Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 865: Fascinated belief

The dragons and five people slowly approached from five directions. At this time, they had completely converged their previous contempt, and no one would despise Ye Tianxie again...if they let the five of them join hands before Theirs is an unacceptable feeling of grievance, but now, this feeling has been completely swept away... In just 30 seconds, the life of Longyi has dropped by half, and the four people of Dragon II have all fallen. More than a quarter. His just attacking ability is too terrible... and this has also stabbed their dignity and brought them their arrogance as a dragon.

Five people stopped at a distance of about 30 meters around Ye Tianxie's body, and surrounded him in the middle of the five-corner, and each face completely sank. Long Yi Xu Xu said: "Evil day, if I withdraw the previous words, you do have the qualifications of arrogance and arrogance. Just because of that moment, no matter what the outcome is today, you will be the first person I sincerely admired since I was born. ...but," he frowned, his hands clasped, and the dragon's power suddenly exploded, bringing a violent shock and dust to the surrounding space. He was raised in a big movie: "This time, I will stop here, though. I was just suppressed by you, but with your current ability, it is impossible to compete with any of us. You, be careful!! This time, we will not have any reservations!"

Ye Tianxie also slowly straightened his body, his eyes swept from the five people one by one, gently gasping for a breath.

When the sound of the dragon fell, his eyes turned to the dragon five, and the dragon five immediately noticed. He looked up and said with a sigh: "Evil day, I don't know if you have the ability to release the dragon **** roar when you have the dragon hun. The dragon **** roar is the symbol of my dragon, and it is also the strongest shock to show the majesty of my dragon. The dragon hun's roar is enough to shock all the creatures in the world, whether it is weaker than himself or stronger than himself. Long **** roars out, except for the people of my dragon, there is no life to resist... now you have no dragon **** In the face of the roar of my dragon, you are not spared... you try to escape the scope of the dragon **** roar at your fastest speed!!"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

The sound of the dragon five fell, the head raised, behind, suddenly reflected a bronze shadow of the dragon, a sultry pressure also broke out from his body, and instantly brought the dust like a storm . When the dragon shadow bursts, it is when the roar is released... The light dragon **** and the dragon desert cliff frown at the same time, the dragon **** growls, unless the body has a dragon hun, otherwise any other creature, no matter how strong, will not be able to resist. However, the dragon **** roar is released by its own life and spiritual hun. When it is released, it needs to consume its vitality greatly... The original Ye Tianxie will consume 10 lives for every second of the forced shock. The same is true of the patron saint. Although at the cost of consuming powerful vitality, its irresistible force of dizziness is extremely horrible, especially when several dragons gather together and roar one by one, which can make a strong beast grow longer. Time has not turned over and become a lamb to be slaughtered. Or, when it wakes up from vertigo, the target has long been ignorant. At the same time, the scope of the dragon **** roar can be huge... Ye Tianxie does not have dragon hun, the root can not resist, then, under the dragon **** roar, he has only two choices... one is shocked, and even After being stunned for a second, he will be killed by any dragon in an instant. The second one is to break away from the effect range of the dragon **** roar before the release of the dragon **** roar.

However, with the ability of the dragon five, the dragon **** roar can cover a whole three hundred meters around it, and the dragon **** roar from the start to release, it takes less than one second, one second to leave the three hundred meters? Even with the speed of Ye Tianxie, even if he can react at the moment when Longhun’s roar is about to be released, it is absolutely impossible.

Under their gaze, Ye Tianxie's body did not move... I don't know if I couldn't escape and die, or I don't know how terrible the dragon **** roar.

Roar! ! ! !

A huge dragon roared from the dragon's body, almost comming up with the earth and the sky. This is the dragon's roar that was released by the dragon five at the cost of consuming 30 of his life, around the 300-meter range. The space was almost instantly shaken to the crack. Ye Tianxie's "Evil Dragon **** roar" in the forced dizziness, as well as the forced shock effect of ignoring the defense, the normal dragon **** roar but not. Although Longwu was greatly damaging to life, everyone in the room was completely sure that Ye Tianxie had been stunned...because, except for the person with dragon hun, no creature can resist the dragon **** roar, even if that It is the roar of a young dragon.

When the dragon **** roared, the dragon and the four men also rushed to Ye Tianxie, ready to kill him in a dizzy moment, but the aftershocks of the roaring have not dissipated, their footsteps have just begun, but they have just Seeing that Ye Tianxie in "Dizziness" suddenly turned around and faced the direction toward them, the Shura demon in his hand lifted up and crossed the iong.

"What!?" Guangming Dragon God and Long Moya Qi Qiqi stunned, and the dragons in the attack were more fiercely stopped, staring at their eyes, and could not believe what they saw. .

"Impossible! This is impossible!" The light dragon **** made a shocking voice... He couldn't be shocked. The dragon **** roar was the symbol of his dragon family. It can shake the spirits and never have any creatures other than the dragons to avoid. This is completely the common sense and truth that the dragons have passed to today, and no one has ever doubted it... But now, Ye Tianxie is clearly not fainted! ! Although he also had dragon **** before, but his dragon **** has been broken, there is no power in the root dragon hun, how... it will be like this! ?

What they saw was undoubtedly a scene in which their cognition was completely subverted. Long Yi, Long Er, Long San, Long Si, Long Wu, Guang Ming Long Shen and Long Mo Cliff all stayed there for a long time. I can't believe my eyes. In exchange for the dragons, even any dragon in history will be shocked by this scene.

"This... No... But... Yes, I don't believe it." Long Yi lost some of the sound of hun, and suddenly, his eyes slammed and said: "Dragon five, you just did not deliberately did not lock him. ”

Dragon Five: "I..."

" Needless to say... This time, I personally came... No! We are coming together!! Dragon **** roars and shakes all spirits, no matter whether it is God or not, from no exception, it can't be resisted, absolutely impossible! As if the faith was defeated, the emotion of Long Yi’s ji moved, his face was sinking, and the dragon’s power was released. At the same time, Long Er, Long San, Long Si and Long Wu were all Release the power without a word...

They really want to launch the dragon **** roar at the same time, only for Ye Tianxie, to save their belief that they have just been defeated, and the dignity of the dragon symbolic skills.

Damn! ! Today, I went to the annual Singles Day. In this hot sun, I wish you all a happy new year, and you will have a good time. I will remember to eat moon cakes at night and enjoy the martial arts [email protected]