Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 507: Moonlight

From the moon to the middle of the sky, the soft light is filled with moonlight and light.

The lotus leaves of autumn have already appeared a faint yellow, but still beautiful. The calm water reflects the soft light, and occasionally there will be a faint swell of the wind. Ye Tianxie and Su Feifei were sitting on the stone bench by the lotus pond. It was already late at night in the early morning, but the two people did not have the slightest drowsiness. The cool and pure breeze at midnight makes them reluctant to leave.

It took more than an hour to walk through some of the main places in the Sujia Manor. There are private cars in the manor, but they walked with a tacit choice. Finally, they came here and sat on the stone bench. Within the line of sight, only two of them.

Another breeze blew, the lotus pond sparkling. The moving scenery did not attract the attention of Ye Tianxie. His eyes always fell on Sufifi's face, quietly admiring, from peace, to a little aggressiveness. Sophie's crystal-clear jade-like beauty is more revealing in the moonlight. Sophie has always pretended to appreciate the lotus under the moon, but that has been watching her eyes, she clearly feels that the two sides of the incense have long been The upper layer is a touch of pink, beautiful and unpretentious. She enjoys his gaze and the heartbeat is quietly accelerating.

"It has been ten years... I am here for the first time in this decade." Sufifi looked at the water and said quietly.

Ye Tianxie did not speak and looked at her quietly.

"When I was young, I couldn't swim, but I liked water very much. I liked it very much. In the summer, I almost want to go here to play water every day. I accidentally fell off, and after that, every time. The next time I came here, my mother accompanied me. This is the place where my mother and I left the most memories... The thunderstorm night ten years ago, when I was ten years old, I still insisted on sleeping with my mother. That night, the gunshot sounded, my dad called to let my mother take me to the direction of the back hill... My mother picked me up and ran out of the door, ran into the rain, kept running, running all the time... I ran here all the time... ...The thunder of that night was particularly terrible. My mother and I were completely wet, but I didn’t expect that the nightmare was still coming. Someone even caught up here... My mother used the body to hold me firmly, and I had four shots in my body. When Dad came over and solved all of them, my mother’s body had become very cold. Even the last words, I didn’t come and said... If my mother left, she would hold me so tight...”

In the eyes of Su Feifei, tears emerged, such as tenderness and dew.

"That night, Dad was holding his mother's body, crying in the rain, and beating himself... It was the first time in my life, and the only time I saw my father crying. But he cried again, and his mother did not. Maybe I am back. I didn't hate my father. After that day, I never came here again. I was afraid that when I came here, I would think of that terrible night... And after that day, the most fearful thing I had was thunder. No matter the room. The sound insulation is so good, no matter how strict the window is, I will be afraid to sleep for a night... From the age of ten, I have always dreamed that there is someone who can protect me, so that I will never be so scared, let I can rely on him for a lifetime. If this person appears, I can do it for him, desperate..."

Under the moonlight, Su Feifei did not know when he was slowly covered with a thin layer of water mist.

Ye Tianxie loved pity in his heart. He reached out and gently swept over her shoulder. The fingers touched her long hair with a layer of cool dew. He said softly in his ear: "Fifi, those bad things are hidden in my heart. Just don't think about it, don't even think about sentimentality and fear, because no matter where you are, at what time, I will stay with you, so that you will not be afraid again... Believe in my promise. I hope, in the aunt of heaven I can hear my voice too."

Su Feifei’s heart was hot, and the faint eyes of the misty fog gradually became brighter. She leaned on Ye Tianxie and smiled lightly: “Heavenly evil, I found out today that you are actually so good at marrying girls...哼In the future, maybe there will be how many sisters will be fooled by your big color wolf."

"I oh... well, I can swear to the aunt in heaven. In the same way, I only said to you alone." Ye Tianxie said helplessly.

"Really? Hey! I don't believe it." Sufifi said in her mouth that she didn't believe it. The joy of her face was already uncontrollable. She licked her lips and her fingers circled on the chest of Ye Tianxie. Suddenly Raised and asked: "Heavenly evil, do you still remember the day we first met? At that time, you actually... actually... you said, you used to do things like this before!"

The first encounter, it was a sudden appearance of a man grabbed one with her hand on her chest, and then ran away... This kind of encounter, she estimated that she could not forget for a lifetime. Thinking about it now, she still wants to marry him.

"In fact, that day... I didn't mean it." Ye Tianxie moved his mouth. "I accidentally turned a corner and accidentally bumped into you. I was just raising my hand to play with the game equipment. Then I suddenly saw a beautiful woman so close, so I touched it smoothly... Well, I swear to the aunt in heaven again, that kind of thing is definitely my first time. Um... Feifei, you don’t think Is that a wonderful, wonderful fate?"

It’s indeed a wonderful fate...because if it’s not the indecent assault on the street, and when she sees her being hijacked at night, he won’t go out of his hands, and there’s no intersection... This is the wonder of fate. The idea of ​​a moment, even if it is inadvertent or subconscious, may change the experience of a lifetime.

"The fate is strange! You are a dissatisfied desire, so the big color wolf who goes to the street to play the girl... Hey! Don't blame you, a man who lives alone for so long, can't help but be forgiven, hehe... Sophie smirked, but it was closer to him. She never knew that the night could be so intoxicating and beautiful, she already had a feeling of drunkenness. The night wind is cool, but it carries a happy taste.

"Well...when I talked about the day," Ye Tianxie lifted his right hand, stretched his fingers, made a gripping posture, and showed a smirk on his face: "The feeling is really forgotten and can't be forgotten." ......"

"You..." Fifi felt a little shy in his heart, and he tried to beat him with his fist. When he just lifted up, he was caught by Ye Tianxie, his eyes softly looked at her eyes, and the other hand took her. Tighter, slowly bring her to herself.

When they met each other, Sufifi jumped a bit. The body that was hugged was a little soft. Looking at Ye Tianxie's eyes, her face was marked with a clear pink color, and the cherry mouth was slightly open, and the smell that made her so fascinated made her heart beat a mess. Slowly, she closed her eyes gently. The chest is slightly ups and downs...waiting for the touch of Ye Tianxie...

One second... two seconds... five seconds...

After waiting for a long time, but did not wait for her at the moment of secretly eagerly, Sophie opened her eyes, only to find that Ye Tianxie was watching her in the previous position, seeing her open her eyes, his eyes glanced, full of curiosity Asked: "Fifi, what have you just closed your eyes to do?"

Sophiefei was so upset that she slammed her fists and yelled at him. Ye Tianxie showed a smirk, her hands suddenly ringing her waist and pulling her to herself. Sophiefi hasn't reacted yet, and a touch of hot has kissed her lips, and the strong man's breath is fixed on the nose. Sufifi’s “嘤” sound, all the emotions melted in the instant of Ye Tianxie’s warmth and kiss, and she lifted up slowly and down, the touch of the lips and the close-knit breath, let Her heart is like a deer hitting and fluttering.

The touch of the lips made her forget all of them in an instant. No matter what language, she could not express the emotions that she was filled with at the moment. Her body became stiff, she did not dare to move, and her eyes were tightly closed. ......

This is her...accurately speaking, it is the second time I kissed Ye Tianxie. For the first time, it was the first time I went shopping with Ye Tianxie. At Li’s underground casino, she was excited by the extreme excitement of Ye Tianxie. The action also allowed her to continue. I have a red heartbeat for a few days.

That time, just a little water, this time, but it is a long time... no one wants to separate.

At the beginning, it was only the touch of the lips. After a short while, Ye Tianxie was no longer satisfied. She began to greedily **** her delicate lips like petals. The touch was soft and smooth, and it started with aggressive movements. Sophie’s breathing became so fast that her heartbeat was more intense.

Ye Tianxie’s tongue sticks out, skillfully picking up Sufi’s jade teeth, which are tightly closed in tension, and finds the delicate lilac tongue, first touch it gently, then gently **** it. The experience of kissing is limited to the fact that Su Feifei, who is in the water of Ye Tianxie’s day, can withstand such a tongue and tongue. The whole body is trembling like an electric shock. A few light and sweet Xiangjin is inhaled by Ye Tianxie. The taste is unexpected. The sweetness of the leaves made Ye Tianxie unable to help but ask for more. Her hands clenched her waist and invaded every corner of her mouth. The fragrance of Xiangjin continued to flow into the mouth of Ye Tianxie. There are some silver lines that flow quietly from her lips and are brought up in the moonlight...

Sufeifei’s nose was lightly “squeaky”. Under the increasingly strong attack of Ye Tianxie, her delicate neck was raised high, from the subconscious retreat, to the unconsciously quiet response, the hot breath spewed out in the breath. Playing on the face of Ye Tianxie, the petite body became hotter and hotter. Gradually, she forgot the shyness of the girl. The delicate arm clung to the body of Ye Tianxie, fascinated by the joy of men and women, lingering The kiss brought the two together back to the situation when they first saw it on the same day. The memories that belonged to them only appeared in the mind, and finally turned into the warmth of the long-lasting echo in the depths of the heart...