Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 848: end

"In the past, I really envied her. There are so many people who like her. At that time, my friends who were insecure were really few, and she, no matter where she went, had countless people who liked her. People.” Sophie Fei said with some disappointment, listening to the voice in her ear, she once again clearly understood the status of the demon in the hearts of people. Let the emotions of these many people rise and fall at the same time. Only those who can do this can only do it.

"What about now?" Ye Tianxie looked at the front and asked.

"Now, it is her envy that I am right." Sufifi said on his shoulder, quietly smiled: "Heaven, you don't really like her before, now, must be emotional to her... ...Do you know why, I don’t know why, I don’t feel a little jealous, but I feel that I am so happy, because she left everything and told the person to pursue that I already have it.” She closed her eyes and said softly. : "If you can continue this way, no disaster, no bo澜, you can be arrogant in this world, I am watching you silently behind, secretly proud and proud for you, cooking for you to wash clothes for you, taking care of you Living and living, will become your wife in the future, and will give birth to a child for you... I can't think of anything in this world that is happier than this... Hey, don't think I didn't pursue it. Because I have got the most precious things in the world."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

I’ve been doing this all the time... He’s surrounded by Fifi, there’s Xiaoxi, there’s Chen Chenchen who doesn’t leave, there’s a dream coat, and there’s a rain in the world. In this world, he’s a well-known evil day, no one dares In the real world, even if it is Zuo Zhenhua, there is no courage to shoot him again. What he has is something that ordinary people can’t dream of. Maybe, there is no flaw in the perfect, no more pursuits.


What is the feeling of empty in my heart...

Why do you always feel that you have lost something very important...

Although he and the left-breaking army and Murong Qiu Shui have said that everything goes with the flow, don't let the things that are really owned by the things that are forgotten... but why do you tell yourself that you don't need to care about things that are forgotten, the feeling of emptyness in your heart? But no matter how can it disappear and fade away.

Isn't it... that root is something that you can never lose in your life.

The disappearing memory... Where is it? When can I get it back, or... can you get it back?

"Heavenly evil, don't you go up? You see, there are so many people who bless you now. She must be eager for you to come to her now. Maybe you don't know how much pressure she is facing now, among them, Also includes her family." Sufifi said in his ear.

Ye Tianxie shook his head and said: "Today is her concert, it belongs to her alone... It belongs to me and her time, and it has been a long time."

Sophie smiled, and at the same time, her heart was slightly relieved. The words "long and long" have completely revealed the inner thoughts of Ye Tianxie.

The voice of the audience made Mu Xiaoyan tears and tears for a long time, and she was more concerned about the reaction of Ye Tianxie. When she looked at him, she was on the warmth with a smile, not hesitating or resisting. Suddenly, her heart was open at the same time. In the face of the water-like shouting, she did not answer, but opened her mouth with tears and smiled, and with the sound of the music, she sent her singing...

At the moment when the song rang, the entire square was quiet again. Everyone looked at her slyly, and once again, she was singing her voice. They believed that her singing voice was her best answer.

boom! !

A cup of tempered glass was bursting with a hard fall, and Muhua stood up and slammed on the wall: "I am mad at me, she turned out to be..."

"Well, don't move, maybe, she is talking about the solitary son." His wife was comforting next to her... although she also knew that this might be very low. They have already heard about it, and the little demon sent a faint man back to Jinghua some time ago. After that, he went to see him almost every day... At the concert of Jinghua Stadium in the previous period, the man who was on the scene was the man. ...she just said that it is very likely that person.

"Fart! You don't know if she has already canceled the contract with Tiancheng Entertainment!! The solitary son likes her for so many years. If she is not angry with her, she will take the initiative to cancel her contract with him... I have no courage to go so many days. See him!!" Muhua shouted.

"Hey, don't worry, I heard that the boy lives in the most luxurious Tianyuan district in Beijing. It should be very rich and grows well..."

"There is money to have a fart!" After waiting for the nv people to finish, Mu Huazhen was screaming again: "Do we lack money at home? He even has ten times more money, and can compare the hands of the admiring son. If the water can marry the solitary son, then in the south, every sentence that you say is an imperial edict, you know! What is that kid! Ah! Long good? Look good, have a fart, solitary son It’s longer than anyone who is ugly! On the people, the wealth, the potential, the appearance, the whole China, who can compare with the solitary son? He can like the family, it is her blessing, the blessing of our family... It’s really mad at me!”

"Send me a plane right away, I want to go to Jinghua immediately!"

"Don't use Dad." Mu Huayun, the eldest son of Mu Huazhen, came in and said: "The live concert can't get in. The concert will end, and it will be directly into the game to find her... Most of the city The time is also inside."

In the world of destiny, the first concert of Mu Xiaoyin has come to an end. Her singing is followed by a song, sometimes lingering, sometimes quiet and quiet, sometimes soft and watery, sometimes excited, she did not mention The previous confession did not mention the words that had just been withdrawn from the music. As always, she has incorporated all her emotions into the song. People are also completely immersed in her singing, and enjoy themselves in a kind of enjoyment that cannot be described in words.

At the time of enjoyment, time is always too fast, and gradually, the concert is finally coming to an end. The last song of Mu Xiaoyue, "The Butterfly Love of the Millennium" ends in the gentle end of the wind. When all the sounds are scattered with the wind, the applause roars in the field.

The light beam shines from the sky, shrouded in the body of the little demon, and the enchanting beauty of the light is hard to say. She smiled and whispered in the applause: "Thank you, you are the friend of the demon forever. Today, it is the first concert of the demon in the world of destiny. It is also the brave for the first time." It is also you, let the demon more brave. The demon's emotional road may be doomed, but in any case, will not look back... Thank you for your tolerance and blessing."

Mu Xiaoyue always did not say who the man she liked, and it seems that there is no plan to tell it. Her last bowed... the concert, and finally came to the end. The beam shining on Mu Xiao Yao is getting stronger and stronger. When the light is strong enough to completely drown her whole person, she will disappear in it and represent the end of the concert.

At this time, the invisible barrier surrounding the stage quietly disappeared. Just as Mu Xiaoyao was ready to send himself out in the light, he saw that a person had stood in front of her, holding a big hand in his hand... a rose of pink.

"Give you, my little demon. I don't need you to give up for me, I just want, you can stay with me, let me hear your voice every day... and, forever, like me The uā bundle in your hand is just as spotless."

Mu Xiaoyue stayed, and her eyes suddenly became awkward. She looked at the man who looked at him with a smile. For the first time, she felt that the feeling of tears could be so warm and exciting. Slowly, she took the uā bundle and then slammed into his arms...

The light from the top of the head dissipated... and the stage was already awkward.

"Evil... evil days, evil days!!"

"That mask... He is evil!! The person that Mu Xiaolu likes is actually evil!"

"Evil day...call, if it is evil, I find that I can accept it without any pressure, and maybe only people like evil days can deserve the little demon."

"Evil day, it is actually an evil day... However, it is really a perfect match. If it is evil, I may not even have a shackle. One person swept the east, one person propped up the Huaxia District. The world's first honor, a person makes the entire wing of the sky and the gods are taboo, although I am a man, but I can say that such a man, only people who are not worthy of him, there is no person he can not match. Mu Xiao will like this kind of person... I don’t feel surprised at all."

"But, the nv friend of evil days is not said to be the nv child of Suluo? How come..."

"This is the strength... The nv child of the richest man in China is fascinated by him, and the little demon confessed to him in public... In addition to evil days, which man can do it. This is never forever."

The two people who have strong influence in China on the stage, the ones that are caused by China and even the world’s public opinion, the people who like the demon are actually evil days... Everyone is shocked. I have actually had some relief and psychological balance.

Urgent entertainment, no time to modify, definitely erroneous words, come back and change... hurry! ! 】f@.