Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 577: Two requirements

The words of the lost emperor seemed to be in the expectation of Ye Tianxie, and he could not help but be surprised. After all, he is not an ordinary person, but the entire human emperor lost in the mainland. This simple sentence carries a very heavy component.

However, if you exchange positions, Ye Tianxie will also say such things. Solved a dilemma that has no solution to the power of the whole city for three years, enough for the lost emperor to give him such a promise. At the same time, this is not only gratitude and reward, but also a kind of “pull”, an emotional “investment”. Even if the lost emperor is a fool, he should know the man in front of him, and he is destined not to be an ordinary person. This time, he spent two days to eliminate this possible catastrophe. Perhaps, in the future, he would really dispel the shadow of the Mozu who lost the entire continent, as in the rumor.

The request he was preparing to make was already thought of before he came here. He looked up and said, "I want to have a home in the center of the lost city?"

When Ye Tianxie’s request was just finished, the lost emperor laughed: “Hehehehe, as far as I know, when you first arrived in Tianchen City, the city owner of Tianchen City built the house for himself for gratitude. I just gave it to you. Just now, I am thinking about giving you the house I built. You can rest assured that no matter where you are in location, scale or interior, you have to check it than the one in Tianchen City. In addition, I can also transfer all the things you want to take away from Tianchen City's house, including the flowers and plants you planted, which can be perfectly transferred."

Ye Tianxie also laughed: "That would thank the emperor."

"However, this house is that you don't ask, I will give it to you. You are now a hero in the eyes of the lost city people. How can you not have your own house here? If you are only asking for this, I am not immune. Too much to say. Do you have any other requirements? Please do not hesitate." The lost emperor said with a smile. Seeing it, his mood is very good. Although there is no doubt in my heart, the boulder that has been in my heart for a few years has been completely removed. What he has endured is undoubtedly a relaxed feeling that has not been seen for so many years.

"Well, I do have a request," Ye Tianxun pondered and said: "But this request can make you embarrassed."

"It doesn't matter, you are asking." The lost emperor looked at him without hesitation.

Ye Tianxie nodded and said: "I hope that I can freely buy some land that is deserted or not used in the lost city... Of course, this is the land where you lost the city center of the mainland. It can be rented to us. If you are generous enough to sell it, it will really make you very embarrassed. If not, the Emperor will be the one we said."

The lost emperor bowed and then laughed: "Hehehehe, I thought it was a big request. It turned out to be... evil days, you care more. The land of our lost city should not be sold. In the hands of outsiders, even if they are 'outsiders', they must be treated differently. Although you are from another world, it is not my lost continent, but what you did to my lost city this time is to save the city’s great grace. For you, how can we smash the land of the district. Moreover, with your current prestige and fame, even if there is no such thing, it is enough for me to give the land to your hands with confidence... Where do you look? Although telling me is, I am sending it directly to you."

White delivery?

These words flashed in the brain, which really made Ye Tianxie’s heartbeat significantly accelerate...

However, after all, the lost emperor did not know how much land he needed. He did not want to use it for his own use, but purchased it for the Chamber of Commerce in July. The amount needed was quite large. The golden position of all lost cities may be bought. If you really accept the white delivery of the lost emperor, I am afraid that his old face will turn green when he arrives. He even thinks that he is greedy through his promise.

He said at the moment: "I am very grateful that the Emperor can give me the freedom to buy. As for the gift, I don't have to. I have to use something that I have to get my hands to be practical."

The lost emperor seemed to understand what he did. He did not insist on what he said. He nodded and said: "If this is the case, well, within the lost city, you can buy freely where you have no land."

"So, thank you to the Emperor, um... but I wouldn’t mind if I could make a discount when I bought it."

Lost Emperor: "..."



Out of the palace, Ye Tianxin spit a sigh of relief.

Today, it is destined to be a quiet day.

From the official opening of the Monsters Conference, there are less than five days... Five days, fifty grades, it sounds really unrealistic as a dream. However, in this world, there are too many possibilities that become possible. Otherwise, it will not be so exciting and exciting after birth.

When he walked out of the palace, the lost emperor and he said: "Do you have an interest in owning a territory of your own?"

Ye Tianchen refused very simply. If the level is more than 100,000, you will be eligible for the territory. However, with the character of Ye Tianxie, he will definitely not have this kind of mind, because he is used to it, and he has no vain heart and ambition to achieve "hegemony". Naturally, he will not let himself be bound by this territory. live.

After Ye Tianxie left, the lost emperor sat back in the chair and fell into meditation...

Those two powerful incomparable beasts...

That terrible magic...

If the person who possessed the magic gas kills the two beasts, it is not surprising.

Is it...

wrong! The lost emperor immediately vetoed the conjecture in his own mind... It could not be him, he was so close, and the root did not feel any negative breath from him. If you can really release such terrible magic, no matter how to cover up, at such a close distance, it is completely enough to detect. Moreover, the feeling he gave him was also completely inconsistent with the word "magic".

What is that magic?

What is the secret of this person in the evil world! ?



"Big sister, tell Zhao Tianhua, give him five days of preparation time, let him sort out the funds and plans, and be optimistic about the land of the lost city. After five days, all the land of his choice, you can buy it at will... Yes, I may have to stay in one place for the next few days and not contact the outside world."

After telling Liu Yuyue, Ye Tianxie returned to the home of Tianchen City. He only had one thing with Fifi, Chen Xinchen, and Xiaoxixingli... The next few days, until the beginning of the Magic Wu Conference, he would not come out in the same place.

At this time, the news that the level of evil days became zero-level was spread throughout the Huaxia District at a very fast speed. It was also the post on the World Forum that “Huaxia evil days were zero.” At that time, the strong man who shocked the world, at this time, has stepped back to the starting point, some people are shocked, some people are sorry, some people are puzzled, and naturally there are people who are ecstatic...

Wings of the sky.

"Hahahaha... hahahaha! Evil heaven, you have today! Hey... let you be mad! Now the level is zero, it really makes people want to know, you have a few mad money left."

The mood of the Son of Heaven is more exciting than ever. The biggest humiliation he has ever received in his life is under the evil spirits. In order to kill him, he even hired a blood dream paradise... But the failure of the blood dream paradise and the warning of the flower dreams made him finally die. No longer dare to fight the evil spirits, and even worry about the revenge of evil days every day... But after so long, it has been calm, when he made people who dream of heaven smother evil days, it is also a past ... He thought that evil days did not find that he did, but did not know, the reason why the revenge of evil days did not come, is because of flowers and dreams. At that time, she went to find Ye Tianxie. On the bright side, she joined the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps. At the same time, it did not protect the Son of Heaven to a large extent.

"Little girl, you said that we should go to the evil day now, and then let him die again and again, let him stay at zero level forever. He is really powerful, but he is zero, hehe..." The flower prayed for a dream. The reason why he asked her was to fully reveal that his heart is actually very low. If there is no such thing as the **** dream of the assassination of the day, he will not hesitate to go to the evil day, kill him again and again, stay at zero level, not only to hate, but also let him no threat. However, he can't help but worry, if he does, it will lead to revenge in the real world.

"If you want to die, let's go, I won't stop you." Closed eyes and flowers, the dream of the face, said with a blank expression, opened his eyes, stood up, and walked out slowly.

The face of the Son of Heaven was dark and uncertain, and eventually he had to be depressed to annihilate his thoughts of venting anger.

On the one hand, the gods alliance.

"Although we are never enemies with evil spirits, but with the strength shown by evil days, he is a rather terrible threat. The wing of the sky has not recovered since the big setback, and my domain is currently the largest. The hidden danger is actually evil. In the case of the Red Leaf League, if anyone in the league inadvertently violates him, it may lead to the disaster of the Alliance. For us, although he has not been deeply involved with him, It's like a big mine that can be detonated at any time. Since we have to achieve the overlord in destiny, we shouldn't let such a person exist. I can't, now... there is no better chance than this."

The burial **** brows and wrinkles, and he has been listening to him and he has not responded. After a while, he slowly said: "You are right, I just thought about it... But, before I find out what the evil day is because of what is going back to the zero level, I still don't want to act rashly. He There are too many variables that are unprepared by people. And... even if a mad dragon becomes a young dragon, it is a dragon. But..." The light of the burial **** flashed: "We don't shoot, naturally Some people have shot... The evil day has almost no threats. By contrast, the development of the low-key, which is not too low-key, has made me uneasy... the three forces behind the reincarnation, the terrible people think about it. I feel cold, I feel that they will have a big move in the near future. Perhaps this magical war meeting is an opportunity..."

"In addition, the magical martial arts meeting five days later is no longer possible. This is the first...who will it slip down? Oh..."