Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 597: The evil taste of God

"That is the devil of the dust! It is the two-star elite of the fifty-four!"

"Two stars elite? More than 40,000 lives, this is too abnormal! It is very difficult to deal with one, let alone deal with three!"

"This is the power of the demon summons. It is said that it is a demon from hell. The **** is happy, this time you must lose."

The voices that rang around were filled with tremors of the three demons that were summoned. Once summoned three two-star bosses, they are confident and confident. If they are besieged by such three monsters, how long can they last? What's more, this is to limit the scope to a small arena, even the space to escape is so small. How long can the **** be happy?

The three devils appeared around the dusty body, and they made a scream of horror, and then lifted the claws of the demon that flashed the black mang, and attacked the body of God. These summoned beasts are different from pets. After they are summoned, they will not completely obey the commander's command, but will only mercilessly attack the target that the summoner has designated for them. All the attack methods and skills are released. They decide on their own, not on the summoned. At the same time, unless the summoner recalls them, their attack on the target will be endless... either the other party dies or they die.

God is standing still in the same place, his face is not shocked, and he waits for the approach of the three demons. Waiting until they are close to the body less than two meters, his body suddenly turned into a shadow that can't be distinguished by the naked eye...


When the wind blew, the body of God's happy body was worn from the middle of the three demons... The two demons that he passed through were separated by a distance of less than ten centimeters. Unobstructed passage, if forced through, must encounter certain obstacles when they hit their bodies... And God’s free body is like a lubricant, and when it passes through, the speed is not weakened. Even the bodies of the two demons did not sway because of them. Obviously, the body was not touched by God at all...

From the middle of the two devil's bodies, a sharp blow from an impossible angle, the attack of God's happy is undoubtedly amazing. With his attack speed and moving speed, even if the other party is prepared, it is extremely difficult to avoid, not to mention the full speed of the full shot, but also a hit in a near-sneak attack state. However, after all, the dust is not a mortal, and his extraordinary is also fully revealed in the attack of God's happyness... God is far away, and it is once again stabbed.

The Summoner is the most vulnerable occupation of all professions, and its vitality is worse than that of the same level of magician. The dust of level 54 is even less than 2,000. The left-handed army can kill him with two casualties. And their advantages are equally powerful. Therefore, how to save lives has become a powerful top priority for the summoner. And the dust, his life-saving ability, can be innocently the first to call the Chinese in the summer. When the death is approaching, his nerves will have a kind of reaction. This kind of reaction will make his hearing and vision quickly avoid the moment when he realizes the danger.

The faster you move, the greater the inertia. The inertia brought by the sudden spur of God's spurt made his body continue to rush five meters away before the hard stop, and the dust, already standing behind the three demons, looked at him with a sneer ...the three demons, who also smashed their claws and flew behind him. The devil's attacks are all melee attacks...but their attacking ability is extremely powerful, with the vital value of God's happiness, resisting the reluctance, and both will die.

God took a deep breath and looked at the position of the dust. The scene just reappeared perfectly. His body passed through the cracks of the demon body like a wind, and it stabbed the dust, but it still hit the air. Dust, has moved to a position that is symmetrical with the previous position, looking at him with a constant expression... seems to be mocking, seemingly disdainful.

"He can actually teleport continuously!"

"Is there no cooling time for his teleport? How is this possible? If so, who can hit him."

"But that God is not easy to be happy... The three demons are easily rid of him again and again. It is not accidental that he can enter the 32nd."





The body of God's happyness brought a fast shadow on the stage, and it was interspersed again and again between the cracks of the devil's attack. The green daggers took the dust every time. He didn't stop to fight with the demon, because he knew the consequences of his own attacking ability and the fight against these powerful demons. His goal was only a dusty one.

However, in the enchantment, the dust can be freely transferred without any restriction. The speed of the gods is fast, and the speed of the moment is impossible. He stabbed again and again, again and again. Running, the demon has been roaring behind him, but the demon can't trap him, and he can't attack the dust.

at last……

With the "squeaky" sound, the body of God's happy body was finally hit by the devil's claws, the body slammed and fell to the ground, and when it landed, his body swiftly rolled, and the other two The devil's attack was dangerous and avoided. When he got up, his life had already fallen by more than half. If he was attacked again, he would die.

"Don't die so fast, you know, it's fun to catch a mouse for a long time. Too easy to die, it will be boring to play." The dusty hands behind the devil hold their chests, with a cold irony Laughing at him.

The demon in front of him was approaching, and the original face of the nervous state of the gods was drinking a bottle of syrup. He suddenly smiled easily. He wiped his mouth and said slowly: "Then you think, who is the cat? Who is? What about the mouse? Hehe... I have an incurable evil taste. I just like to let some people who are being monkeys think they are monkeys, hahahaha..."

In his handsome laughter, he did not rush to meet the devil, but suddenly turned and ran to his back, that direction... is the edge of the arena. Behind him, the three demons chased after each other, and the overlapping snorings were filled with creepy sinister meanings, adding the sly shape and dark body of the seemingly beetle... as if It is a demon from hell, not just the name of a summoned beast.

"What is God going to do?"

"How slow is his speed? Is it tired?"

"...I am going! What is he going to do? It's almost on the side, he still doesn't slow down, he wants to lose the code? Is it already given up??"

God's happy body is already close to the edge of the arena. Behind him, the three demons who are chasing after him are less than two meters away from his body. The edge of the arena is getting closer and closer, and God glances back and glances at the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer sneer, stepping on the edge of the arena, far forward, high jump ......


"I rely on!!" Zuo Bianjun and others all looked at the middle of the eye in surprise and almost stood up without excitement.

God is so happy that he jumped off the arena!

Not only does he have an incredible speed of movement, but even the bounce is quite amazing. This jump has jumped to an amazing height of nearly ten meters... This kind of jumping power is ten times that of a normal player! Under such a strong jumping force, the lateral distance he jumped out was quite far, and he also had a distance of nearly ten meters. At the same time... in the exclamation of countless players in the audience, the three chasing targets The undead demon, as before, followed the body of God's happy, and then... all fell off the arena...


A gust of wind blew, and a small wind whirlwind suddenly appeared at the foot of God's sorrow. The wind was spinning fast, and the closer players in the audience could even feel the gust of wind. Under this wind, God's original body that has fallen away is stopped in the air and floats there.

The tone of the end of the game did not ring... no sounds sounded. God's happyness has left the arena...but his body and feet have not landed, and his life has not been emptied, meaning that he is not defeated in such a state!

And the three demons, who have no ability to fly, just as they stepped out of the arena and stepped on the ground outside the arena, the three black lights shone in their bodies, and their bodies were The dark mist quickly dissipated and disappeared without a trace.


In the audience, there was a loss.

"Happy still has this trick... good kind of happy!" Zuo Duanjun looked at the floating **** in the air, and clapped his hands.

"Oh, it really is a jealous guy." Murong Qiu Shui smiled.

"Sure enough, it is a guy with a hidden head. I don't know how many things on his body are deliberately hidden and not let us see it... This means of ignorance does not say, he actually hides the ability to float, it is not simple, hehe." Situ was licking his lips and said. When God just jumped out of the ring, they were really shocked, thinking that this kid couldn't think of giving up, but I didn't expect... Now, they are a long sigh of relief.

God's happy winds obviously could not last for a long time. When he turned his body, the wind also took him back to the top of the arena. Because he is one of the players in the game, so the enchantment that can not be entered does not block him. He jumped on the top of the arena and then looked at his face with a scornful smile. He said slowly: "Know who is the monkey now, who is being played." Monkey? The few demons that you summoned are just a few reptiles that are cleaned up in my eyes. I just teased you for fun. It’s good to see you, but it’s not bad. As I said earlier, what I like to see most is to let some people who are used as monkeys think they are monkeys. It’s fun to play, oh..."