Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 755: Evil tiger mountain

According to the normal person's thinking and the way normal people do things, Ye Tianxie's ten-year meeting is in the midst of desire. But let the little demon almost no cry, Ye Tianxie really fell there and slept in the past, still sleeping quite hard, she tried to call two, he did not wake up.

Any girl who is used to being accustomed to her, whether her heart is good or bad, her temper is gentle or barbaric, and she is so disregarded by a boy who makes her first good feelings, there will be a very heavy blow. The man didn't know her, so he didn't even give him the contact. He even wanted to sleep and didn't bother to talk to her... I didn't even ask for what she looked like.

At eleven o'clock noon, the plane finally arrived, the flight attendant's sweet tone and the air friction sound when the aircraft slowed down were mixed. Ye Tianxie is still lying there, like sleeping and dying.

"Ye Tianxie, get up, really come to the station, if you don't wear a seat belt, you will fall off the bed." Mu Xiaoyin pushed the body of the Ye Tianxie, some anxiously said. Anyone who has been on the plane knows that if you don’t wear a seat belt when the fuselage is falling, if you lose a little weight due to the airflow, you can easily drop a few people. .

This is the first time in the life of Mu Xiaoyue called a man to "get up", if it is not surprisingly good for him, plus he is very domineering to help them before, otherwise she will not scruple this man will not Falling from the bed.


The landing of the plane, the loss of weightlessness and the slight shock made Mu Xiao’s feet unstable, and they fell down and fell on Ye Tianxie’s body. Ye Tianxie just opened his eyes and felt a warm jade warm and fragrant. At the same time, the face seemed to be touched by something soft. When the line of sight was clear, he looked at a large sunglasses in front of him. Pink and tender skin, and touched his face, is her lips.


Mu Xiaoyue was another scream, and he turned around the body in a hurry, then hurriedly stood up from the bed, and then stepped back a few steps, and he couldn’t help but get rid of the sunglasses.

The girl's flustered gesture does not have a moving taste. Ye Tianxie certainly does not think that she is trying to disobey him. She immediately thinks of the reason, and her eyes are swept away, but she finds that the person she is called a sister is not. In the end, his gaze fell on the body of Mu Xiaoyue, and began to look at it with impunity.

Mu Xiaoyue was panicked by him, and he turned around and ran out: "I... I... I will help my sister to take my luggage."

"Little demon sister," Ye Tianxie shouted at her and said, "Can you ask a question?"

"Ah... what's the problem?" Mu Xiaoyue stopped and didn't dare to look at him, responding subconsciously.

"Why did you just want me to sleep and kiss me?" Ye Tianxie asked very seriously.

Ye Tianxie’s words made Mu Xiao’s face suddenly red to the root of the ear. She came to her heart and panicked. Then she was told by Ye Tianxie. She almost didn’t cry out: “I didn’t! I just called you, I accidentally fell down..."

"Then I accidentally fell on me, just arrived, I am?" Ye Tianxie followed her.

"That's like this, I really didn't mean it." Mu Xiao de nodded hard, this gesture is like a little girl who has been greatly embarrassed, like a big star who is usually slick and the city is deep. .

Ye Tianxie’s mouth swelled and said: “There are at least three hundred girls and I have said this for a reason. I can believe it. I kissed it, but I don’t know how to admit it. The charm is still clear... ah? You didn’t do anything else to me when I slept?”

"You...you...you said in a mess, you have a fight, I really don't! It's just that I am suffering... I was just my first kiss, I have never kissed a boy." Mu Xiaoye really wants I cried, my face was red and shivering.

"Well? Are you suffering?" Ye Tianxie's exaggerated incomprehensible expression: "Hey! I am obviously stealing you, actually said that you are losing money, there is no reason in this world."

"I really don't!" Mu Xiao Yao smashed his feet, grievances and shame, and even tears fell out.

... isn't it? I really cried.

It’s not that the singer’s, the selling of the drama is based on what the unspoken rules are on the list. This little singer seems to have simply passed. No wonder she always has to follow an old woman who looks very bad. It is estimated that if there is no old woman, this little girl will not know when she is sold.

"Oh, well, don't cry, don't cry, I'm just a player. It's just a joke." The little girl gave her tears, and Ye Tianxie had to come forward to comfort. He did not comfort, but with such comfort, Mu Xiaoyue actually cried out his voice, squinting at his face, and he was very wronged and cried.

In comforting women, Ye Tianxie has always been a rookie, because he grew up with the glass fairy from the age of ten, and he is more comforted by the glass fairy. He stepped forward and leaned over his face and whispered, "Small demon sister, are you really crying?"

If the stereotyped woman is here, I must hate to kick him out... Have you ever cried your own eyes and didn't see it?

"Well, it's all my fault. You stole me. It's because you have made a big loss. I did it wrong... Well, that's fine..."

He moved forward and suddenly hugged the body of the little demon. When her roots were too late to respond, she lowered her head and pressed **** her lips. Then she looked at the back of her sunglasses and suddenly fell out. Eyes, not too slow to say: "You stolen me, I also kissed you, so we are even, so I don't cry... Oh, the plane has arrived, I will take a step. There will be a period later."

After that, he let go of the little demon, and he ran out of the full suitcase that Sufifi had prepared for him. The plane also stopped at this time, and he got off the plane from the fast lane prepared by the police for him. When the foot stepped on the ground, he turned back, and the evil smiled a little. What would happen to the little demon, he could think of it with his toes. In other words, since I first met Sufi’s first hand and grabbed it on her chest, it seems that I have not done such a bad thing for a long time.

“The weather in Suzhou and Hangzhou is good.” Ye Tianxie glanced at the sky and took a very pleasant step. As the people flowed to the airport exit.

Outside the airport, Ye Tianxie stopped a taxi and said: "Master, go to the evil tiger mountain in the north."

"Evil Tiger Mountain? Don't go." The driver shook his head.

"why are you not going?"

"It's too remote, it has exceeded the scope of downtown Suzhou and Hangzhou, and it is too dangerous. No one dares to go now."


Ye Tianxie changed position and stopped one:

"Go to the evil tiger mountain."

The taxi drove away from him in front of him.

Ye Tianxie: "I..."

After stopping five taxis in a row, when I heard the words of Hu Hushan, I either shook my head and refused, or answered and did not answer, and drove away directly, as if to avoid the plague.

When he was very tangled, a small magnetic levitation car slowly stopped beside him. The window of the back seat opened, revealing a face with a sunhat and wide sunglasses... It’s a little demon.

"Where are you going? We are sending you?" Mu Xiaoyue said, the tone was slightly tweaked and unnatural. Although she was still wearing a layer of sunglasses, she still could not look at Ye Tianxie's eyes. At the end, she seemed to be afraid that Ye Tianxie would not agree, and immediately added: "This is my own car, to pick me up."

"Evil Tiger Mountain, is it the way?" asked Ye Tianxie.

"Evil Tiger Mountain? Well, I just want to go north, just drop the way." Mu Xiaoyue tried to show a natural smile.

Ye Tianxie no longer quits, pulls the door open, throws the suitcase in, and the person steps in and closes the door.

Driving a car with sunglasses, a black-faced sturdy man, a pair of people afraid that others would not recognize him as a bodyguard. The stereotyped woman sat in the vice seat, and after Ye Tianxie came in, she didn't look back.

When the car started, Ye Tianxie yawned and his head rested on his back. Mu Xiaoxuan waited for a long time and didn't wait for him to talk. He had to first say: "You are going to the evil tiger mountain? Is your home there?"

"My family is in Jinghua, go there to find someone." Ye Tianxie replied with a squint. Ok? I just kissed her and then ran, she is now...it seems not angry?

"Evil Tiger Mountain is 130 kilometers away from here. It is located in the desolate area outside the city. There are often people missing in the vicinity. The whereabouts are unknown. No one has dared to go to that place since many years ago." The stereotyped woman was cold and inserted. .

"Ah? Will someone often disappear? So dangerous?" Mu Xiaoyue screamed, and quickly said to Ye Tianxie: "Sister Jing never said anything, if it is so dangerous, you still don't go."

"What I am most afraid of is danger." Ye Tianxie did not panic, and said with a smile.