Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 8: Kill the wolf!


Moving forward, the number of players has finally dropped, until the player's figure is no longer visible. Here is the territory of the five-level monster, and since the fifth level, most of the monsters have the nature of active attack. For the early stage of the game, it is the forbidden place that ordinary players can't set foot. The third level is already The upper limit they can accept - of course, is just a normal player.

Ye Tianxie stepped forward and just stepped into the territory of this group of monsters. The corner of his eye suddenly smashed into a slightly swaying figure. He turned and looked, and suddenly found himself sitting under a short tree not far from the right hand side. A person. She sat in the tree, and her body was too dry and thin, and her face was as dry as a bark. The whole body seemed to be merged with the tree, so that Ye Tianxie just did not notice her.

A thin old lady... What is the world's npc? Ye Tianxie walked over to her.

“What can I do for you?” Ye Tianxie asked forward, his face squeezing some deformed kind smiles. If his question is straightforward, he is: "Is there a task? I will hand it over."

When his words were finished, his expression was a little stagnation. He noticed the old lady's legs... The legs sat motionless on the floor, and the bare parts showed a dark color.

Petrochemical... Ye Tianxie’s brain flashed two words quickly.

"The core of the world's energy - the eternal destiny disappeared, I don't know where to go, without the power of eternal destiny, the seal power of the Tower of Destiny finally collapsed, the Eight Devils all escaped, and the spilled magic also began to affect All the land, even the most docile animals have become violent... From the adventurers of different worlds, can you help me collect the eyes of ten wolves, I need them... but my body is sealed here, can't Leave, are you willing to help me?"

"Oh... the sealed old man asks you to help her collect the eyes of ten wolves. Task attributes: normal, duration: no, mission reward: unknown."

"Accept." Ye Tianxie chose to accept without hesitation. Although this is a common task, the "unknown" marked by the mission reward has made him more interested. In the early stage of this initial stage, this kind of play mystery The wording does not appear to be correct in theory. Since it appears, it shows that there may be hidden mystery. This is the sensitive smell that he developed during his years of gaming.

"Oh... you accepted the task ‘the request of the sealed old man’...”

"Can you tell me why your legs will look like this?" Ye Tianxie did not immediately leave to search for the wolf, but crouched down and asked with a good face. If the word "unknown" in the mission description makes him interested, then the title of the old lady without a specific name is of great interest to him. In the world of Destiny, all living beings have their own independent ideas. And the paranoia will point the charm to the full attribute. He thinks that this extreme 10 points should not be added. He tries hard to find out what can be excavated from this old lady.

"Young people, go, some things don't know well." The old man answered coldly.

"That... If you are not convenient to act, how do I carry you back to the novice village?" Ye Tianxie hesitated and said.

"My body can't leave here, thank you for your kindness. Go."

"Okay." Ye Tianxie gave up: "Where is the nearest wolf infested?"


"Well, I will bring back what you need right away."

After leaving a passing phrase, Ye Tianxie glanced around and continued to go deeper. At this moment, the weather in the world of "Fate" is obviously spring, and the warmth of the wind and the warmth of the wind. Since he officially stepped into the game world, he has never had the experience of killing a monster at the initial zero level. Every time he starts to drop his hand, it will be a jaw-dropping level of five or even higher. Because only then can he avoid the huge leveling crowd and enjoy the quietness of a person.

Northern hills, the territory of the 5th level wolf.

Wolf: Level 5, Life: 170. A violent animal with a temperament, likes to live in groups, will take the initiative to attack nearby humans.

Level 0, there is only a new coat with no attributes, but go to a person facing a five-level monster. In almost all virtual games, there is no essential difference between this and death. However, this rule is only for ordinary players.

There are no other players who have set foot on this place. The wild wolves here are relatively densely distributed, one by one without a goal, and the leaves of the heavens outside their territory are not seen. Ye Tianxie stepped forward and tried the range of hatred of these wolves. Then he picked up a stone on the ground and slammed his wrist to the nearest wolf.


The stone smashed the head of the wolf, and a bright red force was thrown. The quiet wolf was suddenly alarmed. A pair of flashes with a slight **** light turned to the direction of Ye Tianxie. A long snoring, open the wolf teeth, and quickly slammed into the direction of Ye Tianxie.

The wolf moves very fast, at least 1.5 times the player's basic mobility. The roar of the wolf is not simply an angry roar. With his snoring, the other two wolves are alarmed and simultaneously uttered a sound. Howling, with the wild wolf that was attacked by Ye Tianxie, he was in the direction he was in.

three! Looking at the three wild wolves approaching, the Ye Tianxie did not choose to immediately withdraw from the wolf's territory to escape, but to narrow his eyes, the novice short sword in his hand slowly raised...


With the violent wind blowing in the face, Ye Tianxie's eyes waved calmly, until the sharp wolf teeth were about to touch his waist, his body was on the side of the fierce side, letting a small extent, that huge The wolf almost wiped his body and smashed it. The greater the degree of avoidance, the greater the time and inertia that can be avoided, and the perfect avoidance to control just the right thing is not simply done.

The first wild wolf rushed past, another gust of wind followed, Ye Tianxie did not look at the front, just stood up and then leaned forward, the upper body and the lower body almost became a standard ninety degrees while holding The right hand of the new sword is free to pick up...

Oh! -15!

The body of the second wolf flew from the upper body of Ye Tianxie, and also the same, and the new sword that Ye Tianxie picked up made a straight trajectory on its belly, bringing up a blood red number. No matter what game, the wolf is a typical high-attack high-speed low-defense, which is one of the reasons why Ye Tianxie directly kills the wolf. If he is facing the same level of low-speed, low-attack, high-defense bear monsters, although it is much easier to deal with, it basically does not break the possibility of its defense.

The third wolf followed the second one, and Ye Tianxie’s upper body was straight up halfway. At the same time, with a slight twisting force, the left foot was slightly pivoted through a right angle, and the third wolf was wiped. After, Ye Tianxie turned back, stepped forward, stabbed the new hand sword, and successively attacked the second wild wolf on the ground with two swords, bringing up two damage figures.

The attack time of the three wolves is definitely less than two seconds, and it is not a simple simultaneous attack, but it is connected, but all are safely avoided by Ye Tianxie, and his body is only shifted to the left. Then change from positive to side.

Well, it’s already 20,000 words... Since the publication of the book in October 2009, it’s been a year and a half, and it’s already the third book. A lot of words want to say... And what must be said is that thanks to all those who follow Mars, you are the only reason I continue to go on the net road, and it is up to you to decide how long I can continue. Speaking of it, I have to spend five hours or so to write every day after work. It’s the pain of his sister. I have the urge to give up the net text n times, but every time this idea appears, I am immediately killed. ... No way, you can be willing to give up the text, can't bear you. After the opening of "Tianchen", the free time has become very rare, the book review is rarely seen, the message is rarely seen, even the qq news can only look at a few times, it is difficult to have time to reply one by one, the book friends group is no longer I didn't often go out like I used to, and I didn't rectify the chaos for a long time... However, I still bear your enthusiasm every day, and I am really grateful for your tolerance. 】

Ha, it’s not sensational, it’s the truth. 】

In the end, what I want to say is... If the sentence is not against the heart, the current situation of the net-language world is relatively difficult to mix. I didn’t plan to use the online game again, but I finally returned to the old business. Well, because everything I do in the web world is what you have achieved, of course, you must first respect your opinions. Well, everyone can still remember the glory of Shura’s highest ranking in the past. This is the glory of your strength and enthusiasm. Then, do you have the confidence to push the evil dragons again to the height of the year or even higher... At the beginning, we It is the most powerful team. Now, I still believe that we are the most powerful team. For the glory of the past, work hard together. Various clicks, various tickets, various collections, various clouds, various luolis... all come. 】

——————Great Mars, at 2:39 am on April 9, 2011. 】