly discovered that among the hands that were held together, a little purple light shone, slowly, the purple light was getting bigger, from a little , become the size of a glass ball, and then become the size of a table tennis...

this is?

"protect me……"

The voice of the girl sounded in the mind of Ye Tianxie. He seemed to understand something. He turned suddenly and looked up at the dragon in the air. He held the shield firmly on his chest with his hands and adjusted the position to keep the girl firmly. Under your own body...

She wants him to protect him... Her body has the transfer of flowers imposed by Ye Tianxie, and she will not be hurt. The meaning of this "protection" is to let Ye Tianxie... Don't let Qinglong disturb and attack her. g! ~!