Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 87: Violent warfare


At the moment when the value of life became double digits, Ye Tianxie, who had never moved, suddenly jumped a step and avoided all attacks. A faint ray of light suddenly exploded on him.

"Frenzy warfare!"

An irritating rush that rushed out in the chest, burning his body and blood, between moments, he felt his arms full of strength, and the body suddenly became light. With a sneer, he rushed directly to the little raccoons approaching him and launched an active attack...


After launching the "Frenzy War", each little raccoon can kill only three hits, and if there is a crit, only two hits are needed. However, in this state, his life is only ...87! At the same time, he also turned off the life-recovery effect of the life ring, so that his life value has been maintained to the extent that it can only resist the attack of the little raccoon.

Because if the health value is increased to more than 20%, the effect of the violent war will automatically disappear. In his time of leveling, he pursued the highest efficiency and the highest leveling speed. But dare to play "violent warfare" like him, it is estimated that it is hard to find the second one.

A 30% attack boost allowed him to quickly empty the life of one little raccoon, and a 30% increase in speed allowed him to be more agile, move and dodge. The violent feeling brought by the skill has not affected his reflex nerves. Although there are many raccoons, their mobility is only 60. When one person faces more than one, he does not feel any pressure at all.

The map of the lost continent is naturally far larger than the map of the novice village. The territory of the little raccoon is enough to accommodate thousands of people at the same time leveling. It is impossible for Ye Tianxie to directly cover a whole area like in Xinshou Village. . This, naturally, does not allow him to encounter a situation where there is no stranger to brush, and it will not affect his leveling efficiency.

When the vast majority of players are teaming up to level 10 lightning rabbits or 11 black rabbits to level up, who once thought about it, someone actually kills 15 level monsters with one person's power, and the efficiency is amazing. terrible. Under the violent war, the 11th-level Ye Tianxie will show more than 15 levels of strength.

"Oh... there's the master over there, there's a lot going out there, go over there!"

"Wow! There are a lot of out there, I count... one, two, three, four... In short, the number is too much, the master is going to destroy them!"

"Hey? This kitten seems to have a hat-like thing, and the owner is going to pick it up."

If you can, Ye Tianxie really wants to find something like cotton to plug his ears. The sound of the fruit is like a small bird, but she seems to be a little princess who is commanding her servant. She keeps pointing her fingers, yelling and giving orders... I think this is just a child’s little heart. Ye Tianxie will endure.

Time is spent in constant attacks and shouts of fruit.

After two hours...

"Hey... Someone knocks at the door in the real world, is it going to quit the game?"

Ye Tianxie waved the fate of the moment, solved the three little raccoons in front and then quickly moved back to the safe area. For such a long period of time, he has always been in a state of "violent warfare", and his health has remained below 100.

Many things that others dare to think but dare not do are so ordinary in him. If life is below 20% and continues to be violent, it is very cool to kill a monster that is much weaker than yourself. Killing monsters of the same level as yourself must be careful, and the monsters or bosses whose level of play is superior to their own are completely dead. In the face of a small raccoon with a level of more than 4, he was safe for two hours. The "violent warfare" with cruel use restrictions has actually attached him with 30% attack power and moving speed.

Ye Tianxie has few friends, and he really only recognizes three friends. And these three are the people who know his temperament best, and will not go to the door to find him unless he has to do so or what is the big thing. Therefore, naturally, no one will knock at the door.

The line left the "Destiny" world, Ye Tianxie walked out of his room, but saw that Sophie had trotting to open the door, then excitedly shouted: "Hey! Your movements are slow, come in quickly, this afternoon must Clean it here."

Ye Tianxie frowned and walked over. There was a big car parked outside the door, and six people were carrying things down from the car, and the side of the big car was written with two bright words - cleaning!

"Who told you to come to them!" Ye Tianxie glanced at Sufifi and said with a blank expression.

"Hey! You are a big lazy, look at what your home is dirty. I want to live here after Miss, and of course I have to clean it. So I called the best of all." Cleaning company..."

"Let them go!" Ye Tianxie interrupted Sufifi's words very politely, and the voice was faintly entrained.

"Ah?" Obviously noticed the tone of Ye Tianxie and the bad face. Sophie Philippine flattened her lips: "Hey! Why do they want to go, they are cleaning companies, and they are not coming to your house to grab things... Besides, your home is so simple, there is nothing to steal."

Ye Tianxie shook his head and said coldly: "Miss Sue, if you think my place is dirty and messy, you can leave immediately. The 300 million Chinese currency that your father turned to me will be transferred back and forth. Give it to him. But I will never allow outsiders to step in, let your father and your bodyguards enter my bottom line. If you want to stay here, don't try to bring anyone here."

After that, Ye Tianxie no longer looked at her, and turned to return to his room, carrying the door heavily, leaving Sophie to stand there.

Returning to the "Destiny" world, Ye Tianxie's only combat skill "Frenzy Warfare" was launched, waving the moment of destiny and rushing to the little raccoon who had brushed the ground in a blink of an eye. The grass that had just been quiet for a little time resounded the sad voice of the little raccoon before death.

铮... Ye Tianxie is not far from the left hand, and the yellow light flashes. One body is obviously larger than the ordinary little raccoon, and the color of the hair is mixed with the faint silver raccoon. It seems that before he was born, he knew the atrocities of Ye Tianxie on his territory and rushed directly to him.

The little raccoon leader: the 15th-level two-star elite, the life of 2200, the small leader of the little raccoon, has a larger body size and stronger attack ability than the ordinary little raccoon. Skills: scratching and biting.