Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 926: Sophie VS VS dust

The left-handed army, Murong ruthless, and the windy and happy races are all in the afternoon, and apart from Situ and the Murong Qiushui, others will no longer meet each other. This result is undoubtedly quite beneficial to the Tianshen Mercenary.

In the first Magic Wu contest, there were not only mysterious and powerful "kings" but also two black horses, "dream-seeking" and "god". In this competition, the "king" that has died will naturally not appear, the evil days did not appear, the flower dreams and the mysterious "God" did not appear... The top four players in the last game did not appear in this game. And there are no special black horses in the whole game. Therefore, from the perspective of the Heavenly Enemy Mercenary Corps, the uncertainty of this competition is far less than the first Magic Wu contest, and the challenge is far less. Looking at the list of the top 16, in addition to their eight souls, the other eight are also familiar names.

"This bad weather, it has affected my mood." Stuart glanced at the sky and muttered.

"It has been several days, it should be a heavy rain. But playing in the rain, maybe it will be more interesting." Zuo Dujun said.

The huge arena of the Lost City is open-air, and when you look up, you can see the black clouds rolling above. The wind and rain have been going on for many days, but there has been no drop of rain, and people are too lazy to care. Rain in the world of destiny is a normal thing.

At 9 am, the first game started.

"Dear Fifi sister, come on."

"Fifie, come on, you can beat him,"

"Go, dear head of the group, go and let the foot step on the foot. Win this game, no matter what you do, you will be famous in the world. The difficulty of a priest career entering the quarter-finals is no less than the combat career. The final, let's go!"

On the other hand, the dust has already stood up. The blood wheel on his side is said to be meaningful. "Be careful. Don't take it lightly because she is a priest. She has never lost a game from the qualifier to the present. ""

"Hey, a woman." The dust snorted.

"Be careful." The blood wheel didn't say anything more, and smiled casually.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the game officially began.

"叮... Left: God Soul Mercenary Regiment: Su Diyan, Grade: 80, Occupation: Sacred Priest - vs - Right: Indestructive Reincarnation: Dust, Rank: 82, Occupation: Demon Manipulation The game begins!"

On both sides of the game, one of the most powerful summoners recognized by the world of fate, the powerful demon that he summoned at the first magical martial arts conference, and the **** gatekeeper who changed his body, left behind Quite a deep impression, although he lost to God, no one would doubt his strength. On the other hand, it is a priest... Sophie has always been fighting her pet's ice and snow wolf, and her own partner is in an invincible position with her powerful support and healing ability. In the face of a real strong, can she still win?

When the sound of "the beginning of the game" fell, Sophie's body was retracted by a distance of ten meters under the sacred movement, and the "sacred obstacle" on his body was blessed. Her sacred barriers continue to surpass the embarrassing "wall of heaven", not only lasting for thirty seconds, but also forcing a 50% attack on the barrier. However, the cooling time after the use of the "Sacred Obstacle" is ten minutes, and the wall of the shackles is only three minutes. In general, it is still the self-protection ability of Xuanling Snow Fox that is better than the Sacred Words. The power of the Word.

"The sacred barrier" is in the body. In the 30 seconds, Sufifi will have no worries, and the duration of this skill also determines that she must make a quick decision. Then, the snow wolf was summoned by her, and with her gesture, she rushed to the dust. At the same time, the dust of the mouth has also issued a low humming: "The devil from hell, obey my call, come to the world, become the sinful hand in my hand, pierce all humble creatures... demon summon!"

The sound of the dust was born with a feeling of chilliness. Under his low sing, three solid black rings appeared in the triangle around his body. The three released the tentacles of the terrible black mans, and the three ugly lives slowly rose from the ring, bringing a smog from hell...

"It's the demon summoned by the dust! Every one has the strength of the two-star boss with him!" God whispered, three two-star bosses, when he faced them, he couldn’t resist, but used tricks. Leading them down to the arena, can she deal with Sophie?

"No, it's different. Didn't you find that the demon in front of you is bigger than what you saw before?" Situ squinted and said, his "devil's eye" clearly got the information of the demons. "Unfortunately, they are no longer the original two-star bosses. They are growing up. Now, they are more powerful Samsung bosses!"

"What?" This time, even the left-handed army was surprised.

Three 82-level two-star bosses are extremely difficult to deal with, and three three-star bosses, Samsung bosses and two-star bosses, the overall strength must at least double!

Demon: 82-level Samsung elite, life: 330000, the small demon summoned by the player's dust, rumored to be the devil's demon paw, with the power of sinful darkness, exists for 200 seconds, disappears directly after death, each time The maximum number of summons is three, and the interval between two summons is not less than 60 seconds.

Talent: The body of the devil. Darkness is 60% resistant, immune to poisoning, cursing, and darkness.

Skills: Claw of Sin, Hell of Hell, Dark Soul Claw.

The trick: the purpose of cursing.

Weakness: Bright, light resistance - 100%, has a natural fear of light, will quickly lose life in a bright environment.

Three powerful 82-level Samsung elites, just one of them, are difficult for most players to deal with or even unable to cope with, not to mention three at the same time.

There is a cold smile on the face of the dust, summoning the body without any attack ability, and life is the most vulnerable in all occupations. But the summoned beast is more powerful than one, especially in the later period, the screaming sorcerer's terrible fangs are really revealed... and there is a dust that hides the summoner's profession, and the beast he summons is more powerful. Trembling.

In the face of three 82-level Samsung bosses, Sophie Fei did not panic, whispered: "Snow, go... seal them!"

The ice and snow wolf is leading, flying forward, and when it rushes forward, the aura of the Word barrier and the sacred language has been blessed on it, so that it is reduced by 50% and the attack increases. The three demons also rushed toward it, and the sinful claws stabbed its body...

A wolverine, the body of the snow and ice wolf suddenly jumped high, actually leaped directly from the heads of the three demons, fell behind them, and then quickly turned back, the wolf mouth was big, spurting its most Strong technology "extremely frozen interest", the white smoke shrouded the three demons, and the demon who lost the target rushed for a while before turning back... In the memory of Sufifi, Dust Although the summoned demons have a strong attacking power and vitality, the thinking and physical agility are quite poor. Otherwise, they will not be turned around by the wind and the wind, and finally they will be taken down the arena. , turned into black fog disappeared. Therefore, what she gave to the ice and snow wolf was not to launch an attack, and jumped directly to the instructions behind them... "Frozen interest" has a high probability of freezing effect, especially for monsters whose grade is lower than the ice and snow wolf. Almost 100%, but the biggest flaw of this skill is that it must take effect after a continuous blow of "extremely frozen interest". It takes about three to five seconds to be interrupted if attacked, or The target will run away immediately and will not take effect.

As Sufifi expected, the three demons took a full three-second reaction and returned to the body for a second. When they returned to the body, the ice had formed on the surface of their body and became thicker and thicker until they were completely lost. The ability to move. The three demons were frozen into three ice sculptures.

"Successful!" Sufifi whispered in his heart, and quickly issued an order: "Little Snow, move them together...and then ignore them and attack the dust!"

The ice and snow wolf quickly ran, pushing the three demon ice sculptures on the same straight line with their own bodies, then the wolf screamed and screamed, and slammed into the dark dust.


The main ability of the Snow Wolf is in the ice attack, but the physical attack also has the ability to kill the dust. Under one of its claws, with a clear tearing sound, the dust quickly escapes, then teleports, avoids, then teleports, and then avoids... his instantaneous movement can be continuous, However, under the agile and fierce attack of the Snow Wolf, he is still a bit embarrassed, even without the time to summon other summoned beasts. After all, his teleport is not as free as he wants.

Sophie quickly moved to the front of the three demon ice sculptures, hands raised, and the colorful sticks in the hands flashed, and with the movement of the bows made by her hands, a white bow of light was Formed between her hands, the white arrow of light flashed above the bowstring, and then the light arrow flew out...

The only way the priest attacked was the Archery.

Sophie Fei used at this time is the advanced skill of the sacred words - the sacred vector, not only the power is stronger, the range is farther, and there is a penetrating ability! The most terrible thing is that the level is not higher than the level 5, the dark monster below the level of the spirit of the spirit of the 10% probability of the sanctions effect! The result of the sanctions is a blow!

-45000, -45000, -45000!

The sacred vector will be lined up with three demon ice sculptures, and the three damage figures brought out the audience.

Although, the light restrains the darkness...

Although, she has a special priest profession.

But... is this really the damage that the priest can do! !