Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 569: Huang Yuan, Green Wave IV


The four words, with the resoluteness that will not be allowed to be resisted, the blue light shining in the blue eyes, the momentum, the voice, and the sharp indescribable eyes, let it have no doubt, If it refuses, he will attack it without mercy. It turned and looked at the nameless. The nameless brow is slightly locked and silently nods. The blue dragonfly flashed blue and flew to the nameless side. One person and one wolf had the same look and looked at Ye Tianxie.

"What is he going to do?" asked Lan Yu. Compared with the two cores of fate, his power fluctuations and power pressure are so small. Such a person, is it really necessary for one person to face the two cores of fate at the same time? Is it the pride of his heart, or is it...

No name is silent.

He also wants to know what he is going to do?

Can he really create a miracle?

Green Wave and Huang Yuan all fell to the ground, not waking up in dizziness. The light of Huang Yuan has a strong weakening ability, and he has a violent physical attack power. The green wave is a terrorist poisonous attack. The two are united, and the lost city of the master is in step by step. Being forced into a desperate situation... How should he overcome it...

No choice, no choice.

"Oh, help me, this is our only way, the only hope."

With the call of Ye Tianxie, a small group of white light appeared, crouching on the head of the weeping feather ice. At this time, the green wave and Huang Yuan in the dizziness woke up at the same time, and each of them made a loud snoring sound, and the body of the cockroach stood up, and a white light suddenly flashed, as the meteor flashed the light left. It was fleeting, and a large piece of white light seemed to spread and spread as if it were a real body. It was centered on the body, moving forward, passing through the body of Green Wave and Huang Yuan. It took only a few tens of meters to completely dissipate.

In an instant, the green waves and Huang Yuan’s snoring suddenly stopped, and the original boiling energy of the body surface dimmed at the same time. The body that just stood up slowly fell to the ground, and there was no sound, but its door On the head, there is a symbol of "zz...".

The light of mysterious spirits - into the dream - irresistible forced sleep below the holy level! And it is a forced sleep of up to 30 seconds!


With the scream of Ye Tianxie's life, the body of the singer shines with a strong light of mysterious spirit. In the white light, the body of the cockroach begins to change rapidly, and the long snow hair is draped down. On the shoulders, the small body is shaped in the light, sketching a girl's body shape, the girl in the light is holding her hands on her chest, her head is drooping, she seems to be singing something, and then her The arms are open, and the white light from where I came from is falling from the sky.

At the time of the hustle and bustle, all the surrounding space became white and white. The original color was dyed into green earth and the sky and the surrounding trees all lost their own colors under the spread of the light of the mysterious spirit, becoming pure white, and the light is strong. Let the nameless and blue dragonfly are forced to turn their eyes away.

"That is... a magical power!" The whisper of the nameless subconscious.

The light sprinkled and slowly dissipated, and Ye Tianxie and his body all cast a circle of illusory white light.

"Oh... you have been blessed with the 'light of the roots' state, all abnormal state, ability to decline state release, all abnormal state, ability to decline state release immunity, full skill cooling time is cleared, full skill effect doubled!"

"Oh... your pet 'Xuan Ling Xue Hu' has been forced to launch 'Light of the Roots' and the rating has dropped by 10."

The light dissipated, and the dragonfly is still the little snow-white mysterious fox. The girl image that appears suddenly is still illusory and unreal. Ye Tianxie silently glanced at the white light on his body, and gave a low voice: "Dragon Soul Roar!!"

The dragon soul roar of the cooling time was stunned, and the double effect caused the green wave and Huang Yuan to fall into a stun state of 198 seconds. Then, Ye Tianxie’s left hand flashed white, and his life was all full. The four words like the devil’s spell slowly overflowed from his mouth...

"Disaster - Er - it - inflammation!!"

When the dry four words shouted from the mouth of Ye Tianxie, as he burned the plague of the catastrophe, the sky that died of the death green suddenly became incomparably dark, like an infinite black cloud. The entire sky was closed in an instant, and seven different colors of flames exploded from Ye Tianxie's body. In the next moment, the fusion of the other moments merged together... The blazing heat of the flames caused the nameless and blue dragons far away from hundreds of meters to change at the same time, and their bodies were simultaneously impacted by the waves of the flames. Continuous retreat...

"This is the catastrophic inflammation of the claws?" The nameless face showed a difficult emotional fluctuation - it was a shock.

The higher the flame, the more the body of Ye Tianxie was drowned, and the body of the weeping feather ice was submerged. The color was sometimes red, sometimes blue, sometimes white, sometimes purple, sometimes yellow, sometimes black, sometimes green... color, in The rise of the flame alternated, and the fire of the disaster has been ignited to a height of more than five meters, and it is difficult to stop...

Burn it, the flames of the disaster...

Burning my body, my faith, my will, my soul... everything about me!

As long as I can give me enough strength, even if I burn my body into ashes... even if I keep the endless abyss...

The same spell echoes in the empty sea of ​​consciousness that Ye Tianxie has...

“Oh... under the influence of ‘the light of the roots,’ the effect of ‘the inflammation of the disaster’ has doubled.”

"Oh... the red fire of the original sin symbolizing anger, the attack power increased by 12650%, and the crit rate increased by 560%."

"Oh... the blue original sin fire that symbolizes gluttony burns, the magic attack power is increased by 11064%, the mana is increased by 20500%, and the magic value is not consumed when using any magic."

"Oh... the symbolic cyan fire of the original sin burns, the movement speed increases by 1060%, the attack speed increases by 440%, the avoidance increases by 3040%, and the hit power increases by 3700%."

"Oh... the purple sin that symbolizes arrogance burns, and all the damage suffered by itself rebounds by 800%."

"Oh... symbolizes the lazy yellow sin of the fire, the physical defense power increased by 13640%, and the shock power attached to the attack increased by 1120%."

"The fire of the white original sin symbolizing greed: the vitality is increased by 24000%, and the life is automatically restored to 500,000 per second."

"The fire of the dark original sin symbolizing jealousy burns. The 140% probability of attack adds one or more abnormalities in darkness, paralysis, coma, freezing, chaos, sleep, petrification, sealing skills, enshrining, fear, curse... State, 140% probability of additional attack decline, defense decline, magic attack decline, drop in hit power, decreased avoidance, decreased speed, reduced attack speed... one or several ability decline states."


Character: evil day (disaster state); level: 52,

Occupation: Anti-bone dragon, Eudemons, Abyss

Reputation: 93870, money: 856654520 gold coins.

Base attribute:

Life; 3674000,

Magic: 2061070,

Physical attack power: 504262,

Magic attack power: 132534,

Defensive power: 434290,

Avoidance: 22204,

Hit force: 22964,

Movement speed: 2300,

Attack speed: 540,

The basic attribute of Ye Tianxie at this time is far from being comparable before the battle with the Red Dragon. However, under the effect of the "Light of Roots", the disease of the disaster is twice as effective! ! The second time to apply the evil spirits of Ye Tianxie, the horror of the claws he had formed, I do not know how many times the first time the claws were formed!


At the beginning of the claws, the souls of the Red Dragons were completely shuddered. This stronger clawed king gave the nameless and blue dragons a horror. The strength of the gas field, the terrible power fluctuations, so that they can not believe their own vision and feeling.

"This is the power of the claw king?" There is a small layer of energy barrier in front of the nameless to resist the energy field from the claws. The distance of more than three hundred meters is still the same, and it is conceivable that if you are too close, the body will suffer a sense of oppression. Lan Lan is also not very good, his eyes flashed blue: "There is a terrible power... The flames of the disaster can raise a person's strength to such a degree... It is terrible, far beyond my expectations. ”

Ye Tianxie's vitality reached 3.67 million at this time! Attack power, broken 500,000! The attack speed has reached 540 which is absolutely impossible to achieve in the normal way! The speed of movement has reached a shocking 2300! The damage you receive will be a full 8 times rebound! Hit and avoid ability, all broke through 20,000! Defense, reached 400,000!

What a terrible attribute this is!

All the minds of the self-intellectual claws turned to destruction and killing. The fate of the moment was also entangled in the seven-color flame. In a wild beast-like roar, he rushed to the sleeping yellow and green waves. At the moment of destiny, the "Dragon Soul Crack" with incomparable pressure hit the body of Huang Yuan...

-6015200, -6020000, -6000000, -6012530, -6021000!

"What!?" The horrible number of injuries has made the nameless and unnamed, and at this moment with the blue dragonfly.

One second, just one second, five consecutive damage numbers floated from the head of Huang Yuan... The attack speed of 540 means that you can attack more than five times in a row! Based on his attack power of more than 500,000, the dragon's soul split with double the effect is attacked, supplemented by the 560% absolute crit, and each of his attacks completely tears Huang Yuan. Defense, damage, more than six million!

This is the damage of the holy sword **** of war, Kalonandis, who has the power of sacred destruction, only with the trick!

"Oh, ah, ah..."

In the mouth of the Claw Emperor, the roar of the ghosts, the fruit has already been scared far away, and the swaying tail stood in front of Ye Tianxie, and there is still no resistance to Ye Tianxie in this state. The moment of destiny was lifted again, and the "Dragon Soul Burst" broke out with a disastrous force, and the heavy assault on Huang Yuan's body...

boom! ! !


Huang Yuan, who possesses the strength of high-level gods, is like a dead leaf, and is flying out of it. It is so far away...

The nameless and blue dragonfly have been completely shocked...

If their eyes didn't deceive them, just... it was a full 30 million damage.

No wonder... It’s no wonder that the Claw King is so jealous of the true God. Once he discovers it, he will let him die... A clawed king who has not really grown up is horrified to this extent. If it is a mature claw emperor, it The horrible... the root is unimaginable! !