Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 844: Thousands of attention to the confession

During the transition period, the plot will be relatively dull and dry, not too long... I know that after a long period of calm, it will always be very big... Well, forget to say, everyone is happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 】

The lost city on this day is not destined to be calm.

In the real world, every concert of Mu Xiaoyue can affect a big city including Jinghua. In the world of destiny, she also makes the atmosphere of the entire lost city change very obviously. Every street, countless players even Npc, more than half of the focus of the talks are today's concerts. No one will doubt the influence of Mu Xiaoyue. And there is no such thing as this situation today.

500,000 tickets were sold out within three days. The figure of 500,000 is relatively large compared to the huge fan base of Mu Xiaoyue, but it can only be in the city where the water is lost. In three days, at least a dozen battles, big or small, have been triggered by the ticket. It’s not just the players who are mad at the ticket, but also the npc from all over the place. In the end, even the emperor of Mí has ​​been hidden in one of the most remote ticketing points... The July Chamber of Commerce limits the maximum purchase for each person. A ticket, and can not be transferred after the purchase, so that this emperor can not violate the rules of the player also had to go to the queue to buy tickets. And this setting of the Chamber of Commerce in July also made countless long-awaited yak party tears.

The influx of players from all directions and the npcs of other regions, making mí lost city today, is called "the most crowded day ever." The influence of Mu Xiaoyue once again made the world tremble. She is not just as simple as a singer... As you can imagine, such a nv child who is being nv god, her inadvertent sentence is enough to cause great influence. Unparalleled pursuit and popularity, accompanied by the same unparalleled influence and appeal.

The original central arena has now been decorated as an extravagant and spacious stage. Players and npcs from all over the mainland have gathered in the arena early, and at first glance, no one wants to miss even a second of singing. Because everyone knows, the frequency of the opening of the concert by Mu Xiaomei is so low. I missed this time, and at least I have to wait for a quarter for the next time. At that time, it is an unknown number to get the tickets. This means that they have to go through at least a full quarter to experience this kind of deep hun. Outside the arena, it is also crowded with people. The number of the roots has reached an uncountable level. The central square of the city is full of countless people. Everyone is staring at the huge magic screen in the center... They can only watch the live broadcast of the magic screen here if they get tickets. This lineup also makes players who are present at the resurrection point destined for tragedy.

On the center arena, not on the high stage, dozens of engineers are busy and busy, doing the final renovation and debugging work, hundreds of small loudspeakers have been placed in every corner of the arena. And these are all from the hands of Star Boer. With her speed of production, these megaphones have also tossed her for five days. Of course, the rich rewards she got made her laugh. brilliant. The mid-level engineers of the loudspeakers can be produced, and the props stores are also available for sale. However, the loudspeakers produced by Star Boer can almost achieve the degree that the sound is completely undistorted, and there is no noise. This is an idealization in the real world. It is unreachable. Today's loudspeakers will inevitably give the players present the opportunity to enjoy the perfect enjoyment.

"It’s an amazing scene. It’s still an hour to leave the field to reach this level... but since it’s a little demon, it’s not surprising,” one player said.

"Do you believe it? Even if it is expanded ten times, it will be such a shocking scene."

"I totally believe."

"Before I heard the voice of Mu Xiao Yao, I never believed that music can be so pure. After hearing her singing, I knew that I was wrong... She is unique. I believe that no one can surpass her. I don't know, which lucky man can get her favor."

"She is God's angel nv god, no one is qualified to have her... Oh! I am even willing to use my remaining life, to change her, I can look at me with deep affection. If she one day she really belongs to a certain Personally, I think I will go crazy."

"Mu Xiao Yao, my nv god... I can finally see you with my eyes today, please come out soon."

Another place.

Liu Haoyue did not go to the concert scene. She sat quietly in the tenth floor monitoring room of the July Building, and looked at the dozen screens in front of him... The scene of the concert was almost at a glance. Her mouth was slightly smiling, and she naturally laughed and swayed.

The picture in front of me is as she expected. The huge center arena is undoubtedly a huge investment. The facilities, publicity, planning, layout, and later of the concert... She is all perfect, just the loudspeaker, she will pay Star Baoer has a total of seven million labor costs. A day-to-day engineer is indeed a general existence. For a player, the demise of the heavens is beyond the hope of the roots. After that, it is impossible to find a heavenly engineer. A player should not say that he has reached the limit of heaven, that is, to the level of Xianling, or a senior engineer, he will become a well-known person, and he can buy anything that can be bought, and there is no doubt that the money is rolling. Just like Star Treasure, earning a few million is just like playing.

However, under the influence of Mu Xiaoyue and the influence of the Chamber of Commerce in July, the benefits are far greater than the investment.

The concert has not yet begun, and all the investment has already recovered the income of the ticket, which is more than 20 million. In addition, some props on the scene: such as telescopes, ceremonies, uā bundles, etc., have accumulated. A lot of money. In addition, at the scene, the audience's recording, camera, and camera functions are all shielded. If you want to open it, you need to pay up to 500 gold coins... The most extravagant one, there is a large screen above the stage, the audience can be present. Let your blessings appear on it, one up to ten thousand gold coins. This is a luxury plaything for the rich, and each time base will not last more than three seconds... But since the opening to the present, the subtitles on the big screen have been rolling and never stopped. If these are still only a small number, then the resale rights of the concert, the on-site sponsorship advertisement, and the post-issuance income are all not a pen-day number.

However, relative to the income, the name of Mu Xiaoyue is the most influential for the July Chamber of Commerce, which is Liu Yuyue's most valued.

There is still half an hour from the start of the concert. Mu Xiao demon stood in front of the mirror, and his expression was obviously uneasy.

"What? Your face seems to be a little bit wrong." Sophie went to her and looked at the mirror and said with a smile.

"I... a little nervous." Mu Xiaoyue pulled the skirt of the skirt and whispered.

"Hey? You will be nervous too? You have been a four-time concert. I remember that you have never been nervous before. Rest assured, more people, you can also conquer them all with songs. Sophie whispered comfortably. What she said is not exaggerated.

"This time, it's not the same... I am not nervous about that, I am... is..." Mu Xiaoyue bowed slightly, and some did not dare to look at Sophie's eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, the evil spirits are in the front row. If there are people who are jealous, he will protect you for the first time." Sophie Philip took a photo of the little demon back, these days, she almost Every day with Mu Xiaoyue.

"Fifie sister," Mu Xiaoyue looked up and said with a soft voice: "You really don't mind... I am with my evil brother?"

"Of course I don't mind, I have said it many times." Sophie Fei replied with no resentment.

"But, but he is obviously yours... why are you willing to..." Mu Xiaoyue said it was even quieter, and his heart was even more uneasy.

Sophie Fei smiled and grabbed the little hand of Mu Xiaoyue and said, "It's very simple! Because I like you, Tianxie also likes you. Since we all like you, of course we want to bring you to us...you Look, now we have succeeded. You little demon, Xiaoshui has been successfully taken care of by my family, and later is our people, hehe."

Mu Xiaoyan blinked and said: "That, if I have been with him, don't you mind?"

"If you can stay with us, we are too happy to come, how can we mind... and Chen Xin, Xiao Xueer, they all like you too." Sophie Fei is close to her, whispering in her ear He laughed and said: "The little demon, if you want to be with the evil spirits, you will come and live with us. There are many empty houses on our side. If you are on your parents' side, you will be good to your sister." ""

Mu Xiao’s face turned red and did not answer, so he ran away.

Finally, re-push the one-day recommendation of the new world of the game, which is the same as the online game of Mars. It is a nondescriptable fantasy stream. Today, the author and the author jiā ran a little and found that it is actually a fellow, haha, of course, it is a full push. Well, this is actually not the point. The point is, the excitement I told him, the brain oo winds out the sentence and doesn't push you to the new book list. I will die for you to see............... Dear, you can do it - haha, please A lot of clicks on the collection of messages, push it to the top of the new book list, and jointly win a new star in the online game industry, I never doubt your fighting power, through the car ↓↓↓] f@.