Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 598: Hell gatekeeper

The face of the dust was completely darkened, and the demon could not be summoned again in a short time. His body retreated and his hand was tricked. Three silver hawks appeared on the top of his head. With the lessons of the devil, he seemed to learn. Hey, summoned three summoned beasts that can fly... God has the ability to float, and the summoned beast will not stop if he kills the target, and will not obey the commander’s command, so if God continues to continue With the method just now, even if he summons the strongest demon again, it is no good.

Silver Eagle: 54th level, Life: 9800, the flying summoned beast summoned by the player "Dust" has a swift body and can be swiftly attacked.

Talent: None.

Skills: 铩羽震空破,银翼天翔

Weaknesses: The defense is low, and the non-empty state cannot launch attacks.

As soon as the three silver eagle appeared, they made a sharp humming sound, then made three straight trajectories and rushed to God. The speed is fast, obviously beyond the previous demons. The body of God's happyness shook, and the shadows of the three silver eagle had all passed by, even his hair was stained. He didn't take the opportunity to attack the dust, but he smiled and smiled. The smiling front teeth were exposed: "Dust, you really thought that you can infinitely teleport on this stage, I can't help you." The thing that my **** is best at, one is to escape. The other, hey, is to deceive... I never believe anyone, and never come and not expose it to anyone. A person who thinks that his ability to escape is invincible in the world cannot be without his own hidden killer... And there are at least ten ways to deal with you! Do you believe it?"

Except for the dust, no one else will hear what God is saying... and he will not think that there is another person who hears these words...

Ye Tianxie!

He is also paying attention to the movements on the stage, and also pays attention to the dialogue between the two...not his eyebrows are as amazing as the eye-catching, but the call watch that Star Poe gave him has a strong eavesdropping function, as long as he is willing I can hear what anyone is saying. God's happy words, which were spoken in a dark, black belly, made Ye Tianxie wrinkled his brows.

He knew from the beginning that the gods are not as simple as they seem. Regardless of his heart, mind, strength... But he still let him join the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary, and never regretted it.

The voice of God's happyness fell, his body suddenly rushed forward, the green dagger spurred the dust, the dust flashed, the body teleported and smashed, and it had already moved to the 20 meters behind him. God did not turn around, but the speed of the previous stab was fast, but it did not reach his ultimate speed. Obviously, he did not think about hitting him. And the position he stood at this time is just the center of the arena. He closed his eyes and raised his right hand, the dagger in his hand, releasing the green poisonous light like the eyes of a poisonous snake...

"Poisonous fog Tianze!!"

boom! !

Like a huge balloon suddenly exploding, God's happy body suddenly released a thick smog, the color of the smoke is amazing green, so the color ... is obviously a poisonous fog!

The green mist spread around the body of God's happy body, and it spreads quite quickly. In the blink of an eye, it has already approached the front of the dust. The body of the dust is receding and has been retreating until it retreats to the edge of the arena. The spread of the poisonous mist did not stop, wrapped the dusty body, and wrapped the entire arena... Then, the spread of the poisonous fog was blocked by the ruthless barrier around the arena, and the poisonous mist quickly filled. The space enclosed by the entire barrier depicts a standard semicircle.





Three silver eagle, and the dusty head, while the red damage number...

And the number of these injuries clearly means...

Every second... Drop a full 20% of life!

"This... Happy even has this hand!" The left-handed army looked at the arena that had been filled with poisonous fog, and the surprise of the players in the ear was already noisy. He suddenly took a seat: "Rely! The tension before the kid was on the scene was loaded, and I still comforted him."

"It turned out to be such a large range of poisoning... In this way, the dust is how you can hide and avoid it. Oh, poison! Don't let me touch such a thing, this nasty thing. It will definitely damage my skin that can be broken... Oh, I think I will stay away from the kid in the future." Murong Qiu Shui touched his face and made a gesture of fear.

"Not only poison, but also poisonous... The effect is twice as poisonous as the previous 'toxic touch'. It is worthy... poison killer!" Ye Tianxie looked at the **** on the stage and whispered.

Since it is a poison murderer, it is still able to release such an amazingly venomous poison murderer. Then... Is it possible for him to release the "deadly poison" that is endless? Do not use antidote on the competitive platform. If he can really add deadly poison, then...

In five seconds, all three silver hawks were poisoned. The scene is already a breath, and they realize now that they have completely misunderstood the person who was in the past... his ability is more than just poisoning and running away!

The poisoning state of the dust was continued. In the fourth second, he was forced to eat the healing potion, otherwise the fifth second was the time of his death. He didn't call again, because the devil was led by him to the arena, and he was poisoned by the flight... He couldn't think of what to summon to deal with him. The summoner, who has no attacking ability, is less likely to attack him with his staff. He can only look at God with a dark and uncertain face, and there are terrible things shining in his eyes.

"My toxic taste should be good? Hehe...I know why my profession is called Wind Shadow Poison? Because my attack is almost entirely dependent on poison. A month ago, I was even poisoned by forty grades. A 60-level lord boss, and the wind shadow, because my speed is like the wind... No, it is faster than the wind..." Having said that, his gaze suddenly flashed, and the sound of the corner of his mouth slowly overflowed: "However, do you think that the speed of movement I showed before is the limit of my speed..."


God disappeared and disappeared in the position where he stood before... Then at the same time, appeared in front of the dust, the poisonous green-green dagger, has penetrated his body...

The players in the audience have their eyes wide open... Before, the speed of God's happiness was amazing, but people's eyes still captured a shadow of shaking. But this time God's happy movement, no one saw the displacement of his body, and what he caught was that he disappeared in the same place.

Ye Tianxie’s gaze flashed... The movement speed of God’s happyness...

It must be more than 500! !

More than 500 movement speeds...

Is this the speed of his real movement? The speed of movement shown before is still not his limit!

Still said... The speed of this 500 is still not his limit!

God's happyness has always been hiding itself, and it is hidden in all aspects. This is a kind of distrust of others, and at the same time, it is also a means of self-protection.


God’s happy strike was in the middle of the dust, killing most of his life. In the face of more than 500 moving speed, even if it is dusty, it is too late to react.

The cooling time of the recovery medicine is not over, and the dust can only watch the remaining life of the drug being quickly swallowed by the poison until it is swallowed up...

The dusty life was emptied, and the body slowly fell to the ground, but then, just as the dusty body was lying down on the ground, a ray of light flashed, and another dust appeared behind the gods. Thirty meters away, and the fallen dust, like atomization, slowly disappears.

No one is surprised, because this is the strongest life-saving skill of the Summoner after the second turn - 傀儡. You can give the summoner the power to die once a day. The first death in a day will be replaced by shackles, and the real body can be opened immediately and life is full. This skill largely compensates for the shortcomings of the summoner being extremely easy to be spiked.

The green poisonous mist still did not dissipate, and the dust that escaped to death was still in a state of poisoning in the first time. He looked at the slowly disappearing cockroach, his face became darker and darker...

His goal is the semi-finals, even the first!

The thirty-two strong match was a simple stop for him. God is far away... He is not in the eye.

However, he could not have imagined that today's game would have been such a development, and he was forced to such a position by his opponent who had no confidence in his heart. He has even been killed by him once and lost his bodyguard.

Looking at God's happy, he suddenly laughed, the coldness of the laughter, the mouth, the low voice with a cold voice: "I did not expect, I actually looked away, you can actually push me to this extent. Your poison is very powerful, your speed is the fastest I have ever seen, no one can compare... But, do you really think that you can win me..."

God is happy: "..."

"I came to prepare to deal with evil days... I didn't expect that you could force me to use it. Although you will die soon, but you will die under the hands of the Hell Gate God, you should feel that it is a kind of glory!! Hehe... Hey... you know, what is the ultimate summoning?"

The air suddenly became confused, and even the surrounding space showed a faint tremor, as if it were a tremor in fear.

"The ultimate summoning is not to summon the summoning beast to assist the attack, but to... summon the power of the beast!!"

"The loyal guardian from Hell, obey my call, lend your strength to me, let the humble souls tremble under your power helplessly... Hell gatekeeper!!"

Rumble ~~~~

In the ear, suddenly the sound of the collapse of the mountain came. As the dust sang loudly, the surface of his body suddenly appeared a circle of lacquer black light, the black radiant light swirled around his body and gradually dyed his body. Black... No, it's not a dark color, it's dark... armor!

A terrible black shadow emerges above the staff. It is a huge double-horned, similar to the head of a cow, the alien shadow of the human body. With the appearance of this shadow, the body of the dust is evident in the black mans. It is getting bigger, expanding... growing from normal height to two meters, three meters... four meters...

It has been growing to a height of five meters before it stops, and the dark shadow and the image of the demon are completely dissipated at the same time.

Above the auditorium, there was a huge exclamation. All the players were blind and wide-eyed, and almost all of their eyes fell.

The dust on the field has disappeared. Standing there is a huge double horn, the head of the cow, the body of the human body, the body of the black magic armor...

Hell gatekeeper!

It’s colder than the demons before. I don’t know how many times the **** wind hits the air here, but also the shuddering hearts... the hands of the **** gatekeeper, the two huge axe and then the scarlet two It seems that there is still blood dripping in a drop...