Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 579: Prologue, Magic Wu Conference!


The basic attack power of Carlos Nandis is 500000, and the normal attack hit by this basic attack power triggers nearly three times the effect on this dark system of the Faerie Knight! This is the ruthless restraint of the divine power on the evil forces. At this time, Ye Tianxie just put a skill, it is enough to kill two dark destroying knights.

The two have no feelings, no fear, no escape, only know that the destruction of the dark destruction of the knight attacked him, but their immortal attack in front of the Holy Ghost of the Holy Ghost is like a tickling humble Poor. Ye Tianxie took a sneer, and the holy sword once again swayed out and crossed their bodies.


Two ordinary attacks, let two powerful dark destroying knights, all of which fell to the last 100,000 points. Ye Tianxie completely ignored the rapid attack of two dark destroying knights. The holy sword in his hand was lifted high and the Holy Light was shot: "Broken Magic!!"

A mask made of divine power blocked both dark destroying knights at the same time, and the violent blow after the blockade of the "Devil and the Devil" has not yet been activated, and the state of the illusion has been changed by Ye Tianxie. Forced to cancel ... the body, the rapid recovery in the sacred mark, the disappearance of the holy sword in the hands, replaced by the fate of the four cores of fate has been set!

The two dark destroying knights are still in the blockade caused by the devil and the killing of the world. Ye Tianxie rushed up with the fate of the moment, the red light flashed above the blood feathers, and the "blood brake" that can ruthlessly deprive life. A cut through the dark destroys the knight's body...



Two dark destroying knights, one after the other, were emptied of life in the same way.

The upgraded system sounds, once again, like Xianle, it sounds in the ear:

"Oh... you succeeded in killing two 60-level Faerie Boss 'Dark Destruction Knight', reputation +1200."

"Oh... your level has risen to level 1..."

"Oh... your level has risen to level 2..."



"Oh... your level has risen to level 28..."

“Hey... your pet’s 夭夭’ level has risen to level 28...”

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' has risen to level 28..."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' rating has risen to level 28..."

"Oh... your mount pet 'Kaka' level has risen to level 25..."

This upgrade prompt sounds until the end of 28! That's right, it's 28!

At the beginning, a 30-level god's beast, Yu Yubing, let him step from zero to more than thirty. Although the experience of the 60-level Faerie Boss is far less than the huge experience attached to this real **** of the mysterious beast, the ten-fold increase in experience has made him the level of crazy improvement of this level, which is almost equal to killing the feathers. Lin!

In a blink of an eye, it is so 28 level, it is really difficult to rise to 50 in five days.

When a person's strength is sufficient, the means is sufficient, the level is really just something that has little value and attraction. Because the realm of the level, the impact of the level on the strength is no longer decisive, the way to upgrade, and the root will not be as normal as the normal players, to be simple and do not know how many times.

The equipment and props on the ground were scattered all over the place, mostly covered with a layer of light black light. Ye Tianxie picked up the equipment one by one, and suddenly he was alert in his heart... Defeating two dark destroying knights, there was no sound in the ear that "the next entrance has been opened", is it...

Just then, in the ear, a heavy pedaling sounded and slowly approached. Ye Tianxie turned quickly, and in the line of sight, there was a figure full of dark fog and heavy armor...

Ultimate Destruction Knight: Level: 60, Grade: Advanced Faerie, Life: 5000000. The senior commander of the Mozu Dark Knights was locked into the Tower of Destiny in the battle of the Devils 100 years ago. There is no emotion in itself, only consciousness that destroys everything.

Talent: The body of the demon: immune to 90% of the dark attack.

Skills: Devil's Moon Broken, Dark Remnant Light, Magical Shield, Dark Air Wave.

The trick: the dark annihilation wheel.

Weakness: Bright.

Ye Tianxie obviously stayed for a while...

Actually, there is one more!

And it is far superior to the two senior destroying bosses of the former Dark Destruction Knight! !

The fifty-story of the Tower of Destiny is actually three fairy Boss in the guard!

The 30th floor is a sub-fairing boss, the fortieth floor, two sub-fairy bosses that are closer to the immortal level, and this fiftyth layer is actually two fairy spirits and a high-level fairy spirit. The overall strength increase is so big! What is the strength of the beast that is blocked on the 60th floor?

At this time, Ye Tianxie, of course, can't confront this high-level fairy Boss. However, it does not mean that Ye Tianxie has no way to kill him.

Perhaps because the armor is too heavy and has not been active for a long time, the ultimate destruction of the knight's footsteps is not fast. Ye Tianxie stands still and waits for it to come close, then half-squinted and plainly shouted: "Dragon Soul roar!"

After the dragon's tremor, with the tremor of the earth, the ultimate destruction of the knight was shaken to the ground in the forward, Ye Tianxie once again called out the scorpion and Beckham, pointing to the ultimate destruction of the knight: "Beckham! Kill it!! ”

"The Light of Riot" and "The Claw of Doom" once again blessed, and Beckham rushed up like a white lightning! The wielding claws fell on the body of the ultimate destruction knight with a rain-like attack...

-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1...

Ye Tianxie stared straight at the ultimate destruction of the number of damage on the knight's head... Beckham's attack attached to death is the only way he is currently killing this ultimate destruction knight! !

The ultimate destruction of the knight's grade is the fairy spirit... and Beckham is the heaven!

Although the grade is not as good as it is, the suppression of the grade is enough to make the effect of “death” not completely erased. The 15% base trigger probability will not be suppressed to zero. According to the rough calculation of Ye Tianxie, the effect of the death of Beckham's "Knight of Doom" is to be suppressed to one tenth or less in the ultimate destruction of the knight... perhaps even 1%.

With the power of the beast of the Faerie, this 1% probability of death is already a fairly high probability! After all, it is a high-level beast. If Beckham's current grade is Faerie, then even if its "Doom's Claw" triggers the chance of dying to double or triple, it will be suppressed to infinity close to zero in the face of the ultimate destruction of the knight. This is the importance of the grade... It does not only represent the numerical growth of the property.

With Beckham's attack speed of 12 times a second, ten seconds is enough to hit 120 times! Even with a 1% probability, then this combo is 120 times... and it has a lot of triggers to die!

-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1...

Time is one second, one second, three seconds, five seconds, seven seconds... eight seconds... nine seconds...

-1, -1, -1, -1, -4999900!

Did not let Ye Tianxie disappoint, the **** of luck, always stood by his side.

When the dark "-4999900" of the dead damage floated on the head of the ultimate destruction knight, he laughed. Laughing is extremely comfortable. Since the victory of the Red Dragon in the beginning, the beast of the Faerie in his eyes has become so vulnerable... Yes, even the Abyss can be defeated, and in the subconscious, what will be reserved for the beasts of the Faerie fear. He and his companions have grown tremendously in strength with the battle against the Red Sea. They are now stronger than one, and each one has a powerful field that belongs to them. Awkward super-assisted, Beckham's terrorist attack, the ball's metamorphosis magic, Kaka's infinite shape... The passage of the abyss trial, let him truly realize that his side is the most powerful group, The most reliable partner. Because of them, he can only come to the present to become the evil day of today.

The tone of the upgrade sounded again in the ear...

"Oh... you succeeded in killing the 60-level advanced Faerie boss 'The Ultimate Destruction Knight', with a reputation of +1000."

"Oh... your level has risen to level 29..."

"Oh... your level has risen to level 30..."



"Oh... your level has risen to level 35..."

“Hey... your pet’s 夭夭’ level has risen to level 35...”

"Oh... your pet 'Beckham' level has risen to level 35..."

"Oh... your pet 'ball' rating has risen to level 35..."

"Oh... your mount pet 'Kaka' level has risen to level 33..."

Level 35! !

At this point, he entered the tower of destiny, a total of less than five minutes!

Five minutes, from level 0, step by step to level 35!

"Oh... the entrance to the fifty-first tower to the tower of destiny has been opened..."

The three powerful bosses on the 50th floor of the Tower of Destiny were all annihilated. After the immortal bosses are killed, they will naturally not be re-brushed like ordinary bosses. They all have uniqueness. Without a strong high-quality boss, the upgrades since then have not been able to reach the sky as before. But, five days, fifty, is it really difficult?

He picked up the equipment props on the ground and took out an empty magical bead. The first area he chose was the fortieth floor of the Tower of Destiny. Because there is a group of extremely dense riots...



Four days and five nights passed.

Today’s lost city is destined to be quiet. Because today, the first Magic Wu Conference in Huaxia District officially opened. Location, just in the Lost City's Arena.

The Lost City Arena is located north of the city, and the interior is very large, enough to accommodate millions of people at the same time, including nearly a thousand large and small arenas. Two days ago, the registration of the Magic Wu Conference ended. After two days of preparation, it finally officially began. The exact time is 9 am. At this time, it happened to be at 8:30. Although it took half an hour to officially start, but the big arena is already packed, and the vast crowds bring a lot of people.

The Magic Wu Conference is not only in the Huaxia District. The bases of the major theaters are held simultaneously. Even if there is a difference in time, it will not be too bad.

Tired of wanting to die, hehe............ a certain hospital of resentment. 】